*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.
Comments:CSI 1430 - Whenever I read BU books scores I typically discredit the people who dropped/failed and left a bad review and assume they failed due to a lack of merit or effort and are blaming it on the teacher. This time those people are completely right. The difference between people who have an A and people who are failing is not effort but prior experience writing code. Much of what other reviews say is true, although I didn't notice much favoritism (this could be because I was one of the favorites though). You could also give her the benefit of the doubt by blaming some of the issues on "cultural differences." If professor john is your only option, the best time to start preparing was 4th grade. The second best time is now. Go build a game, website, or really anything technical that sparks your interest and that will teach you 10x more than this class. Also nobody else mentioned this so I will. The final project is fucking bullshit. Maybe an acceptable final for the next class, but you're effectively gonna have to teach yourself: 1. C++ cross platform build systems (a.k.a. Satan's asshole. This shit is so fucked there are entire companies to make it not awful and a couple of CS freshmen are supposed to figure this out?) 2. Git (or, just have one person in the group do everything like most groups because they dont teach you how to share your code in a GROUP PROJECT) 3. Pointers (these aren't that bad actually glad I learned them) 4. How to make a fucking game engine from scratch It'll certainly build character if you can get through it, but I'd recommend giving yourself a light schedule or you'll want to plaster your brains on the walls of her classroom around Thanksgiving break. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:1430 - Professor John has no business teaching a freshman computer science class at all. The learning was 99% from zybooks and 1% from lectures. When I went to her office hours because I was struggling in the class the only advice she would give me was to either read more and figure it out or just drop the class. Not once did she ever try and help me better understand the topic she just wanted me out of the class which leads me to my next point she shows favoritism and doesn't even try and hide it. Students she doesn't like will get scrutinized in class and receive very little help. The mastery exams and practicums are also very poorly set up for the mastery exams you need to get above an 85 or it is an automatic 0 and not to mention the amount of times material we haven't learned show up on the practicums. Do yourself a major favor and pick any other professor for this class. - Grade In Class:DROP
Comments:CSI1430 - Rose John clearly lacks a solid grasp of computer science, and it shows in how poorly this class is managed. To make things worse, tests/labs cover chapters completely out of order, making it hard to prepare effectively. She also has a tendency to pick favorites, so be prepared to kiss ass if you want any kind of support. Unfortunately, her bias can make the class feel even more demoralizing for those who aren’t in her good graces. If you have the option, take Hollingsworth instead. From what I’ve heard, he’s new, much more competent, and might not stick around in this mess of a department for long. Honestly, the only reason to subject yourself to this class is if you’re already struggling emotionally and looking for your “13th reason” Otherwise, save yourself the pain and explore other options at Baylor. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:1430 - Not in her section but severely affected by her in lab and her avoidance of our issues in lab caused by her. I will always remember in my class when my prof told us that when he asked her why we were being tested on chapter 8 during chapter 4 and she said "if they are struggling with chapter 8 nothing is stopping them from reading chapter 8" completely ignoring the fact that most of us are really busy students and do not have the time to work four chapters ahead and even without that it's unacceptable to test us on things that we were told we did not have to learn till later in the semester. - Grade In Class:B
Comments:1430 - Rose John should be grateful that I am taking the time to write her this rating. She takes criticism terribly and has no teaching ability. I wish there was a lower score because she doesn't even deserve a 20. As a student who is not in her class, but is in a different section of 1430, I am still affected by her inability to operate her labs efficiently. She is arrogant, does not own up to her mistakes, and seems to not care about how her personal issues affect the students she is teaching. I hope Baylor fires her soon because she is literally the worst professor I have ever met in my entire life. She makes Booth look like an angel. - Grade In Class:B
Comments:Intro the CS - Professor John has caused dozens of students I know to drop CS as a whole major because of her class. She is never clear on her instructions and makes her class extremely hard to succeed in. There are exams and a practicum during the lab and if you do not get an 80 or above you have to answer double the questions the following exam, if you do not get an 80% on those 40 questions the next week, you will have 60 questions and the cycle repeats. This would be one thing if this was an upper level class, however you have to have a B in this class to even move on with the rest of the major. - Grade In Class:DROP
Comments:1430 - This professor has no buisness being at Baylor. She constantly degrades students in the class, and shows no effort to hide personal vendettas she has against students. Her teaching ability is horrible. She makes mistakes in programs and has to be corrected by the students. I don't care if shes new to the school she has no business being a teacher. She doesn't help when you ask and gives the blandest answers when you ask. I don't know why baylor has kept her on when multiple kids have complained about her. I remind you this is a freshman level class. You need at least a B in it to move on to the next course. Shes ruining Baylor computer science and something needs to happen. - Grade In Class:DROP
Comments:1401 - This is my first time writing a rating for a professor and I felt it was much necessary for her. She has absolutely no teaching ability she works on programs way too fast in class. Asks questions no one knows how to answer. And what makes it way worse is her inability to catch her own errors forcing us to look for them. If your professor is making that many mistakes in a programming assignment then we have a problem. Her labs consist of mastery exams each week with practicum programs. They are extremely different from homework and homework labs we have due weekly as well. On top of that no late work is accepted even if you need help and email her for it she never answers or gives you the vaguest explanations. I know its her first semester at this university but she has made no effort to give students at this university a proper education. I have learned nothing from this course and even plan on switching majors because there is no way I can deal with professors like her in the college of comp sci and engineering. What made me feel worse is when I submitted multiple assignments and she commented on certain things. And when I emailed her for help and even attend her office hours she was no help. Additionally in class she directly called me out saying it was "alarming" at my inability to have not mastered a certain concept that late in class. I have never felt so little and ashamed for my mistakes. - Grade In Class:D