*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.
Comments:1322 - In short: GREAT. BEST OPTION. In long: Not always super easy to understand, but always very helpful in his office hours, and his tests are SO straightforward, no tricks or anything... AND there is extra credit available for every test that is very easy to get (especially if you go to his office hours and he helps you). - Grade In Class:A
Comments:MTH 1321 - I think that Dr. Marmol’s class is very easy if you have already taken calculus and you are comfortable with the material in the class. I think the class can become a nightmare if you have no calculus background. In class, Dr. Marmol will give everyone a handout, and then begin to lecture about the material, not asking for any input throughout the class. He encourages you to ask questions, but my class was so tense that there were probably less than ten questions asked all year. He also has a really thick spanish accent, that some people can understand, and some people can’t. While this all sounds bad, the saving grace is that, generally, all of the classwork within the class is easy compared to the other calculus classes. In Dr. Marmol’s exams and quizzes, the questions are usually very straightforward, and contain many of the easier questions that can be asked in calculus. Another thing about Dr. Marmol is that he is always available to help you if you ask. He will answer emails in a timely manner, and he will assist you during his office hours if you attend. Overall, I believe this class is best taken if you have previous calculus knowledge, because if you don’t, the heavy accent and tense learning environment will most likely hinder your learning capabilities. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:MTH 1321/MTH 1322 - Dr. Cano was awesome, and if I had to take him again I would do so without any second thoughts! His class is very structured, and he makes sure to get through the material in an efficient manner. For Cal 1, I was already set because I took it in high school, but he still taught me a lot and his class allowed me to brush up on my Calculus skills. For Cal 2, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the course itself was. Dr. Cano's teaching structure really helped me stay on task and actually understand the material. He gives us handouts over each section, and there is a quiz every week, but its not difficult at all. He drops the 3 lowest quiz grades, if ur final exam grade is greater than ur lowest midterm exam, it gets replaced. If you don't understand a concept, just go to his office hours and ask for help. Calculus isn't meant to be easy, but Dr. Cano actually teaches the material, and you will walk away with a solid understanding. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:1321 - Dr. Cano is a very sweet professor. I had him for his first time teaching a section of Calc 1 and I could tell that he was a bit nervous. He does have an accent that can be hard to understand at times and is quiet, but he will slow down and speak clearly if you ask. His exams were directly like the study guides. He has almost weekly quizzes that weren't bad if you did the homework and he drops 3 of them. The homework had a ton of attempts so there wasn't much stress in that, but they were long or annoying at times. With that being said, I would only recommend if you have some previous knowledge of Calc because I would be lost if i didn't take it in high school. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:MTH 1322 - If you already know how to do calculus pretty well its a safe class, but if you need any instruction AT ALL good luck. Accent so thick I was just left clueless, he mispronounces half of the basic math terms how does Baylor let this happen. - Grade In Class:DROP