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Rating for Karine Gil
Professor Overview - Karine Gil

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52 41

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1305 - Dr. Gil is a great professor if you care about learning. She wants you to succeed because she gives you the resources to pass. Go to SI Sessions, go to her office hours, and be interactive in class. She takes notice of who is paying attention in class and who doesn't care. Most of the people who don't like her are people who don't care about learning with other styles of teaching. The class will not be easy, but with studying and hard work, you can pass.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2025-01-27

Comments:BIO1305 - Ended with an 89 :']. If you're a freshman, this is a good review for you. She has an accent (not a problem in my opinion & many Baylor STEM teachers do). She will tell you your keys to success is to do vocab (it didn't work for me). You're better off studying the book by yourself because everything is from the book, and her slides are more like review, and her quizzes will totally put stuff not on the slides in the quiz. The difference between getting an A or B is whether or not you self-study the book (I gave up halfway through). I found that the study modules in Pearson were pretty helpful (especially to review info or to learn new info we didn't spend much time on) & it doesn't hurt to go over homework questions before big tests because she'll use those. Take pictures of Learning Catalytics questions. I recommend getting Goodnotes or some other notes app where you can download her slides & write your notes on there (unless you work really well with paper notes). Like other bio courses, it's mainly just memorizing the info. Know that my review is super biased since I've never gone to a single SI/TA session or gone to her office hours since I had a super conflicting schedule, but I highly recommend going to them since they tend to help & use the practice tests they provide. I was fine just making flashcards of all her slides, but I could've been better (I was legit pulling all-nighters before quizzes since I was a dumbdumb who procrastinated). If you want help with anything tech-related, it's better to just ask the TA/SI because, otherwise, she'll probably just email Pearson about it, which doesn't fix much since Pearson's official method for accessing the textbook doesn't work for her. If you're having trouble finding the access code for her textbooks, go to your email & find one from redshelf/brytewave. Something nice about her class is that she'll drop your lowest test grade (use your drop wisely) & all tests/quizzes were multiple choice. She seems to be opening up to the idea of take-home quizzes, which is nice too. Everything aside, she's a very nice lady who actually loves her job/science/research, and you can get a lot of inspiration/connections from her. She just isn't the best teacher, which you'll find is a trend at Baylor. You'll be fine in this class if you study out of it, which is true for all classes in college. My tip for staying awake if you happen to take the 8 AM class is to bring food/drinks (water counts) and to open it and eat/drink.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2025-01-21

Comments:3322 - Dr. Gil is fairly interesting and it is fun to listen to her ramble but wow I have never sat through so many useless lectures. At a certain point all you need to listen to is her examples for certain mechanisms, guest lecturers and LAs. In order to do well please just read the textbook explanation of each of the figures she gives in her slides. Additionally, go to the SIs and do every single end of textbook problems as she will pull directly from them. I took Miles for Genetics and this felt like a repeat of that course. Read textbook.. take test.. repeat. If you are taking the MCAT just take Tandy.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-22

Comments:1305 - DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR. I came into college after taking many dual credit classes, but this class and professor KILLED me. First of all she doesn't really speak English so unless you're Venezuelan good luck. One time she asked me to take a test in her office hours at 1pm then made me stand outside of her door until 2pm while she talked about whooping cranes to a professor she didn't know. She is all over the place and doesn't know how to teach, let's send her back to blinn.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2024-12-17

Comments:1305 - Do not take this professor AT ALL. I came into college excited to learn, she has an extremely heavy accent which made it overall hard to grasp the material so if you want to teach yourself the info, be my guest. Her exams were not easy at all, on top of that in my opinion I felt as if she did not care about her students success. So if you would like to be successful in biology, save yourself the trouble and take a different professor.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2024-12-17

Comments:1305 - I'll start out by saying that if this class wasn't easy material and I hadn't taken AP bio in high school, I would have surely failed due to Dr. Gil's teaching. She has a thick accent, which isn't a huge thing to worry about, she takes forever trying to get learning catalytics to work, she spends half the class talking about niche anecdotes that barely even apply to the subject material, and she makes the class do stupid crafts relating to biology. However, if you are like me and already had a background in bio, this class will be the easiest class you've ever taken.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-17

Comments:3322 - Dr. Gil is 100000% the better h-phys teacher option. DO NOT take Dr. Tandy, take Dr. Gil. She is so kind. She is not the best teacher, but she has so many resources. Her SI and LAs were amazing and so helpful. Her quizzes allowed you the opportunity to be prepared for the exams ahead of time, and the exams were only on 2-3 chapters at a time. Do not get me wrong, this class will require you study A LOT. However, I am not a genius or anything and felt like I could succeed with hard work. I also feel like I learned so much in this class. My best advice is to go over her slides and make sure you know everything on them, and supplement with the textbook as well as in-depth YouTube videos. Again, she is not the best teacher but she doesn't make the tests insanely hard which is a plus! You will have to work hard but she is the better h-phys teacher.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-16

Comments:1305 - Dr. Gill is an exceptional professor who truly cares about her students’ success. Originally from Venezuela, she has an accent, but her explanations are clear and easy to understand. If you’re a Spanish speaker and need help, she’s more than willing to explain things in Spanish, which is a huge plus! Her class is interactive and fun, using songs, kinetic activities, and group work to help students grasp the material. Quizzes come every 2-3 chapters, and tests cover 3-5 chapters. Fortunately, her slides, homework, and in-class clicker questions (via Pearson) directly align with the quizzes and tests, making them easier to prepare for. Homework is light but important—pay attention to it since those concepts often appear on assessments. If you didn’t take AP Biology, don’t worry—Dr. Gill is understanding, and her SIs (Supplemental Instructors) and the tutoring center are incredibly helpful. Her office hours are also a great resource. As an added bonus, Dr. Gill is the head of SACNAS, an organization supporting students in science. If you’re interested in getting involved, she’s a great person to talk to. Dr. Gill’s passion, support, and innovative teaching style make her one of the best professors you could have. Highly recommend!  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2024-12-16

Comments:1305 - Dr. Gil is such a sweet person. If you go to her office hours, she'll help you out a lot. She also pulls a lot of questions from SI practice tests and Pearson reviews. If you study using those, you're basically guaranteed at least a B on the exams. However, I will say that she gets off-topic a lot during lectures. I have had to read the textbook in order to understand the content fully because she'll often rush through slides. There is homework assigned for each chapter and a quiz every 2-3 chapters. It's annoying but also helpful. (and there is also a quizlet for every homework but I recommend actually trying to do it because she usually pulls tests questions from it)  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-10

Comments:1305 - There is a quiz after every two chapters, most of which ended up at-home quizzes. The test dates are given at the start of the semester, and exams are LockDown Browser without a camera. The majority of test questions closely resemble the SI questions, making preparation easier. Learning Catalytics are used for participation points in almost every class, and the questions are generally straightforward. Sometimes, if the class gets 100% on a question, it can result in two extra points being added to the test score. Additionally, she typically curves nearly every test to benefit students.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-07

Comments:1306 - Dr. Gil is a phenomenal professor. She geneuinely wants you to succeed in her class. Going to SI and office hours really allows you to grasp what the test is going to include and how you should study. I'm not sure why she has poor reviews. Students find any way to critic something whenever they can. Her tests are very easy and exactly from the pearson textbook questions. I ended up with an A in this class and am very satisfied.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-09-28

Comments:3322 - Idk why all of the reviews are so bad. Dr. Gil is such a sweet professor and is always willing to help. I did so bad on her first exam, so I started going to office hours and going to SI and I ended with an A in the class. If you go in and ask for help she is always more than willing to help in any way she can. She is very understanding and doesn't want to see her students fail. I know there is a lot of material that is covered, but I just studied what was on the slides and that was basically everything that was on the exams. The exams were all multiple choice and when I took the class there wasn't much homework. H phys is a difficult class in general and is a lot of material that is covered. A lot of my friends that took her class were pre-med and said that she set them up well for their mcat. If I had the option I would take her class again.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-09-22

Comments:3322 - 4.0 pre med major here. Never have I ever had a problem with a professor. The slides cover maybe 5% of the information that is in the book. It is physiology so it is going to be work, expect that. However, the professor is getting paid to TEACH! and that simply is not happening here. You can tell that she has not found a good way to communicate the information to her students or she simply does not know the information whatsoever. Her explanation of tight and gap junctions was genuinely concerning from a student's perspective. I have gone to another section and it has been smoother. I made an account just to let the people know.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2024-08-31

Comments:3322 - Dr Gil is such a sweetheart! She has many office hours throughout the week and makes herself available to her students. She cares a lot about us and tries to simplify abstract concepts with real life experiments, which makes the classes fun. She also offers a lot of worksheets to fill out and LA activities to help us study. Obviously, like any upper level Bio class, you need to study. The class is not impossible if you put in the work!! Dr. Gil also brings in several speakers from different specialties to talk about topics related to class. Highly recommend, especially for prehealth students!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-23

Comments:Physiology - Dr. Gil is an amazing professor. She is so helpful in office hours and committed to investing in her students. The negative aspect of her course is that her lectures are incredibly fragmented and it is difficult to know what to study in preparation for exams. It took me about half the semester to realize that the best course of action is to ignore her slides and study the textbook. Once I started doing that, my scores increased significantly. Her class is difficult, but not impossible if you are able to learn to navigate the system.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2024-05-11

Comments:BIO 1306 - I’m sorry but do not take Dr. Gil. Dr. Gil is very scattered all the time and wastes so much class time on trying to get learning catalytics to work and doesn’t actually teach. Most of the chapters we didn’t even get halfway through in the class and there are some she put on the exam she didn’t even cover. she has very thick accent as well. she’s very disorganized also and is just like a literal tornado all the time. all of my professors at baylor have been great BESIDES THIS ONE. She has been on probation for teaching many times and she is not a good professor. she is very devoted to her research which is nice but that takes away from so much learning because she finds a way to relate it to every single thing instead of teaching. from my personal experience, do not take her.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2024-05-10

Comments:BIO 1305 - Dr. Gil is by far the worst professor I have had at Baylor. I was so excited to learn about biology and had dreams of becoming a doctor, but thats really hard when you cant understand a single word she says. Every other word out of her mouth is "ehhh" and I feel like she is only teaching the intro classes because thats how she has to work her way up to teach the classes she wants to teach. I got 4.0 all of high school and came into her class completely shocked. I would go to her office hours (on the off chance she offered any from my memory) and she spent no more than 5 minutes with me. She straight up told me I would not do well in her class because I had never taken a true biology class in my high school (because I had opted to take AP physics instead) but it was an INTRO LEVEL BIO CLASS so I shouldnt have to have extensive prior knowledge. Good luck if you take her. My academic advisor screwed me over by making me take her class my first semester of freshman year.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2024-05-09

Comments:1306 - Dr. Gil is one of the worst professors I have had. She is so entitled and rude, she refuses to work with students because she is "too busy." She constantly brags about her home life, and all the awesome things she's done as a biologist DURING class. She will not finish her lectures, and tells you to watch a recorded video, even though she just reads off a slide. She assigns homework without letting you know when it was assigned or when it's due. She will accuse you of cheating, and she will never admit when she is in the wrong. The tests were not too bad if you do pearson practice tests, and they were all multiple choice, however they do affect your grade a lot so do good on them! DO NOT take her if you have the option. It is not worth the time or stress, or workload.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2024-05-09

Comments:3322 - I can not convey enough how terrible the is at her job. She is the most unorganized professor I have ever had, she doesn't know the material she is teaching, and she also teachers wrong information. Her exams are completely unfair, her exams answers contradict her slides, or there will be multiple right answers, or she will keep questions that 21% of students got right!!!!! She also mostly teaches from a completely different book then the one that she assigns, so even if you read the book it help you. She will also say out of pocket things all the time and sometimes the things she says are offensive. For instance she was complaining that not enough Asian students in her club, so then she asked all Asian students in to raise there hand and to join her club and then made them stay after class to take a picture with her. I work my ass off in this class I did work for this class every single day and if felt like I would there all the study would not help with the exam because she would ask question that were completely out of now where. She is the worst professor that I have had at Baylor, and I would not recommender her to anyone.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2024-05-08

Comments:BIO 3322 - Here's the thing about Dr. Gil. She very much cares about her students and their success. She will go out of her way to make herself available during office hours and will gladly answer any questions students might have. She assigns minimal homework and has quizzes throughout to make sure you're keeping up with the content. Unfortunately, that's where the positives end. She mainly just reads off the slides in class and often skips or speeds through sections to keep up with the syllabus. You MUST read the textbook and understand it like the back of your hand to be successful. No matter how small of a detail, it will likely appear on the exam. If a topic or diagram is mentioned in her slides, find it in the textbook and read more about it to understand for the exams. Tests are usually 50-60 questions to complete in an hour. If you think that isn't much time for the number of questions, it's not. Especially since they are application-based questions that require more thought. She will ramble on in class about unrelated stories and will get on students for not filling in supplemental diagrams and notes she provides. At times, it can feel more like a high school teacher scolding off-task students rather than a lecturing professor. She will boast about her teaching skills and will talk about how Baylor hired her for her lecturing, although this isn't evident in class. If you must take her, be ready to put in a lot of time teaching yourself the material outside of class. The 5 exams and the final are 85% of the grade, so be prepared to do a lot of additional reading. I've heard other professors are teaching the course in the future so I'd look there before deciding to take it with her. If you have to take it with her, read, go to SI, and try to keep up with the material. Good luck.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2024-05-06

Comments:Bio 1305 - READ READ READD!! I found Dr. Gil's teaching style to be very benefical to me; however, I know plenty of other people that felt the opposite. Dr. Gil is very passionate and engaging, so she will bring in examples and stories from her life and apply it to the material she will also jump around topics which can sometimes be hard to follow. I am very ADHD and need a professor who can keep me engaged the entire class, so if that is you TAKE HER. If you are someone who wants a professor that stays on the same topic the whole class and teaches from the textbook, DO NOT TAKE HER. I will not sugarcoat it, I did have to teach myself most of the material (but that's just college), her workload is very manageable: homework for each chapter (it's a huge grade buffer), a quiz each week, and 3-4 tests (your lowest can be dropped). Her test are identical to the S.I. review tests, so as long as you know what is right and why it's right, you will do fine on the exam. This will not be an easy A for you, but no Baylor science really will.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2024-02-02

Comments:BIO 3322 - Dr. Gil was a great option for Human Physiology instead of Dr. Tandy. I was nervous to take her because some of her reviews suggest otherwise, however, I liked her a lot. She teaches really well and knows so much about the subjects you talk about. The most helpful things in the class were the powerpoints and the chapter book practice problems (these are not for a grade, but will help you immensely on the test in my experience). Unfortunately, I did not do as well as I wanted to in this class, but this was MY issue, not the teacher or the teaching. I didn\'t study well for some tests and quizzes, so that was my fault. However, if you study the powerpoints and do the book practice she\'s provided for you, then you do well. There is a quiz every 2 chapters. This will give some insight on how she tests. She does not drop a test grade, but she does drop the lowest quiz grade. For the final, I was very nervous because I did not know what to expect because there was so much information. However, I did better on the final than any of my tests. To prepare, I reviewed every single powerpoint and LA activity we did (and made sure I understood everything), as well as, completed the rest of the book practice that I didn\'t finish. Some questions you will recognize from previous tests and clicker questions in class. Overall, she is a great teacher. The stuff you learn in this class is amazing and it definitely helps when you have a good teacher teaching!  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2024-04-24

Comments:BIO 3322 - I am a senior at Baylor and this is the most difficult but rewarding course I have taken at Baylor, and Dr. Gil is the sole reason for that. Never before have I studied so much for a class and done so poorly on exams, and for about half of the semester that pissed me off because I thought I deserved better. It became clear to me that 1) all physiology professors at Baylor tend to have a reputation of giving really hard tests, so she's not the exception, and 2) she is so passionate about the subject. You will have to teach yourself everything, but you will never have a professor that cares more about your success and the wonders of the human body. She will literally take 20min-1hour of her office hours to discuss your quizzes, tests, etc with her and will push you to be better. This class was humbling to me but ultimately made me more fired up to be a healthcare provider! And PSA if you didn't already know, do NOT take another difficult class while taking this one! That is probably why I got a B.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2023-12-15

Comments:1305 - I had Dr Gil in the morning and if you HAVE to take her I recommend later on in the day. She has a mic, yet she yells everything. She has a bit of an accent but it doesn't get in the way of understanding her. There is homework at the end of every chapter and will give quizzes every 2 chapters or so. Some of the homework/quiz questions will appear on the exam but she changes the wording. I personally would not take her again. The reason for this is that she is really hard to get a hold of. I work 30 hrs a week to pay my tuition and had a pretty heavy course schedule... so all of her office hour times was when I was unavailable. I tried several times to meet with her but she would either a) never answer OR b) say "Come at any lunchtime" Then when I told her I would either be working or in class, she would never reply... again. She claims to want her students to succeed but fails to recognize that her students have lives and other commitments outside of her class. If she is your only option just make sure to go to SI's when you can and use the textbook given study helps  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2023-11-11

Comments:3322 - Bio 3322 - Man, This class was hard but Thank God for Dr. Gil. She will help you understand the material when you don't get it. I've never met a prof that cared this much about her students.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2023-01-23

Comments:BIO 1305 - I really enjoyed Dr. Gil's class. It was a challenge, but I feel better prepared for what's to come next (I'm pre-med) after taking this course. She was always available for me when I had questions and I appreciate her enthusiasm. She also has a cute accent.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-01-22

Comments:1305 - sweet lady, terrible prof! she goes off topic and does not explain the material well. she will call on random students and ask questions that she did not cover. she has a very thick accent, but you get used to it. studying the textbook outside of class and going to SI will help TREMENDOUSLY! If you can, take a different professor!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-12-12

Comments:BIO 1305 - I have very mixed feelings about Dr. Gil. She's a very nice lady and after this class I truly feel like I understand biology, but most of that came from studying on my own time. That being said, she cannot teach. She basically just repeats the reading but doesn't help you understand it any better. Also, there are 4 tests worth 80% of the grade (multiple choice). They're not impossible, but there will always be a few that make no sense. She curves them a bit but not much. This class is doable but you will have to put a LOT of work in on your own time. Even when there are no assignments to complete, you need to constantly review through Pearson, go to SI, etc. to do well in this class. If you have to take Gil, you can still get an A, but if you can avoid it, just take with someone else.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-11

Comments:Bio 3322 - This class is extremely hard, but doable if you put the work in, it's not an easy class and you won't get an easy A but, in all my years at Baylor I have never had a professor care about her students like Dr. Gil she makes you feel like family, she's blunt, but so willing to help you succeed, incredible professor  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-12-09

Comments:BIO 1305 - The WORST professor ever. She made me want to switch majors. She made me hate my life. DO NOT TAKE!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-12-08

Comments:1305 - I can't even begin to express the sorrow I have for the students that have to take Dr. Gil's courses in the future. This woman does not teach much less even make sense during her lectures. Although there is not assigned work for outside of class, you WILL fail if you don't spend hours everyday studying and teaching yourself. Also good luck with the random quizzes she gives out and the tests that have nothing to do with what she teaches in class. If someone gave this lady a good rating on here THEY ARE LYING!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-11-29

Comments:1305 - Dr. Gil is a nice person, she is genuine and passionate about what she teaches and I can tell she really enjoys it. I know Dr. Gil probably put in a lot of work to be where she is now and I don't want to disregard that but I genuinely have no idea how she got a job professing at Baylor. I truly feel like I could lecture Bio 1305 better than her (not saying I know the information better than her). I know that covering a biology chapter in a one hour class period can be hard but when lecturing, she is super chaotic and dosent actually teach. She speeds over the slides and rambles on and on about examples that are barely beneficial to the lecture. Its actually very frustrating having to sit in her class and listen to her attempt to lecture. After the first 2 weeks or so, I decided that I would just tune her out, save my mental energy, and not listen to her lecture (trying to listen to her explain biology is just too frustrating). Now I will say, if you are a hard worker and good reader, you will do well in her class. The textbook we use has all the information you need. If you are wanting to get a good grade in this class, you are going to HAVE to read the textbook out of class, understand it pretty well, and be able to apply it to tough questions. Dr. Gil does not help with anything and occasionally makes things more confusing (she'll tell you a topic makes a big portion of a test when it actually dosent, assigns last minute quizzes, etc.). Her lectures serve no benefit. With that being said, I don't think you need a very good professor for Bio 1305. A lot of Bio 1305 is self taught and can be learned through the textbook. Even with a bad professor such as Dr. Gil, you can still get an A. However, if you're looking for a professor that makes even the least bit of sense, Dr. Gil is not the professor you are going to want to choose.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-11-17

Comments:BIO 1305 - BIO 1305 - Overall, the class is pretty difficult. If you want to save your GPA, take Harvil. I dedicate a solid 15 hours a week to this class alone. She does not teach, and just goes over her slides that just summarizes the textbook. When in reality, her quizzes are majorly over the textbook. Overall, for this class, I recommend to just teach yourself with the textbook and to completely ignore her during lecture. As you are going to gain 0 knowledge from it because she just speeds over the lecture. If I were to retake this class again, I would just take a different picture because she just makes the coursework insufferable. She is not a mean person by any means. She is actually very sweet. But god is teaching just not her calling. To succeed in this class, you have to know the textbook left right and center. To not only memorize certain terms and pathways, but to apply this to real-life questions. If you just memorize for this class, you are in for a bad surprise. I would recommend dissecting each chapter 1 by 1 and to go really in depth. If you want a class that is a GPA killer and a class that average close to a 66-70 before the curve, you are in for a nice college surprise. Also, the most she will give for a curve is 4 points. Not a bad person, but Harvil or any other professor would be the better option. Save your sanity, save your energy and just take any other professor that is not this. I am pledging this to future students that take this class. If you want a class that is near-impossible to get an A in, this is the class for you. if you read this and you still take this class because you want to actually "learn" material and not get the professor with an easy A. Please just get the teacher with the easy A.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-11-14

Comments:1305 - I was thrown into this class as an incoming freshman without any knowledge about who the professor would be. Being new to Baylor, I knew it was going to be a hit or miss, and it was an absolute miss. If I had a choice, I would not be in Dr. Gil's class. It's obvious she is knowledgeable about the subject, but cannot teach to save her life. I've learned that her lectures are not helpful as she either can't teach or goes on a tangent about random things. Reading the textbook does a better job, but that can only get you so far sometimes. You need to have a really deep understanding of everything as her exams are structured around having excellent memorization and application skills. She curves exams, but no one in multiple sections of her class has received a raw score of 100. It is very hard to protect a GPA with this class. She doesn't drop any grades, but she does replace your lowest exam score if you do better on the final (which is cumulative). Again, AVOID!!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-11-11

Comments:1305 - Dr, Gil is a very interesting teacher. You can tell that she is very passionate about what she is teaching, it is just very hard for her to get the information across in a clear way. She goes over the material very quickly, and spends long periods of time on things that she does not even cover.But she does have options and tries to make her students succeed and she really cares. The homework is extremely hard and is nothing like the exams, and then the exams are insanely hard. She tests on materials that are in the text book, while not having covered it at all in class. Her exams are mostly application based so you really need to know your vocabulary and how everything works together. As for her office hours she does take the time to talk about the issues that you are having and will help you make study materials, while I have not gone myself this is what I have heard from people who have gone. All in all if you are going to take Dr Gil just buckle yourself in and make sure you carve out a large portion of your week just for this class.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-11-10

Comments:BIO 3322 - I want to like Dr. Gil so bad but she makes it so hard. To be fair, it is her first semester teaching this class, but it\'s hard to extend grace to someone who is so unresponsive to feedback. Dr. Gil thinks she is an amazing professor and takes full credit for the few people that do well on her exams but takes no responsibility for her poor class averages. I\'d say that 2/3 of her exams so far were reasonable 3000 level exams, however, she teaches at a high school level, making the exams difficult unless you have studied every part of the textbook. Her lectures consist of her going on tangents with personal anecdotes for every single disease we cover (which is kinda concerning honestly) and explaining why we should care about the content (even though we already do... thats why we are in the class...). She pulls all of her test questions from random textbooks that we do not have access to. Her slides only have about half of the content that is covered in the TopHat book (which is a great book), so you are responsible for filling in the gaps by reading the entire book and teaching yourself. There\'s an easy homework assignment each chapter via TopHat, but the level of those questions are nothing in comparison to the exam. She has also become highly unreasonable lately, to the point where she started announcing quizzes 2 hours before our class, but she\'s getting better. One time she told us that no one has more work to do than her and that is just a great example of her lack of compassion as well as her lack of awareness that we are students with other classes, jobs, clubs, etc. We pay her to prepare and teach our class but she acts like she is a saint for giving us a diagram with the labels blanked out. It being her first semester, i\'m sure some of the disorganization has to do with her trying to learn the content before she \"teaches\" it. It\'s very obvious that beyond the basics, she doesn\'t even understand what she is trying to explain during her lectures. The content of this class is truly so interesting so it\'s a bummer that Dr. Gil has been such a disappointing professor. Maybe in the next semesters she will be more organized, acclimated, understanding, and knowledgeable on the content. The class definitely isn\'t impossible content-wise, but if you are not good at teaching yourself and are looking for a helpful professor, Dr. Gil may not be your best option.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-11-10

Comments:1301 - The way I literally made an account to rate Dr. Gil. Avoid her class at all costs. I do not understand how a teacher can feel so confident and brag about her teaching abilities then literally watch her students fail and ON TOP OF THAT lecture the class about failing when SHES THE ONE FAILING. She is hard to understand, mumbles a lot, skips slides when she doesn't know the material on them, and is very condescending when you have the courage or care to ask questions. The only reason I passed let alone got a B was because I read the entire textbook and went to every SI session offered. Biology consumed my every waking thought and I fell behind on my other classes trying to stay above water on this one. I literally just took a test 5 minutes ago and I knew the material so well (self-taught of course) that I could literally teach her how to do every single problem, but my test score just doesn't reflect that. I don't get it.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-11-10

Comments:3322 - What in gods name is going on man. I took her because I heard awful things about tandy, but my lord her tests are crazy hard. Averages are liiterally mid 60's. I think I know 1 person with an A, and its not a high one. I understand that H phys isnt easy, but she makes her class so hard to study for. She gives us access to 1 textbook, yet she has literally said that she pulls questions form 3 other textbooks????? I dont know how to prepare for that. Her class is speant going over simple material in the most complicated way. Its such a shame because she is so sweet, but she doesnt have a clue on how to prepare her students for her exams. Using the textbook is your best bet. If you give a random student that didnt study access to every single one of her slides, and gave them the exam, I dont even think they'll get a 40. Honeslty I would take tandy over her.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-11-09

Comments:3322 - I'll make this review as unbiased as possible. This semester is Professor Gil's first semester teaching HPhys and it has not been great. There are 4 exams in the class (your lowest will be replaced with the final if the final is higher) and there is homework for each chapter except the chapter you learn before the exam (since you take your exam the class period after the last chapter). There are no review sessions for the exams, no SI, and no study guide. Sometimes there are fill-in-the-blank diagrams given out in class, but that is the extent of available study material. This semester, Professor Gil used TopHat for our assignments, homework, quizzes, and textbook. We are only given access to the TH textbook, yet she will pull questions, slides, and diagrams from other textbooks and expect you to know the material for the exam. Often, the material from other textbooks will contradict material from lecture, yet she still tests on the material and is surprised when students do poorly on the exams. While it is possible for her to apply a slight curve on exams, she will not remove questions from the exam even if the majority of the class got it incorrect. Same for the quizzes and homework. A study tip: she will often put questions from the homework onto her quizzes. For the exams, she will take questions from various HPhys textbooks, but she does not make her own questions. This is a main reason why questions on the exam do not relate to our textbook or what we covered in lecture. Exams will cover multiple chapters; we had one that covered 7 chapters. Her exam questions are very in-depth and specific, so you need to know the complex material even if it's only mentioned once in the textbook. Regarding the lectures, it is not uncommon for her to cover a single chapter in one class period or skip portions of the chapter entirely so that she can stay on track with the syllabus. If she gets sidetracked during lecture and can't finish covering the material, it is your responsibility to learn it on your own time. Granted, this is a very fast-paced class and you have to do A LOT of studying on your own time to even pass a quiz, much less an exam. There is no question that every student would pass if this was the only class being taken during the semester, but that is not the case. Professor Gil is a good person, but not the best professor. She simply cannot empathize with students or consider the students' workloads or time commitments outside of her class. If you absolutely must take Professor Gil, I wish you the best of luck. Put in the work and expect many challenges.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-11-01

Comments:3322 - In my opinion, Karine Gil is one of the worst professors at Baylor. I haven't even finished this class, but I felt the need to make an account and write a review just so I could warn future students. DO NOT take her. She makes you buy one textbook, but pulls questions and all material from a different textbook that we as students do not have access to. She says the phrase "watch the video" more than anything else because she only goes over surface level material and cannot properly explain what is going on, so she has to rely on other instructors' material. Thinking about going to office hours? Be prepared for multiple other students to be in there during your time slot that can hear your complaints and look at your grades while you are in there. I tried to get her to explain the first test and she would only show me what I missed rather than help explain the concepts. Homework questions seem easy, but they are nothing compared to what is actually tested on. Tests cover material that is never even touched on in class. There have been multiple questions on our tests where less than 25% of the class got the question right because she didn't explain the concept, but she still refuses to give points back or throw out the question. On multiple occasions, she has posted material on Canvas in the morning and expected us to be prepared by class time for a pop quiz with no notification that the material was even up. As far as professionalism, she plays favorites (hopefully you can speak Spanish), has no classroom control, and will yell at you if you try to have a rational conversation. Overall, this class is scattered and chaotic with no structure at all. You're much better off taking someone else.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-10-26

Comments:1305 - Drop asap! Take any other prof in Bio, she is very new to the department and teaches extremely fast, she assigns so much homework and will quiz over a chapter just after teaching it but the teaching is horrible. Her accent is not the problem, she doesn't explain things well and gets upset at students for not getting 100% on the polls. She tells lots of stories and never goes over material even on the PowerPoint, she will just skip over slides but still test over the info that was on them. I'm begging DO NOT TAKE HER!! She's the reason I want to drop pre-med.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-09-15

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