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Rating for Terri Magráns-Courtney
Professor Overview - Terri Magráns-Courtney

Overall Score


Teaching Ability




22 6

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Teaching Ability




Comments:2313 - A pure b*tch! Way too much essays and ask for citations even though you didn’t use any references! Don’t take her! She is a torture.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2024-06-08

Comments:2313 - Usually every bad teacher has a student defending them on here. Let me assure you that's not me. She is as bad as the ratings below say and worse. If I could go back in time for any one reason in my life I would go back and not take this class with her. Please save yourself if you're reading this it might not be too late.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-09-17

Comments:2313 - Never had more work for ANY class in my life besides maybe chemistry and physics. This is the worst teacher ever. She was definitely the one to remind the teacher about the homework. She definitely was known as the tattle-tale at school. Screw this class it's supposed to be easy and it's so extra for no reason. Do not take her she will ruin your mood every time you logon to canvas.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-09-17

Comments:2313 - I'm not normally one to agree with the hateful ratings on here but let me tell you, they are all true. She's extremely unreasonable and I don't think I've ever hated a class more in my entire educational career than this one. Do not take her at all costs.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-09-17

Comments:2313 - Absolutely the worst teacher ever. Do not take her, wait a semester or take someone else. She's making a gen-ed class MUCH harder than my senior major classes (i'm in bio). I can't even begin to describe how much I don't like this lady. Essays to write every week. FOR A GEN-ED PUBH CLASS. Everything lockdown with webcam. This class makes me want to shoot myself.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-09-17

Comments:2313 - HOLY MOLY DO NOT TAKE HER AT ALL COSTS. I literally added her to bu books because this is the worst teacher I've ever had. Taking a gen-ed class with her during my last semester here and she has us writing 2 page papers with SOURCES CITED EVERY WEEK along 60 pages of reading, lockdown with webcam tests and quizzes and other work. I REPEAT LOCKDOWN WITH WEBCAM. This is a PUBH class are you kidding me?!! She also clearly refused to give up her maiden name which should've been my first clue not to take her. I've had so many bad teachers in my life but she makes them look like the best in the world. If you can take any other teacher, any other class, DO IT. This class is harder than my senior major classes which is ridiculous to say the least.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-09-10

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