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Rating for Dr. Michele Stover
Professor Overview - Dr. Michele Stover

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Teaching Ability




80 24

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1301 - Such a great professor! I did take AP Chem in highschool but I wasn't the greatest at it. Most of the material was still fresh on my mind so that definitely put me at an advantage to other students, but regardless her teaching was great. I felt that I had much more solidified knowledge of Chem 1 and could better explain concepts. She gives lots of real world references in class which I found really helpful. She does assign a fairly heavy amount of work, but it's over a 2 week period so it just feels like a lot when you cram it in the day its due (I did that). She's VERY available for office hours and does extra credit on all tests partial credit on quizzes. It does feel like she goes through material fast, but I feel like most of that is just the load of the curriculum. She truly wants you to succeed and makes it clear what the expectations are for you to do so. It's not the easiest but it's definitely manageable and there are so many resources for you to succeed--if you took AP Chem and did fairly well in it I would say you're pretty much set for an A (my opinion). She also works closely with her SIs so I highly recommend at least doing their practice worksheets/tests as some of the questions correlate to test questions. Chem isn't an easy subject and no matter who you get as a professor you're gonna have to sit with the material and practice to really understand, but Stover definitely knows what she's doing, teaches well, and wants your success, so take her if you can.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-21

Comments:1302 - I highly highly recommend Dr. Stover for 1302. As a lecturer, she is super engaging and does a great job at explaining things in detail. She also was excellent at communicating with her students. She sends a follow-up email after every class with what homework/content we covered that day, what we will cover in the next class so you can read ahead, updates on office hours, and more. You can tell she really wants her students to succeed, and she's very approachable. Gen Chem 2 is going to be hard no matter who you take it with, but Dr. Stover is a very fair grader and all of the tests and quizzes are reflective of what we learned in class. She's also so sweet, and would always try to make things fun! I would definitely recommend taking Dr. Stover, as she made 1302 one of my favorite classes last semester.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-14

Comments:1301 - Dr. Stover prepares you for Chem 2. If you need to take other Chem classes, take her to understand everything because she teaches well with enough difficulty to push you to know the material well. If you only need to take Chem 1, do not take her; take an easier professor.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2024-04-16

Comments:1302 - I want to start by saying, that In my two semesters as a student at Baylor, Dr. Stover is my favorite by far. To begin, Dr. Stover's lecturing ability is absolutely fantastic. She has a very laid-back style, lecturing the information, but also adding questions to complete throughout to reinforce the information taught. I have never felt as if Dr. Stover couldn't give a more than extensive answer for any question asked and generally breaks it down at a level anyone can understand. Dr. Stover is also the most organized professor I have ever had, to the point that she always shows changes in office hours and she will always make sure she gives at least the named amount of time per week. Her office is fantastic and can make anyone feel comfortable and at home to learn and grow. We receive one replacement exam, 3 drops for quizzes throughout, and amazing help on homework. She cares about her students, lectures brilliantly, and has a personality I felt at home with from day one of the first semester. I wouldn't want to take anyone else for 1301 or 1302.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-04-10

Comments:CHE 1301 - Dr. Stover is honestly an outstanding professor; she knows how to teach and how to lecture-they are different. Teaching is being able to show students the why and how something works; lecturing is just telling them it works, and she does both quite well. She makes connections for you in class (analogies and such) that really make sense if you listen. Her office hours are helpful as well given her ability to find where you went wrong and fix it. The only \"complaint\" I\'d have is how she comes off; she is quite blunt and to-the-point, which is good, in most cases, but she can come off as nonchalant and abrasive sometimes. I\'m sure she\'s a kind person, but she just should work on being happier with her students; she doesn\'t smile often, which is sometimes worrying. Other than that, she\'s great.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-04-10

Comments:CHE 1302 - I left a review here for CHE 1301 a while ago, she was very good at that class. However, for 1302, I would not recommend her. I think these concepts are not her strength and you might benefit from taking someone who explains them better and avoids confusion. She is a very structured and strict lecturer which I admire. I think she has a great personality and is a wonderful human being but this class was a big downgrade from the last class I took with her. I also really disliked our class being switched to TopHat, it didn't work well for me.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2023-07-19

Comments:1301 AND 1302 - 1301 AND 1302 - (For clarity, I put my CHE 1302 grade in for the "Grade In Class". In 1301, I received an A). I enjoy Dr. Stover's lecture so much! While it is Chemistry and it's an already hard subject, I came into Baylor already taking AP Chemistry, so it was a fairly easy transition. I highly encourage you to take Dr. Stover for 1301, however, 1302 is a LOT rougher and I felt like her teaching performance showed a lot of knowledge to teach 1301 but NOT 1302. I had to put in less effort than others, but that didn't mean I didn't have to study as some of her exam questions came directly from a term/math problem (with changed numbers) from her slides. She is a lectured-based professor, so make sure you go to class! While I won't discuss much grading since some reviews are accurate in Quizzes and Exam grading (Participation Points and "110 points but capped at 105" respectively), make sure to always stay engaged in her announcements and lectures as you WILL find an extra credit option at some point in the semester. Overall, a great person, and HIGHLY recommended her for 1301 (and 1302 if you like her, but again, I didn't find 1302 that good).  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2023-05-14

Comments:1302 - I absolutely adore Dr. Stover. She takes care to explain topics thoroughly in her lectures, and she works through problems with the class regularly. She makes the class very engaging, and she has a lot of good energy while teaching--you can tell she really cares about the subject. While her tests and quizzes can be a bit difficult, it's no different from any other introductory chemistry course. She gives ample partial credit on her exams, and on quizzes (which are only 5 questions) she gives opportunities for partial credit by allowing you to rank 2 answers. Exams have 10 points of extra credit built in. The tests did take a long time to complete, and I know some people were unable to finish all of them, but again, the same could be said for exams in other 1302 classes. There are four exams as well as a comprehensive final, and you get one drop test. There are about 10 quizzes throughout the semester, and you get to drop 3 of those. Take advantage of the homework, the recommended textbook questions, and SI and you'll do great!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-05-04

Comments:1302 - Very easy to get an A. Syllabus is very advantageous, exams have curves sometimes and have plentiful extra credit. However, she may be unreasonable sometimes.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-04-11

Comments:1302 - Garbage professor. I'll start with the syllabus, which seems nice, which was the reason why I decided to take this class. Grades are mostly determined by 4 exams plus the final, which are each equally weighted 20 percent. There is one drop exam, which is always a benefit. Then there is a weekly quiz, which makes up 10 percent of grade. Finally HW makes up the remaining 10 percent. Every exam has a total of 110 points, but she caps at 105. This seems really nice at first, with 10 percent of extra credit available for every exam, but do not be deceived. Some of the worst exam grading I have ever had the displeasure of feasting my eyes upon. There are usually 5-6 short answer questions, and you have to show full work, otherwise, even if you get the correct answer, she will start deducting ridiculous amounts of points for the most miniscule things, such as not boxing your answer. I have lost 1-2 on numerous problems for not showing a simple addition step, like 2 plus 2. She will write comments like, where did this number come from, like obviously I pulled it out of my ass. To continue with her unfair grading policy, she definitely grades everyones short answer problems on a different scale, most probably a scale on how much you such her dick. I have seen some people get the entire question wrong, like all the work and answer are far from correct, and she will only deduct 1 point for an 8 question problem. 7/8 points rewarded for nothing correct lmao. Then again I will get everything correct except sig figs and then get deducted 3 points. Next, some of her multiple choice questions are just wrong. The answers directly contradict what is said in her slides and the textbook. Moving on to quizzes. I have had questions that are actually impossible to solve, have brought it up to her in office hours, she replies with "I would never but a question like that on an quiz or exam," I proceed to show her, then she continues to deny that she put that on her quiz. Finally to cap off, if you dare miss one of her glorious lectures, then she gets pissed off and emails you asking why you are absent. So if you like going to boring, meaningless, shitty lectures, and on top of that like shitty exams and grading policies, then this is the professor for you.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-04-11

Comments:1301 - Stover is GOD. She's so great at explaining. Simplifies topics so greatly. Her weekly OWLv2 homework can get a tad bit annoying. BUT TAKE HER. She'll be sure to keep your chemistry base strong for the future.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-12-18

Comments:1301/1302 - i took her both times shes honestly a great teacher its just chemistry is hard and i was not to good at it. shes amazing at explaining things and she is willing to help you understand. i spent 85% of my time studying for this class but it paid off and it was my top priority because i found her test challenging but not as challenging as other professors were. the homework was annoying but it helped having that grade in there and you get a HW drop. her quizzes were absolute HELL i have anxiety and my heart rate alarm on my watch would go off in the middle of the quiz cuz you get very little time to do it for a lot of questions that are averagely challenging you get a drop for q quiz as well but that was the worst part of her class. also you get 5 bonus points on the exam like bonus questions.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-11-15

Comments:1302 - I took Dr. Stover for both Chem 1 and 2 and really enjoyed the class. To be successful in the class I attended SI, worked all of her recommended textbook problems and Chem101 exam problems, studied her lecture slides, and attended office hours. Chemistry is a difficult class so this by no means is an easy class but Dr. Stover is a great professor. A bonus is that her exams are out of 105 points with a 5 point bonus so she has extra credit built into every exam and gives partial credit on the exam very fairly. If you are willing to put in the work I would definitely recommend her.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-10-17

Comments:Chem 1302 - Dr. Stover is one of the most intelligent and well -spoken professors I have taken. She is by far one of the best to take for Chem 1 and 2 because while she is strict on her policies, there is so much grace built into her grading. She gives so much partial credit and truly cares about you and you can tell. Her office hours are always super helpful and she is more than willing to meet with you. I put almost no workload because compared to other professors she really doesnt assign a lot. I took Klausmeyer and comparitively she is so much better please take her!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-08-30

Comments:CHE 1301/02 - I highly recommend taking Dr. Stover for your chemistry I and II class. Even though her tests are what caused me problems, the other graded sections highly made up for it, including the dropped test and quizzes. The Cengage chapter assignments often took hours to complete but if you're on top of things, you're golden. Go to her office hours for any other help you might need. The final exams were hefty but easy considering they were multiple-choice questions. As long as you put in the time and effort for her classes, you're going to get an easy B or better.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-08-21

Comments:CHE 1301 - I LOVED Stover! Had her for CHE 1301, and ngl, I did take AP chem in high school, so I did have a slight advantage in knowing the material, HOWEVER, besides that, I truly believe she was a really good professor. She always provided little analogies or examples to break down hard-to-understand concepts and words, and she was always open to answering questions. Her tests were on the harder side, with true-false, fill in the blanks, open endeds, multiple choice, etc. but she designs them to make sure you know what you know. During class, she will point out the most important information you need to know, so the only reason you don't pass the class is if you skip or don't pay attention.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-05-25

Comments:CHEM 1301/1302 - It’s hard for me to put into a BU Books review how phenomenal Dr. Stover was. I took her for both CHEM 1301 & 1302 and am incredibly thankful that I did so. Dr. Stover is well organized with her lectures, quizzes, homework, and exams. She specifically maps out when each section is going to take their exams and quizzes to make sure everyone has a fair amount of time to prepare. Dr. Stover’s lectures are organized and filled with fun real-life examples. If we were going into an extra difficult topic, Dr. Stover would admit that it was difficult and attempt to explain it to us in a way that we would remember. Many times during exams I would be able to remember a rule due to her fun examples. We used OWL for homework, and it was a fantastic studying tool. Before exams, she would post helpful Chem101 practice. Dr. Stover held office hours every single day of the week and would post her office hours on her door. Even if I didn’t have a question, I would love going to office hours to talk to her for fun (she also gives free candy for those who go to her office hours!). Dr. Stover was a very fair grader who gave A LOT of partial credit for every math problem you attempted. She is incredibly encouraging and acknowledges your hard work. I’m heartbroken that I won’t be going to her lectures for chemistry next semester, but I can’t wait to see and laugh with her in her office hours again. Please take Dr. Stover, she will be the highlight of your semester.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-05-15

Comments:CHE 1301 & 1302 - Absolutely take her if you can. Her lectures and detailed and easy to understand. Her communication is superb. She makes excellent use of online learning tools and gives enough practice to drown a whale. This class will get you where you need to be for the next step of your academic journey. 10/10 would recommend  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-05-12

Comments:1301/1302 - I took Dr. Stover both for 1301 and 1302 and I am so glad that I did! I honestly do not know why some of the ratings for Dr. Stover are so low, she is an amazing professor who really cares about each student's success in learning the material. Almost every week there is a short quiz over what she has taught in the last week, but all of these are doable if you keep up with the homework (which is maybe 5 questions after each class). Some of the material covered in 1302 can be pretty hard, but she is always available for office hours to help students who are confused. She is very kind, so don't be afraid to ask her literally anything, she was super helpful to me throughout both semesters! She also drops your lowest exam grade as well as possibly 2 lowest quiz grades by the end of the semester, which is super helpful for your grade. The final is cumulative multiple choice. Overall, I highly recommend taking Dr. Stover for either 1301 and/or 1302!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-05-08

Comments:1301 - if you took AP chemistry in HS, please take Stover. people complain that there is a quiz every week but it is not hard if you put in a minimal amount of time. she had multiple bonus point opportunities for quizzes. her tests are always formatted the same way every time (5 T/F, about 10 MC, and about 7 free responses on math so you get partial credit) you have bonus opportunity that is easy on every test (5 points) AND you can drop your lowest test grade. i had no complaints for her class at all. her 1302 class is harder, naturally, but i am still glad i stuck with her. i tutored my roommates who had Bellert and McGrath. She uses analogies and diagrams a lot in class and gives you tricks with how to understand/remember material. You do not need a book but pay attention in her lectures! I literally finished this class with a 99 because I downloaded the powerpoints onto my i pad then annotated them during her lecture. i recommend taking notes on everything she says because it could be the bonus on the exams, and the bonus helps a ton. Her average for exams was around 80 every time. I was so scared to take her but i am SO glad i did. its 4 exams, quiz about once a week, owls (hw problems that are not hard to do), and a final exam (which is mc and not difficult if you understood all the material during the semester). also, I recommend doing the CHEM101 practice test she posts before the exam - super helpful  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-04-19

Comments:CHE1301 - I'm going to preface this review by saying: Dr. Stover's class is not for everyone, and I would not recommend her class if you're a slow learner and/or don't already have some grasp on general chemistry. She goes by really fast and covers a lot of material per lecture, but if you're willing to pay attention and ask questions when necessary, that shouldn't be an issue. That being said, she is an excellent professor and while she covers a lot of material really quickly, it's all fairly straightforward and she does a good job of making the topics easier to understand and explaining the reasoning behind all the concepts. She is also very helpful and willing to answer questions and you can tell she enjoys teaching chemistry. The course load isn't too bad, and the only real homework in that class are the OWLs which may be a bit time-consuming if you put them off until close to the due date. There are weekly quizzes on Chem101 recapping the previous week's material but there are rarely trick questions and they only take around ten or so minutes. The exams also aren't too hard, but they are time-consuming and while there's not much in the way of extra credit and she almost never curves exams, she is generous with partial credit and offers bonus questions on each exam that can make up for lost points. Overall, I highly recommend her as a professor for general chemistry but once again, if you're not willing to learn at a fast pace or don't have any prior knowledge of chemistry whatsoever, look elsewhere.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-12-06

Comments:1301 - I think people are way too harsh. She IS helpful, posts the lecture recordings, gives partial credit on ALL written test questions, and explains things through working examples. She's like a good high school teacher. Also has quite a few extra credit options along with bonus on all the tests. The quizzes are weekly but honestly the extra grades are helpful to balance the tests and you just need to study a bit. I got a 2 on AP chem exam. The class moves slower than AP chem. I recommend.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-11-18

Comments:1301 - She goes entirely too fast. If you dont already understand the material when you get there, good luck, she teaches it all as a review and her tests are mad hard for no reason  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2021-11-16

Comments:CHE 1302 - Dr. Stover is an excellent professor. She teaches well, and knows what she is talking about. I took her 8am lecture and found myself alert and paying attention (unlike my other 8ams). She wants you to succeed, and her office hours are very helpful, so go talk to her if you have a question! Her exams are pretty easy given the large amount of difficult material this course covered. She also drops the lowest exam grade and gives extra credit often. She works with you and understands life happens outside of class. She gives quizzes often but they really help prepare for the test so you know what material to study. I recommend her!!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2021-07-18

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