*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.
Comments:NUTR 3351 - I took her for Counseling and Education last semester and it was one of the hardest classes I had. I'm a nutrition major and I struggled. She was very disorganized and her canvas was super hard to get around. I joined the class late and we had two assignments the first day of class so I missed out on those points and I tried to talk to her but she wouldn't let me "redo" the assignment. She has clear favorites so make sure to get on her good side if thats something you thrive in. She also graded every single major assignment in the last week of school even if we had done in pretty early in the semester. There were no tests.. only big projects: Counseling Project, NUTR Education Project, Cooking Demonstration, and an ADIME submission which she did grade pretty fairly on. She is a kind person but a terrible teacher. - Grade In Class:B
Comments:NUTR - Not terrible, but take with someone else if you can. She was EXTREMELY disorganized, the worst I've seen at Baylor. Firstly, most of her syllabus was inaccurate in how she structured/graded class. She didn't even know what was in her own syllabus and seemed surprised every time someone asked her about it. All of the due dates, exam dates, grading and attendance policies, was inaccurate. Navigating this class was very difficult. Every exam was also disorganized. On multiple occasions, she postponned the exam on the very day it was supposed to be, despite everyone already showing up prepared. Additionally, she always made a lot of mistakes on her own exams. Overall Dr. Arnold is very knowledgeable on the subject, and she has a talent for teaching. However, she lacks nearly ALL of the other skills needed to be a professor. She is clueless when it comes to canvas, exams, and grading. With all that being said, this class will require you too learn A LOT of information for each exam, including a lot of memorization. Start preparing a week in advance. The exam questions come mostly from her powerpoints. But on every exam, there are always at least 3 questions that come actually OUT OF NOWHERE, and there's no way to prepare for those. She drops one exam tho so that's super helpful. The final is 60% old material and 40% new stuff. So yeah, overall, it's not terrible but take nutrition with someone else if you can. This was my hardest class this semester - Grade In Class:A
Comments:NUTR 2351 - She was a really good professor. Learned a lot about nutrition. Not as hard as I thought it would be. 4 exams (one dropped) plus a final which is mostly not cumulative. Homework for each chapter (online textbook website). Lots and lots of extra credit (one point for each chapter plus random ones here and there). A few quizzes online. There's like one project about diet analysis that involves a paper at the end, but it's pretty simple. She's a really nice grader. She's super knowledgeable too and as other people said does not need to reference notes or anything. Willing to help and truly cares about us. Take her if you can. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:NUTR 3314 - I had to take this class because I am in the Robbins College, but I am NOT a science girl. This class was very difficult for me and the tests were very hard. I took this class as a summer school course and felt like I was just counting down the days until the summer session was over. If you have to take this class because you are in the Robbins College and are not science-minded, just know that you will not get an A. - Grade In Class:B
Comments:2351 - Dr. Arnold probably has the best level of experience of any professor I've had at Baylor. She has worked in so many different subfields of nutrition, which makes her incredibly knowledgeable on everything she teaches. I never even saw this gal check her notes while she was lecturing, she just knew the content like the back of her hand. Her knowledge of the content made learning so much more engaging, and I genuinely enjoyed this class because of that. She's also really understanding and more than willing to help you if you're struggling in the class. She welcomes student feedback so she can improve the course, which I think is really cool. If you have the opportunity, definitely take a class with her!! - Grade In Class:A
Comments:2352 - I took Dr. Arnold for Nutrition and her class was doable. I got an A but I didn't care for how long her PowerPoints were, there was a lot of material not tested that I studied from the PowerPoints. She assigns some major projects where you analyze your diet and nutrient intakes, put together a perfect day's diet, write an essay about your nutrient deficiencies/or overconsumption, a few diet quizzes, and long videos to take handwritten notes on. Her exams were okay, all multiple choice, but took a lot of studying. I ended up with an A in the class but had to spend multiple hours memorizing specific Recommended intake numbers. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:NUTR2351 - Very friendly and willing to help. Super sweet lady. She drops the lowest exam grade, offers a lot of extra credit, and goes out of her way to explain the material. First test is easiest so try to start off strong. The course isn't difficult if you've had biochem - it's a more basic overview of things like glycolysis and krebs cycle without getting as in depth as heavier sciences. - Grade In Class:A