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Rating for Tamar Carter
Professor Overview - Tamar Carter

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29 21

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1 - response.write(9900420*9039890)  - Grade In Class:0

Date: 2024-09-11

Comments:2306 - Please save yourself the stress and do not take this professor for Genetics. I was literally fighting for my life all semester to get decent grades and even with attending lectures, doing homework problems, and going to SI, I didn’t do that well. This class literally dwindled my performance in other classes due to the continuous stress that I underwent by taking this professor. Not to mention the test questions that would be on the tests that were relatively difficult even after spending hours of studying each day just for this class. It was so confusing and I found myself just trying to end the class with a better grade but it didn’t happen. My anxiety increased throughout the semester and I found myself being scared of checking my grades because of the thought of not performing to the best of my abilities even when I studied for the exams. Not to mention, she isn’t that helpful when it comes to explaining questions that are so difficult. I understand that Genetics is a difficult course but she made it even more difficult than it already is. I suggest that you take another professor for Genetics if you don’t want to struggle. To top it off, I wasn’t the only one struggling because many of my fellow classmates were which made it worse. Please do not take her for Genetics, I wish that someone warned me about this professor before I took her but unfortunately BUBooks was down and I went by word of mouth. Yes, she is a nice human bean but she’s not really focused on helping her students because she’s so focused on her research. Please save yourself the pain, I literally lost weight from the stress that this class induced on me.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2023-12-17

Comments:2143 - Very average. Did not exceed at anything in particular. Had to take the class. \\\"  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2022-04-07

Comments:BIO 2306 - I took this class Fall 2020, during a COVID semester. I originally signed up for an in-person section of genetics, knowing that it is a difficult course, but then that section closed and I was automatically moved into this section with Dr. Carter, and it was an online ASYNCHRONOUS course. Imagine how hard genetics is as a course... then imagine how hard it is when you don't have any assigned class times. It was a nightmare, Dr. Carter was not the greatest but I feel like I could have done better if this was an in-person course. With that being said, she is on the list of worst rated profs on here for a reason... do not take her class, take Moenke or somebody else. Her lecture videos were not very helpful, this class overall is very by-the-book... for genetics just try to memorize everything that you can and you will do fine. Additionally, she was super strict with LockDown Browser which was really distracting when I was trying to do the exams. I am retaking with Fernandez-Luna in an in-person class this semester and it is going much better.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2021-04-14

Comments:BIO 2306 - DO NOT TAKE. All I have to say is that I have never done so poorly in a class in my life. Her lectures are horrible and all over the place. A course such as genetics needs lots of structure and her "teaching" style simply does not have it. There is no grades other than the exams and even the SI for her class was not helpful. As nice as her SI was her explanations were wordy and often left me more confused. And despite during our SI sessions constantly saying to email her she never replied to me once. I really regret taking this section of the course and wish I would've waited till another professor become available. RIP to my GPA. I really wanted to drop but was unable to.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2021-02-02

Comments:BIO 2306 - Like many others, I made a BUbooks account to warn people against taking Dr. Cater. She has no idea what is going on. Ever. She has 0 teaching ability, she reads information that she doesn't even understand off of her slides so quickly, and then expects students to understand (and she doesn't post her slides). She is constantly stumbling over her words, confusing herself, or explaining concepts backwarrds, and then comes back later and says she explained it wrong/backwards. If you ask her a question she will not know the answer. Often on her clicker questions when the responses are equal for different answers, she won't know which one is correct, but expects us to know even when we have never seen the information. Her tests are so hard, the averages were so low for every exam. She offered an extra credit quiz to raise grades for exam 2 when the class average was a 55. Her test questions are often times paragraphs long with made up scenarios that I spend minutes just trying to decipher the question. On our last exam she just decided to cut the exam time down to 60 minutes during our 75 minute class. Then on the final she said we had to have our tests in at the minute time was up or we would lose a point every second it was late. Ma'am it is hard to finish your tests on time when none of the questions are straight forward. I asked her why she doesn't put any straight forward information on her exams and she told me she already expects us to know everything considered straight forward, and she uses more "in-depth" questions to separate the good students who understand concepts from students who just know the information. Her tests have so many typos, errors, and formatting problems. She has to throw out questions every test because she didn't even include a correct answer, or somehow the question is too messed up. Her test questions often have like 8 answer choices because she'll do like A&B, A&D, etc. Her class is 100% test based (no booster grades from homework, quizzes, attendance). She often times doesn't respond to your emails, and she is very unhelpful in her office hours. She does NOT care about the success of her students, or that we learn the material. She screwed me over at the end of the semester, and didn't bother to even reply to my email. Overall- HORRIBLE class. Genetics isn't supposed to be easy, but I have never worked this hard in a class, and to end with a C+ is insulting. I have done just fine in other science classes like biochem, ochem 1&2, etc. but this really sucked. If you care about your grades, GPA, future, or mental health... take Miles or Moehnke. Thanks & Sic 'em bears  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2019-12-20

Comments:2306 - I made a BuBooks account just to say this. Dr. Carter is a nightmare. I went to her office hours on multiple occasions and you will be lucky to catch her. Most of the time she spends her time at Baylor doing research so she really is not there for her students. And if you do catch she will give you greatest advice, “Just do everything I give you, a couple of weeks before the exam.” Which is kinda hard when you don’t let students have access to the notes and post the recourses that would help us for the exam a night or two before. Also, she RUNS through the notes. A chapter is 100 pages and in 45 minutes she runs through all the material. Forgetting parts of her own lecture and skipping over sections that are tested. The class is I took is 75 minutes long and I remember one day she went through two lectures in that time, both covering more than 70 pages of text. And she still didn’t post the notes afterwards. I have never been more set up for failure. Also please read other review to learn how awful her tests are.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2019-12-17

Comments:2306 - Probably the worst professor I’ve ever had at Baylor. She can’t present information to save her life, she doesn’t even know what’s going on in her own class, she is honest to God the worst test writer in the world. Don’t take her under any circumstance. I had a 4.0 2 years in to Baylor before this. I know how to study and I’m a great student, but wow is she just AWFUL at teaching. DO NOT TAKE HER. You’re welcome  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2019-12-16

Comments:Genetics - I am not going to lie. This class is hard. Very hard. The test questions are very insane. Honestly this teacher is pretty tough. She offers a ton of extra credit though whenever the averages are well below the expected average. I think it is doable but sacrifices need to be made. A lot of sacrifices needs to be made. Furthermore, the questions seems to be very specific. So, this makes the class pretty tough. Very tough if you ask me. I think moenke is easier tbh.Idk about miles. But oh my this is tough.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-12-04

Comments:2306 - The only point that has been clear is that she has no time, she is way to stressed, and she has no idea of genetics. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2019-11-28

Comments:2306 - Worst professor I’ve ever had at Baylor and worst I’ve ever done in a class (I have a 3.91 GPA too.) Her test are extremely difficult. You can know everything and still get a 75. We had science research fellows failing the class most of the year. Don’t take her.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2019-11-22

Comments:2306 - This is my second time in genetics and even Dr. Miles is better than Carter. While Dr. Miles's test questions are very hard, at least his aren't full of mistakes and jumbled sentences. Carter does not teach in the lecture, she sits there and stumbles on her own words, confuses herself and takes 40 minutes to get clicker questions working. Not only are her lectures the most unhelpful and confusing things in the world, but her tests are very unfair. On our second exam, she started off by saying she will not be answering questions about questions on the exam. The majority of her questions made no sense and there were many grammar mistakes that made it ridiculously hard. The average was 60 after she so-called curved it. After the exam, she refused to go over exams with students. Instead, she gave us the answer key to look at...which obviously did nothing. DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO NOT TAKE HER!! She should not be teaching in general, but especially not the hardest bio class at Baylor. (end rant)  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2019-11-17

Comments:2306 - This is one of the most heartbreaking things that I have ever experienced. Carter has an entire room full of pre-med students that she has no interest in helping. I can almost guarantee you that each person that goes to class could learn way more on their own just by reading their book rather than listening to her ramble on incorrect information as she normally does. Her exams are unfair and straight-up confusing. Forget about asking any kind of questions because she either A) won't answer them at all or B) act like she's the victim and we're the attackers. She's quick to give the blame to anyone but herself and claims that she has no time. She has sooooo much to do and everything is just soooo stressful. I'm not sure if she's aware, but we are also in other classes, take part in extracurriculars, jobs, social lives, family, among other things. It's frustrating that I (and others) want to learn so badly, but she makes it miserable. This school costs way too much to have to fight for a professor who cares and knows their stuff. We are trying to go to med school--not just "survive" the class. Save yourself and run from this one.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-11-12

Comments:2306 - Dr. Carter pisses me off to no end. She is extremely unfair with the way she teaches her class. She refuses to post her power point slides because she think the students will memorize them without actually learning. Here's my counterargument to that: Almost everyone in Genetics is some kind of pre-health student, so obviously we're hard working students who want a high grade, so why would we just memorize information?? We all want to learn and do well in the class, and if someone doesn't then that's their problem not Dr. Carter's. Her lectures are not helpful. If I had it my way I wouldn't even show up to class but she takes attendance through her clickers, which takes her 15 minutes to figure out and wastes class time that she could spend stumbling over her words and confusing herself. I understand that she is a first year teacher, but as a pre-health student I can't afford to take a lower grade because a professor at a world renowned university can't teach something she has a PhD in. She constantly complains about how she doesn't have time to review tests with us and make other things, but this is your literal job. I hope she learns from this semester if she is going to teach again so that she can improve and not ruin any other students GPA  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-11-11

Comments:2306 - Dr. Carter is nice but this is the worst class I have taken yet. Her lectures consist of her reading off the powerpoint for 75 minutes without pausing to look up for questions, so don't bother raising your hand. Several times a class period she will have to correct herself because she spent the last 5 minutes explaining something the wrong way. She does not know how to use the clicker software the correct way. The clicker grade should only factor in as participation and yet, your grade reflects all the questions you miss, thus your grade on Canvas is not the true value. Her tests are ridiculously unfair due to the fact that the challenge is to understand what the questions are truly asking. You cannot raise your hand during an exam because she refuses to answer it, even if there is a typo. If you go into to review your test, she will not be present. If she is, she may not know how to answer your question, tell you she will get back to you, and then proceed to not get back to you. Genetics is by no means an easy subject, but Dr. Carter makes it much more challenging, frustrating, and stressful than any class should be.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-10-27

Comments:2306 - If you are looking to take genetics DO NOT TAKE PROFESSOR CARTER! Professor Carter is the most UNFAIR, clueless, unhelpful professor I have ever seen in my entire academic career. First off, in class she goes over powerpoint slides that she REFUSES to upload on to canvas and just speeds through them faster than I can even comprehend her words?! Everytime we ask her why she is not able to upload her pp slides on to canvas she dances around the question and moves on. In class she also has no idea what the heck she is talking about because every 2 seconds she is contradicting herself. I gave her a chance by going to office hours and she was NOT helpful because she had no idea how to do HER OWN TEST PROBLEMS??? When you ask questions she blanks out, has another student explain to the other and may even tell you to sit down in your seat during office hours and "give her a minute" to think of how the heck to solve her unfair quesitons. I am 100% certain genetics is a foreign language to her unless it has to do with what she does in her own research lab. Second of all, her tests are actually awful, it is full of errors, typos, paragraphs that make no cohesive sense, and for our second exam the questions all came from on only 1/7 chapters that she made us study and expected us to know that. The class avergae was a 60 and that was AFTER the 4 question curve she gave us. Lastly, her availibity is not good either because now she refuses to even show up to her test 2 office hour to explain the questions that were unfair and that we dont understand??? Instead she is going to leave the answer key with all us to stare at. I am premed student and this will be the first class I am dropping because I am not going to waste my time memorizing the textbook front to back to just get a C or a B.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2019-10-22

Comments:2306 - Dr. Carter is a genuine and nice person who truly seems that she wants to help students learn genetics. That being said, she might possibly be the worst professor in the entire biology department. Dr. Carter is currently in her first year of teaching as she just graduated from graduate school and she seems to have absolutely no idea how to teach a college class. Her tests are just blatantly unfair and she will not allow you to question the validity of her tests or the grading system she employs. Additionally, she will not post the powerpoints from class online despite how she speeds through these slides in her lectures. If you are looking to spend about 3+ hours every day (7 days a week) taking notes on the book, doing practice problems, and essentially grinding your life away on one class while still not doing well on her unfair tests, then take this class I guess. If you want a more fair and doable experience in learning genetics, DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-10-22

Comments:BIO 2306 - Dr. Carter's class is a complete trainwreck. After taking the second exam I can confirm that her tests are not fair. The questions were very heavily focused on one or two chapters for an exam that covered SEVEN chapters of our book. Her lectures are very confusing and the material is not explained well. She also did not let us ask any questions at all during the test, even when her exam questions did not make sense, had typos, etc. The scores were so bad that she had to make 4 questions extra credit, and the average was still a 60. Expect a lot of "choose all that apply" multiple choice questions. I have had to study more for this class than every other course combined (including Ochem). I understand this is a difficult class in the first place but Carter makes it so much harder than it needed to be. Dr. Carter may be a nice person, but do yourself a favor and don't take this class... especially if you want to keep a BCPM GPA that will actually help you get into med school. If you do take genetics with Carter expect to spend many sleepless nights with your textbook and a large coffee at Moody.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-10-22

Comments:2306 - Well...I made the first review on here for Dr. Carter about a week ago and I wanted to add an update after we have taken Exam 2. I previously stated that Dr. Carter's tests were "fair," but that is indeed, not accurate. Since being at Baylor, I have never been so set-up for failure as I have been in this course. As the material gets more complex, Dr. Carter's attempt at explaining is not sufficient. She did not allow any questions to be asked during the test, even though there were several mistakes on her part. HOW CAN YOU BAN STUDENTS FROM ASKING QUESTIONS? She does not have her student's interest in mind and only cares about her stupid research. Her tests are infuriating and not fair in the slightest. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT take Dr. Carter. The test was 7 chapters strung together which she sprinted through. Given her teaching is not effective (she literally doesn't teach), your biggest source of test prep is reading the book over and over again and doing the practice problems. That is what she will tell you to do, only her test will not mimic any of the practice she has given you. Simply, because she does not know how to write test questions. Being students of a prestigious private university like Baylor, you think we would be entitled to fair and accurate testing and teaching situations. I have never been so disappointed in this school. It is so frustrating to pay so much money for a class and get absolutely nothing out of lectures and be totally thrown by unfair and unclear test questions. Point blank, her tests are NOT fair. Material is NOT taught. Basically this class is a waste of time and money and you will have to work your ass off teaching yourself every SINGLE detail from the book. DO BETTER BAYLOR. HOW IS IT OKAY THAT PROFESSORS CAN BE THIS BAD AND YET WE PAY SO MUCH TO BE HERE. I would rather eat a live cricket from the side of Penland than have to suffer through another semester with Dr. Carter. It really sucks that she is nice, because it makes it hard to hate her. Life sucks & college is hard, but make it suck less and avoid Dr. Carter Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-10-16

Comments:2306 - Dr. Carter has NO idea what the hell she is doing. Her lectures consists of her reading straight off of her jumbled and confusing powerpoints, which she refuses to post. She will not teach you anything. Get ready to cuddle up with your textbook on a nightly basis because otherwise you will fail. Tests are fair, but you are expected to teach yourself everything that is on the learning objectives she give you. Genetics is a manageable class, BUT Dr. Carter is still new to teaching and just doesn't know what she is doing. Do yourselves a favor and take someone else. She is super sweet, but not ready to teach to college students who are relying on her to learn difficult material. Shame on Baylor for allowing brand new, incompetent professors to teach difficult Biology classes.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-10-10

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