*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.
Comments:FYS - I really loved my time with Dr. Anderson. I took him for a first-year seminar and I definitely don't regret it. The class is entirely discussion and essay-based, so if you don't like/have trouble with either of those issues, I'd go with someone else, but otherwise, he's the best in the department. I had a lot of fun in his class and got to know my classmates, which is more than I can say for most professors, and I learned mostly from his teaching, rather than studying on my own. The only possible issue with his class is his workload and grading. The reflection papers and final essays are a lot if you aren't used to writing. I think I would've struggled to get an A if I hadn't taken AP Lit and AP Lang in high school. Other than that, you'll never be bored in his classroom, and he's always ready and willing to help. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:GTX 2302 - Extremely grateful to have learned from such a distinguished professor. He makes the class engaging and is very understanding. Furthermore, he will mentor you, teach you, spend time with you, and make sure you understand the intracicies of the course material. Absolutely amazing experience and this is coming from a Non-Christian student. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:GTX 2302 - I never thought I would be able to get an A in his class because you needed to get a 93+ and he is a very harsh grader on your writing ability. He is a very intelligent who tries his best to engage with the students through humor and staying up with the Gen Z lingo. I never took 2301 so this was my first Great Texts class but I would consider myself a very high level writer. I never received below a 96 on any writing assignment all throughout High School even though I went to a Prepatory School and is in the top 15 in the state of Florida but my first reflection was an 89 so I had to really lock in- my average for his reflections turned out to be about a 91.5 or 92. I ended up going to the writing center and it really helped improve my grade in his class. He is a genuine guy and I went over to his house as many times as he would invite us, as it was an honor and you just want to be around a man like him. I definitely could not do all of the reading of the 8 books, but I did pull a ton of intellectual knowledge from them during the journey of his course. He has multiple grades to help you do well in the course but it does require a lot of time to read and do the notebook. So I would recommend taking him, just be ready for harsh grading and almost perfect writing ability to do well. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:GTX 2302 - If you want to learn something, take Matthew Anderson. If you appreciate sarcasm and wit, take Matthew Anderson. If you enjoy reading and open, interesting conversations, take Matthew Anderson. If you get by with SparkNotes, don't take Matthew Anderson. If you want an easy A, definitely don't take Matthew Anderson. If you don't particularly like reading, but you're willing to put in the work to learn, take Matthew Anderson, he will make you love these books. And if you can't handle a guy who probably knows more about Dante than you know about everything you've ever written, don't take Matthew Anderson. Great texts classes are meant to be some of the most challenging classes at Baylor-- and the most rewarding. Anderson ensures both are true. Anderson is fun, jolly, snarky, and a self-proclaimed "ass." Bro has read A Midsummer Night's Dream 50+ times. Expect to write at your highest level and read 8 or more entire books in the semester. Anderson is available if you reach out to him, but he will hold high academic standards. - Grade In Class:A
Comments:2302 - This class is extremely hard. As a student with straight As I often struggled due to the nature of this course. There are practically nor eviews either which is why BUBOOKS is misleading. We had so many written responses and didn't receive much feedback and the class went by super duper fast. I would not recommend taking this teacher at all. It definitely put stress on my chances attending graduate school and that to a medical school. - Grade In Class:B
Comments:2302 - I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Anderson's class. He facilitates really good discussion and makes the class so much better allowing it to be discussed based. That being said: as the student, you must read!! He expects a 200-word response for every class period, which can feel like a lot, but it really is not. As long as you put the effort in, I do not think he grades hard. Dr. A gives really good feedback and is always available as long as you reach out. He does not give any tests or quizzes, grade is made up of participation (35%), essays (30%), essay proposal's (10%), spiritual life project (5%), and the final (20%). Anderson on a few occasions gave a pass on the reflection questions due every class, which is very nice. Overall, Anderson is a really great prof, he is really funny and fun to be around. And most of all you will learn these texts. Do banter with him, as long as you are respectful of course. He tells jokes and is very engaging. Please do not be the person who just sits and never says anything, that is not the dynamic he wants to foster. If you get the chance to take him DO IT!! - Grade In Class:A
Comments:2301 - Mr. Anderson was a great professor! I took great texts with him Fall of 2018 and he was a humorous, knowledgable, and kind professor. The first day of class he made it seem that the course would be excruciatingly hard. But it wasn't bad at all. During class we would form a circle and discuss the material read the whole class. Anderson would pop in and lead us in our discussion and ask us thought provoking questions. Basically read a good amount per week and submit a 300 word reflection twice per week about something that stood out to you about what you read (sounds like a decent amount but isn't bad once you get the hang of it, maybe 5 hours tops outside of class a week). Two 1000 word papers, and an open book written final. It was a good amount of reading, sparknotes can get you by in a pinch. Overall I would count myself as an average student and it was very straightforward to get a B. He hosted his students twice for a review session and a class session and fed us snacks and pizza. Really cool guy, enjoyed learning and reading because of the professor, and it was pretty straightforward to get a B. - Grade In Class:B+