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Rating for Wayne Hampton
Professor Overview - Wayne Hampton

Overall Score


Teaching Ability




97 6

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Teaching Ability




Comments:INB 3333 - He is the best professor in the world. This man deserves a Nobel Prize. He is the most enjoyable and intelligent professor I have ever had at Baylor. He is humble, Christ-driven, extremely knowledgeable, and an excellent person. I learned the most in his class at Baylor, and I am so blessed I took him twice!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-09-17

Comments:3335 - Professor Hampton's class was honestly one of the best parts of my academic journey. And I can confidently say that my fellow students feel the same way. His teaching style is just amazing! He blends humor and storytelling to make international business so captivating. Plus, his real-world experience adds so much depth to his lessons. I always looked forward to our 3 pm classes because I knew they would be informative and super enjoyable. The workload was manageable, too, with quizzes, a case study, a research paper, and the midterms and finals. It all felt purposeful without being overwhelming. Mr. Hampton truly cares about his students and their success, both inside and outside the classroom. He's such a valuable asset to Baylor's faculty. His practical and real-world approach to teaching not only prepares us for our careers but also teaches us life lessons that stick with us long after graduation. This class has definitely set me up for success after university, and I'm incredibly grateful for that.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-11-07

Comments:3333 - Take this man if you have the chance. He is the best professor I have ever had. He is so funny and tells a lot of great stories to go along with international business. He has so many real world experiences and class is always so interesting. I had him at 8am and never missed because it was always exciting. He is absolutely awesome. The class work consisted of a quiz every week and doing a case study paragraph (not hard at all), one research paper that had to be 6 pages, a midterm and final.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-09

Comments:3305 - You'll learn the most yet you'll have the least busy work.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-26

Comments:3333 - There is simply no better qualified human being for this position than Wayne Hampton. From all my studies at Baylor as a double major, this professor has taught me the most about international business and life after college (both professionally and spiritually). There have been times when I have dounted Baylor's ability to prepare me for life after Hankamer Business School- but then I remember Hampton and am relieved at all that his class has prepared me and others for. There are few professors (or teachers for that matter) that have true TALENT, but this man does. He is unlike many other ivory-tower theory based professors in that he is extremely active in the business world and embodies a true global entrepreneur. His class is amazing because it is real-world learning with concept based facts about supranational organizations. Everyone I have ever known who has taken this class agrees it is the best offered at Baylor, and I believe because of its practical nature, should be a university requirement. Thank you, Baylor this is the best professor here.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-26

Comments:3320 - Mr. Hampton is by far my favorite professor this semester and perhaps even through my time here at Baylor. I have his class at 8am and although it is still hard to get up, I always look forward to his lectures. He is a success career man, so has unlimited real life experience and often tells interesting stories about them, these stories are part of what makes the class so enjoyable, not to mention he is just a funny guy. He really cares about the current and future success of all his students and will do anything to help you succeed. His work load is very do-able and if you study what is given to you then you will be able to be successful in his class.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2016-02-23

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