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Rating for Julie Hoggarth
Professor Overview - Julie Hoggarth

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Teaching Ability




91 16

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1307 - great class and professor, I recommend taking it  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2025-01-21

Comments:1307 - Pretty easy class can be a snooze fest test are easy just go to class and you'll be fine.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-02

Comments:1307 - This is one of the easiest classes I have ever taken. There is literally no work, except for one assignment at the end of the year, and the exams are honestly pretty easy. I got an A on all of them, and on top of that she also curves them. She also gives you the powerpoints and a study guide at the start of the semester so I suggest following along with that! She is a super sweet woman but I will say it can be a boring class. Just sit with a good group of people and you'll be fine. Take her class!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-04-19

Comments:ANT 1307 - Dr. Hoggarth is amazing. This is the easiest class I have taken at Baylor. Don't bother buying the textbooks, you won't need them. The exams are 50 questions but if you do the study guide you'll be fine. There is a single assignment all semester and it takes 20 minutes. She is also incredibly kind and understanding. Take this class!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-12-18

Comments:ANT 1307 - This woman is an actual angel. Her class is so easy, I'm not even kidding you have one actual assignment the entire semester. There is technically reading, but you don't have to do it. I kid you not I sat there and watched TV every class and have not made under a 90 on any test, she gives you study guides and it is word for word what is on the exam. This is an amazing class to take if you need to boost your GPA, we usually get out about 15 min early and you can sit there and be on your phone and she does not care. Highly recommend!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-11-30

Comments:ANT 1307 - This class is such an easy class, it takes work to fail this class. Professor Hoggarth really wants you to do well she gives you test questions in her lectures, tests take like 10 mins. They are super easy. Also do not buy the books you never need to read because she makes the tests based on her slides. If you need an easy class this is one of them  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-04-14

Comments:Intro to Arch - Super easy class, she never wants you to have the tinest bit of stress. Really sweet lady! The material is often dry because its an intro class, but she's really enthusiastic anyways.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-06-30

Comments:Intro to Anthro - Bruh is super easy. Legit study day before tests. Tests all online. 4 small projects. Also, she is a great teacher.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-04-18

Comments:1305 - Very easy course. Never worried about it. On exam days, she'll give you the day off to take the test, and has them open the whole day because the tests are all online. Her assignments are very easy to get As on. All of the test material is online. If you're someone who likes to fill out study guides just in case, just skim to the end of the book and fill in the definitions on the study guide sheets. No need to read the book, I promise. Honestly, buying the book isn't even necessary, unless you want to be 100% sure about the definitions you're writing down, I guess. Super easy course, take it if you want a class that you won't have to worry about.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-01-02

Comments:1305 - When I walked into this class, I was pretty confident about it. The professor had good reviews and seemed like she was going to be a nice and helpful teacher. She was helpful at first. The reviews are true -- her workload is INCREDIBLY light, you have online exams, and the exams are also straight from the material. HOWEVER. Leading up to late October (like the week of Halloween), I had a very good grade in her class -- a 94. A solid "A" in her class. I was ecstatic. THEN OUT OF NOWHERE SHE SENDS A MESSAGE ON CANVAS SAYING SHE CHANGED THE GRADE WEIGHTS...WITH NO WARNING!! NO ONE WAS PREPARED!! I went on Canvas and saw that my beautiful 94 was now a freaking 88. A SIX. POINT. DROP. Why did she have to be this heartless?? Why did she have to do this WITH BARELY ANY TIME TO RECOVER?? The only grades we had left in the class were one assignment and our final...basically I am done for. SO when I went into class the next week to hear her answer for why she did this, SHE LITERALLY GAVE NO REASON. SHE JUST STATED AGAIN THAT SHE CHANGED THE GRADE WEIGHTS AND THEY SHOULD BE THE WAY SHE WANTS THEM NOW. So I am furious. With the final 20% of my grade, I now have the CHANCE of getting a "A-" and literally have to get above a 100 on the final to get a "A." Completely blowing up my GPA. Long story short...she was a good teacher until she decided that she didn't like the grade weights NEAR THE END OF THE SEMESTER. THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE CORRECT POSITION IN THE FIRST PLACE. Strong chance she might screw you have been warned.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2017-12-01

Comments:ANT 2307 - Super sweet lady; very chill teacher. Gives lots of extra credit opportunities. The material of the class is pretty bland but she definitely makes it as fun as she can. Three online exams with no class that day (first was pretty hard but then it got easier) and a class project on archaeology in a certain region of the world. But yea, great lady. Highly recommended.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-11-16

Comments:1305-04 - She is very sweet, she wants the class to do well. Some students don't respect her as much as they should because of how understanding she is. She loves when you come to office hours if you bring in your assignment she will even go over it with you! You watch a lot of videos, but overall a great class. The tests were online but study the vocab list she gives you and you should do pretty good.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-11-14

Comments:ANT 1305 - Really nice and an amazing professor. I would highly recommend her. This class is pretty easy because of her.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2016-12-23

Comments:ANT 1305 - This is the easiest class I have taken at Baylor University. Also Dr. Hoggarth is so kind and wants her students to do well. There are two exams and a final, along with three assignments that take a little time but are incredibly easy. TAKE HER!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-11-17

Comments:ANT 1305 - Dr. Hoggarth is one of the best professors I have ever had during my time here at Baylor. She is passionate about her work in the field, she cares about her students, and she cares about anthropology! She has sparked my interest in the field of anthropology. She has the ability to make students not only really learn the subject, but also become fascinated with the material as well. She executes this by using and posting her PowerPoints each week. In the PowerPoints, she has many images, diagrams, and videos to show through out the class. This allows every type of learner in the classroom to understand the material. Not only does she lecture through the slides, she also draws out examples on the board. She takes attendance at the beginning of class. We had to complete 3 different assignments throughout the semester and about four tests. The final is not cumulative so that's great. If I had a chance to take her class again, I would do it in a heartbeat. Take her and you will be satisfied.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-04-27

Comments:ANT 1305 - She is amazing. She is incredibly sweet and all she wants is for her students to do well. Her intro to anthropology class is very interesting and she covers everything very well. There are 3 assignments which are very easy, the first was an essay which she graded incredibly easy, the second was a worksheet, and the third was a family tree with 3 questions. Her midterms are in depth, but she curves them to help everyone. At the end of the semester depending on the class average she shifts her grading scale so that more people can end up with A's. TAKE HER  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2015-12-03

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