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Rating for Nathan Warf
Professor Overview - Nathan Warf

Overall Score


Teaching Ability




95 5

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Teaching Ability




Comments:PSC 2302 - Take Professor Warf if you have the chance. He is a very nice man that managed to make an 8am poly sci class interesting. Other than nightly 5 page reading assignments, the only work to be done outside of class are 2 paragraph journal entries. The tests were very fair and overall the class is both easy and interesting.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2015-05-10

Comments:2302 - Dr. Warf is an awesome professor. He takes the time to make sure his students understand the material. He makes it relevant and shows how things in history still affect us today. He's really funny and makes sure he's available to help in any way he can. Take him!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2015-01-12

Comments:2302 - In my 4 years Warf is probably the best professor I had. He is more concerned with students understanding the material that the making the class difficult. He welcomes criticism and advice for how to make his class better. The reason I put a 4 star workload is because compared with other professors in this course his work load is minimal. A big day of reading for him is 5 pages. Most of the reading's are longer at the beginning of the semester. He is very available (email & office hours). He is not worried about the grade distribution, just wants students to do well and work hard. He knows that is a 2000 level course and that it is not in most students field of study. This is valuable because he has realistic expectation on what his students. Like I said, as I enter my 8th semester at Baylor he is probably the best professor I have had.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-11-24

Comments:PSC 2302 - Warf was fun. he was so enthusiastic about the material and often made (slightly unorthodox) jokes about the crazy things that've happened. As a whole, his class was easy. ALL text questions cam e from the powerpoints and he always told you what was important enough... maybe to learn for the short answer portion. He was easy to get a hold of, quick to respond and always very helpful. He even brought us donuts to the final. He is currently a PhD student so sometimes he is busy but I think it made him more understanding because he's still a student too. He already went to law school though so be prepared because he has worked hard and expects you to put genuine effort in to the little he asks of you. Overall, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-11-10

Comments:2302 - HANDS DOWN... Best professor ever! Professor Warf is so energetic, funny, and interesting in class! He makes hard material easy to understand and makes boring material fun! He tells you exactly what you new to know for tests and his averages were around an 87! They were easy and fair! He has pop quizzes that are so so easy (5 multiple choice)... You can study for them 5 min before class... That's what I did! Just go to class a little early and if you see scantrons on the table then you know there is a pop quiz that day! Professor Warf realizes that poly sci is a requirement, so he makes it as fun as possible with never a dull moment! He also posts powerpoints online before class! I learned so much from this class and had fun learning it at the same time! Easy/fun class and great professor! Best decision of my life! TAKE HIM!!!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-05-26

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