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Rating for Dan Walden
Professor Overview - Dan Walden

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Teaching Ability




77 16

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:2310 - Are you a College of Arts and Science Major who needs to take an AM-LIT course? Do not take this course with Walden, unless you would like to read feminist literature and be led in pedantic discussions focusing on minor literary works under the guise of American Literary cultures as seen through the lens of "under represented authors". Walden is no idiot, he simply chooses to work this class in a way that forgoes the actual substance of American literature in an attempt to be "hip" he frequently will attempt to appeal to gen-z terminology and engage in borderline inappropriate discussion topics in an attempt to seem more trustworthy or down to earth. Overall this course contributes not posits of substance on the great American literary works but lines on neoliberal feminist literature.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-09-18

Comments:ENG 3378 & 4381 - As a two-time Walden-er, I can confidently say he's been my favorite Baylor professor. He's a super easygoing, funny guy, and he's one of the few professors that can translate his love of literature into effective and challenging teaching. I took his Early American Literature class my junior year (having no idea what I was getting myself into), and had a ton of fun having honest discussions about what we were reading, why it mattered, and our thoughts. I believe we had a few free response exams and essays, but nothing too crazy. The amount of reading was a lot, but not overwhelming if you stay on top of it. He was super understanding about sick days and such, and I liked him enough to take him a second time (and ask him for a letter of rec!). This semester I took You Can Read Moby-Dick, and it was such a cool class. Moby Dick is his favorite book, so that means he's super excited to talk about it every class. His enthusiasm made me pumped to read it too, and sooner or later the whole class was invested in the book (and we actually read the whole dang thing). We had a few reading reflections due every week based on the assigned readings and had essays due throughout the semester (you get to set your own deadlines for things which I personally loved, but he's also willing to help you out if you're bad at that sort of thing), and we had an exit interview where you basically talk about Moby Dick with him for 30 minutes. I love his teaching style because he's not afraid to push boundaries, try new ideas, or admit when he's wrong. He seems to genuinely love hearing people's thoughts on things and ties everything together to have a good class conversation. He's the kind of professor you respect as both a prof and a person, which you don't always get to see. He also always ends semesters saying he's there if you need anything at all, which I think is pretty cool--he's part of the reason why I'll be teaching English in the future. 11/10, absolutely take Dr. Walden if you ever get the chance!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-05-06

Comments:3380 - Dr Walden is one of my favorite teachers I have had at Baylor. His teaching style is slightly sarcastic which might take some getting used to but overall a really funny guy who made lectures interesting. We had daily short responses based off prompts - they weren't too bad but definitely got tiring towards the end of the semester. We also had 3 tests and 2 papers. The tests weren't hard at all if you took notes/payed attention in class but he tended to grade the papers more harsh. Class was mostly discussion based some come prepared to speak (he loves a good discussion!!!) with a few lecture days sprinkled in. We read Moby Dick and even though I hated the book itself he is super passionate about it and it made the class pretty fun. Overall, great prof and would take again.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-19

Comments:3380 - Dr. Walden is an incredible professor who I learned a lot from this past semester. If you email him that you are not feeling well or have any questions relating to the course, he writes you back and is more than happy to help you. He is extremely knowledgable and is an engaging professor who got me more involved in old literature, which I now love. The course itself is a lot of reading, but it is so interesting and since his class is mostly discussion based, it is so laid back. You have to do some video responses regarding the reading but that is mostly for a completion grade. The tests are also usually about what is discussed in class, so go to class and just take notes while he lectures. I am grateful I took this course this semester, and am sad I can't again next.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-11-10

Comments:2301 - Professor Walden is a great professor he is funny and very easy to listen too, his class consists of a short response for homework before every class and the tests are short essays.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-10-28

Comments:ENG 2310 - Professor Walden is honestly a really great teacher. I've been in classes with people who care about the material and people who don't care about the material, and Professor Walden elevates the conversation to the point where there is little difference. His workload is around 50 pages for a class period, which is very digestible and easy to read, comprehend, then talk about. He's not afraid to talk about tough subjects, but he does it with a tact that is very respectful and encouraging of debate. He gives you the right amount of information to know enough to form your own opinion on the subjects, rather than him supplanting them directly. Good guy, very understanding, and talks with authority.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-10-28

Comments:ENG 2310 - Professor Walden is a phenomenal teacher. He takes on challenging topics and allows for open discussion, and love coming to class. I highly recommend.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-10-28

Comments:3380 - Great professor that engages well with the class. Incredibly funny and does a great job balancing class participation and lecturing. Despite being at 10am I always look forward to this class. Tests aren’t bad as long as you show up to class. Creates a welcoming and kind environment for students to feel comfortable in. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-10-28

Comments:2310 - I can't say much about his semester class but his summer course was terrible. He graded a gen ed course way too harshly and was no help at all. His questions to discussion posts were terrible because sometimes he would grade you on questions like, "What did the story make you think of?" then give you a 70 on a discussion post because you literally wrote what it made you think of. Horrible experience, I heard there were a lot of other better professors during the semester so I would advise yall to take a better professor. Quizzes were fair but the discussion posts you could never understand what he wants.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-07-08

Comments:3380 - First, as far as teaching goes, he is intelligent and knowledgeable about the subject. But outside of that, he was so unhelpful. He will most likely not answer your email, and even if he did, it wouldn't be helpful. He doesn't really use Canvas, especially with announcements, so if you miss class, tough luck. He is a hard grader, but is super vague about the details of the assignments. He is specific, which means that if he asks the class a question, he will keep on asking it unless he gets the answer that he wants. He is super sarcastic, so if you don't have tough skin, I advise you to not take his course.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2021-12-18

Comments:3380 - I like Dr. Walden. He's a really funny easy going guy and in comparison to all the other older English teachers, he's a breath of fresh air. In reading some of the other reviews I can kind of see why some people think he's arrogant. He kind of comes off that way but he's really just a nerd at heart. He's definitely a liberal and it's very obvious and makes no apologies whatsoever for the America's past which I really appreciated as a person of color. Format wise the class is pretty easy; 3 tests, 2 papers, and daily reading posts plus a participation grade. My only real complaint with this class is the end where you read Moby Dick for the entire month of April. What. A. Drag. The class seems to lose all structure at that point and the book itself is just extremely boring. Unless you like Moby Dick, you're going to find it reaaaally hard to go to class at the end and talk about it because he pretty much just comes to class with maybe two or three things he wants to mention and then asks what you want to talk about and let's be honest... you don't ACTUALLY want to talk about anything, you just like, have to. Oh, and I will also say that he's actually kind of a difficult grader. This class isn't really easy nor is it really that hard, but I'm pretty sure you could do a lot worse.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-04-29

Comments:3380 & 4381 - I've taken 2 courses with Professor Walden, and it was a great experience! If you've read the earlier ratings for him, you should know that he's grown more experienced and has refined his teaching method. I knew exactly what to expect from class. We had reading quizzes and/or wiki posts (which were so fun) in response to the reading. The reading is the only hw and is not overwhelming. We sit in a circle to discuss the text. It's a casual, engaging format--there's not much lecturing at all. Really, the only weird thing was that sometimes Walden has a tendency to make us try to guess where he's going with a point. The tests are a review of what we learned in the class discussions, so as long as you pay attention and go over the material beforehand, you're fine. There's a good-sized research paper due at the end of the class, and Walden embraces interesting topics. He's so cool, and very passionate about what he's teaching. Walden made me excited about A.Lit, a subject I never thought I would like.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2015-11-17

Comments:Eng 4381 - He's a really nice guy. His class is fun and interesting and he keeps you engaged. I really enjoyed his class, but he is a very difficult grader. He told me I wouldn't get an A and that I should be happy with a B in his class. He also didn't use the plus or minus system, so an 89 is the exact same gradepoint as an 81, which I don't think is entirely fair. He also isn't super encouraging and I felt defeated at times.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2015-05-12

Comments:ENG 3390 - He is the only professor in the entire english building to use Prezi presentations! He is nice, forgiving, and helpful. Very knowledgeable and passionate about his teaching, and gets excited about the readings. Also, it was a MWF class and we barely had to read. Seriously, sometimes we would just need to read a ten line poem, show up, discuss it and leave. He is NOT one of those english profs who grade essays and tell you that your writing is disgraceful-- very easy to get an A if you put a little effort in. He's also adorable.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-04-09

Comments:ENG 4381 - Fairly young, always insightful, and slightly inexperienced, Professor Walden enjoys his maritime concentration quite a bit but animates his material only intermittently. I have little innate liking to colonial literature, and he did little to palliate this. Yes, he did apologize a few times as he was new and his teaching yet in its formative stages, but the atmosphere of discussion, thought provocation and general camaraderie fostered by many of the excellent professors in the Baylor English department was lacking in his. There were nine people in my class; one did not utter a word the entire semester until her final presentation. Not one, I kid you not. Other than this, Dr. Walden does add in the occasional colorful anecdote which adds flavor to the material but, as aforementioned, does little to cultivate a lively, deep discussion of the content. Perhaps I am being too condemning on a professor whose interest lies in a period devoid of rigorous works, as I am of the opinion that until Washington Irving American Colonial literature was severely lacking. Teaching and periodicity aside, he is an interesting teacher and definitely keeps the class from seeping into too much boredom. No, I am not writing vindicatory, although he did promise to return our final research papers when he finished grading them...I graduated two years ago:)  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2013-11-28

Comments:ENG 3380 - Dr. Walden is the most excited person ever when it comes to colonial and early American literature. This made even the drier readings more enjoyable and engaging. He especially loves Moby-Dick, which made my first time reading through the book memorable and exciting. He and his wife had their baby unexpectedly right at fall break, so he got a little behind on grading, but you can tell that next to his family, his class is his first priority. Great guy, and I highly recommend that any English majors take his American Lit through Whitman course.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-11-19

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