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Rating for Heidi Marcum
Professor Overview - Heidi Marcum

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62 88

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1303 - Dr. Marcum is not a very good professor. The best word to describe her teaching style is 'nutty'. Very random assignments that don't get graded, an expensive 'book' that she wrote that is just a pdf that you use 4 times, exams are also not 'word for word from the powerpoints' as she claims, and she involves her political views. I understand that she is passionate about animals and the environment, but it's not right to shove your opinions down everyone's throat ALL the time. The class itself was easy enough, but sitting through lectures made it not worth it. She is nice enough as a person, but I would not retake her classes.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-07

Comments:3306 - Just disorganized all around. I recently had my third class (3306) with her, and it has consistently been my least favorite class across each semester. Everything’s hunky dory if you go along with whatever she says, but the moment conflict arises- be it a disagreement in specific content related to class, or a personal issue affecting academic performance- watch out. I witnessed her shame a classmate for not turning in an exam at the start of class, only to learn her aunt had died and she was out of town for the funeral and still freshly grieving. God forbid the exam isn’t a priority! Generally agreeable if you’re one of her few favorites, though. Would frequently get off topic- why are you facilitating a debate on abortion in a wildlife management class?! If there is an alternative class to fulfill a requirement, take that instead. If there’s no way around it, buckle up.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-03

Comments:ENV 1301 - Anyone looking to take this class should NOT take Heidi. I have never had a professor I respected less or disliked more; I even entered this class with a positive mindset toward her; let me gladly tell you why. She continually disrespects our time as students by being 5-10 minutes late for essentially every class. When she starts to teach, her lessons can barely be considered a lesson. In these "lessons," she teaches us her opinion and not facts about the subject she teaches. She always interjects her own political opinions. She consistently disrespects students, commenting, "I do not care if you are offended." "I do not respect any family that has more than two kids," and "The U.S. should adopt China's one-child policy rule. She clearly cares more about animal lives and rights than humans and shows it. She also speaks in absolutes: "The only thing you should consider when voting is whether or not the candidate believes in climate change," which is so clearly not the case. She constantly complains about not feeling respected in class, and my harsh response is that she does not give us anything to respect. When you have a question, good luck trying to reach her in any setting outside of the classroom, as she does not hold office hours and does not respond to emails; her study guides are unfinished and do not contain the full scope of the test, despite her telling us to study off of the guide. The lack of a textbook makes receiving accurate information nearly impossible. I got a 76% on my first exam with her because I didn't study economics for the test and, therefore, guessed on nearly 1/3 of the answers. One of the questions stated, "Why isn't the GDP of our nation a true representation of our economy's future?" For the record, I'm taking ENV 1301. On April 18th, she came 8 minutes late and had the audacity to stop everything she was doing to glare at a student who came in one minute after her and continued to glare without speaking until he was fully situated in his seat when she should have and could have just ignored him. Shortly after, she tells us that "[she's] feeling very disrespected, and [she] thinks that today is the perfect day for a hard quiz." She tells us it's going to be five questions, and once she starts the 6th and after we remind her, she only says five, she says, "Oh, I don't think you guys fully understand what I want from you, so we're doing more." I loved my environmental class in highschool which is why I took this class. Now, this woman has turned me into Mayor O'Hare from the Lorax. Never EVER take this teacher. **all quotes were written down as she was saying them specifically with the intent of using them for this review.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-04-19

Comments:ENV 3337 - She has such a big heart and is super passionate about what she is teaching. However, this class can be a little all over the place that is my only complaint. There is a lot of presentations and group projects during this class. There is also an activity that is based outside of class that accounts for a lot of your grade. I really enjoyed this project.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-03-19

Comments:ENV 1301 - This is the worst professor I have ever had at Baylor. Some of her lectures just included straight up lies she read on Facebook. She never responds to emails. I once emailed her boss about this and she yelled at me the next day in class. She will make assignments due at 1:07 pm because she doesn't know how to use canvas, and you will miss them and get a B for an overall easy class. Straight up ruined my first semester at Baylor, for my first class related to my MAJOR. Once made a speech about how ugly some conservative politicians are, and that was basically our class for the day. She made me dread life and I am praying for the day she gets fired.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2024-02-15

Comments:1303 - Marcum was definitely liberal, there is no denying that. Her teaching was pretty scattered and she had us purchase a $160 textbook we never used. All of that aside, she gives so many extra credit opportunities, all her tests are webcam online and she does really love what she teaches. If you even briefly study the power points (which she posts) you will do well in her class.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2023-12-09

Comments:ENV 1303 - Dr, Marcum is the worst professor I have had at baylor (junior). She spends all of class time making politically angled statements about her 100 animal farm, will cancel class 20 minutes before it starts, will give assignments two days before they are due with no context, and has zero flexibility. Her tests are online with webcam, and after having a system glitch she had no flexibility with reopening the exam for us to take it because she didn’t care if our schedule did not fit her three hour timeframe. She is judgemental and rude, calls on the same two people every class and never seems to know whats going on.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-10-04

Comments:ENV 1305 - Disorganized, graded assignments she never assigned, didn't't grade assignments she did assign for months, highly political, gets off topic easily, overall a highly frustrating course.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-04-23

Comments:1301 - She is very passionate about what she teaches, however, sometimes the class can be a bit disorganized. Random assignments will be given with little to no announcement beforehand. However, if you participate in class regularly and study her power points for your test reviews before exams, you will get an A, no problem. Just know that sometimes the class might be a little chaotic, but she is a very genuine teacher.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-19

Comments:3337 - Very disorganized, constantly changes due dates, adds/drops assignments without notice, and she is way too politically biased. She seems like a very nice person, but I would not recommend her for upper-level classes. I've taken introductory courses and she was okay, but still had hard tests.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-09-15

Comments:ENV 1301 - Dr. Marcum is a very casual and laid back professor. As other people have said, she can be a little biased, but most of her 'bias' is that she's environmentally friendly. She's a little crazy, and will entertain you with her life stories. She is very clearly passionate about what she does, and is willing to work with you to help you out if needed. We get an assignment every week or two, and it's always: read a paragraph or two, write two or three sentences in response, get a free hundred. Tests are at a high school level, and are often word for word off google definitions . Absolutely take her if you're able (especially if you're not normally good in science and want an easy A!)  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-03-02

Comments:1301 - She is so disorganized. Good luck trying to get in touch with her, she most likely will not reply back to you. There are always errors in her own exams and she is super politically biased. The information in the class is really interesting but just take another professor. This was the worst experience I have had with a professor at Baylor.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-01-27

Comments:1303 - do not take this course with her. her tests are so ridiculously over detailed. She doesn’t give out much extra credit either. For an intro level science course (even if you’re not a science major), the textbook is extremely expensive and she’s the worst with technology. The study guides are no help to the tests. if you do get her, good luck.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2021-11-08

Comments:ENV 1301 - I do not recommend this class. she never responds to emails, and regularly makes incorrect exam questions. if you do not share her political views you most likely will not do well  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2020-11-19

Comments:1301 - In one sentence, Marcum is extremely politically biased, very unorganized, and is a mediocre professor. The class itself is easy considering it is an introductory course, but the tests can be unnecessarily difficult. Since we had to deal with Covid-19, all tests were online and done through a lockdown browser which was just a pain in the ass. Most other professors I have had chose to treat their students as adults and with respect and did not force us to install invasive software on our personal computers. That being said, Marcum will not treat you with respect and will instead treat you as an ignorant child no matter what arguments you present to counter her opinions. Her tests had multiple different typos and incorrect grammar which made it nearly impossible to answer some of the questions. This combined with the fact that she will continually attempt to indoctrinate students with her far-left ideology and misrepresent opinions she disagrees with makes her look like an absolute clown. Take her for the easy A but you sacrifice all the hope you had for western civilization.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-10-29

Comments:1301 - It is hard to be in this class with Professor Marcum. She is so liberal and forces that upon her students regardless of their beliefs. She yells at us for taking notes, but also gets upset with us when we fail the tests. She is unorganized when it comes to homework assignments and always has to change the time when each assignment is due because I think she gets confused. I would recommend taking another professor if you're looking to get a good grade.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2020-10-28

Comments:ENV 1301 - This lady treats her students like we are 10 years old. She never makes it known what she expects of her students, doesn’t tell us about tests until the day before, and makes the assignments and classes unnecessary. She told me not to take notes during class because the class is being recorded, so why am I required to come to class? Everything we do is unnecessary and the tests are difficult. She is not a good teacher, take someone else.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2020-10-13

Comments:ENV 1301 - Dr. Marcum keeps her class to lectures with an occasional easy homework assignment. Her tests are unnecessarily long but not very hard. She also calls on the same 3 kids to answer questions, so sit in the back of the room, and you should be fine. Dr. Marcum is very passionate about environmental conservation and does have left-sided views, so being open-minded in her lectures is vital. She's goofy but an incredibly knowledgeable lady.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-12-09

Comments:3306 - She didn't post the syllabus until probably halfway through the semester and was constantly changing exam dates. Along with the fact she never grades anything ever and made us grade our own tests with different requirements than she stated on the test. Dr. Marcum will ask you random and hella vague questions and expect a very specific answer. If she memorizes your name or calls on you the first day of class, good luck because you will be answering probably every question she ever asks. She grades based on bogus requirements that are never stated in the test and the exams are not based on your accuracy or knowledge of information, but on very specific answers she comes up with AFTER the exam. She never approves OALA accommodations and I know multiple students filing complaints about her. She also counted me absent when I was there for every class and didn't believe me when I told her I was there, even though I had my notes and my classmates were there to vouch for me. If you can avoid her do it. Also HI it's finals week and she has yet to grade anything. Like literally just put in a test grade from February. I'm just trying to keep my scholarship y'all it really shouldn't be this hard to communicate with a professor.   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-05-11

Comments:3306 - Most professors at Baylor do a good job of not incorporating their political beliefs into class material. Dr. Marcum is an exception to that. I’ve had to side with far left views in class to secure a good grade. From talking about “benefits” of abortion to straight up roasting president Trump, this class is more about her opinions rather than conservation biology. She NEVER responds to emails.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-04-03

Comments:1303 - very liberal class, honestly so fun. tests are hard- do every single extra credit and you'll get an A even if you bomb the tests.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-03-30

Comments:1303 - DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU ARE A CONSERVATIVE. I am a VERY big conservative and found my self disagreeing with all of dr. marcum's views. This is a very liberal class itself and she is incredibly liberal. This class actually led me to buy a sticker for my computer that said "Raised Right" of a republican elephant. Her class is incredibly easy and I online shopped for 80% of the time. However, her tests are pretty hard but she gave a lot of bonus points. This class was painful to sit through and I found myself contemplating skipping every MWF.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-12-31

Comments:1303 - SO easy, and she gives opportunity for 10 extra credit points on every test. Homework can take awhile if you try, but just complete it and turn it in. People say she's politically motivated, but in the end, all she cares about is the WILDLIFE (which is the name of the course) and she wants regulations that will protect them. She's not anti-hunting or anti-guns, so I don't see what the problem is. She's not anti-conservative, she wants qualified people who have studied wildlife to be in power to make the decisions concerning wildlife, not politicians. Textbook is expensive and I never read it, but the class was easy. Some people struggled because they skipped class and she would give "attendance quizzes" for people who showed up.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-09

Comments:1301 - She can be a pretty wacky, but if you take your notes and do the (easy) homework/test reviews you'll be fine. She is quite liberal but makes an effort to present students with facts alongside her own opinions.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-10-06

Comments:1303 - Dr. Marcum is an engaging and funny teacher. However, she teaches on a political bias. She slams conservatives often and is not open to hear the other side. 3 Tests and the 3rd test is the final but weighed the same as the other 2. She also gives extra credit on tests so don't miss class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-05-14

Comments:ENV 1303 - I'm pretty sure Dr. Marcum is the only Wildlife Ecology teacher, but if you're looking for a super easy science class definitely take this one! Honestly, she's really disorganized and scatterbrained and doesn't really reply to emails. However, she's really passionate about animals, tells interesting stories, and gives a lot of opportunities for extra credit (the tests are actually pretty hard but if you show up the next class period after a test, you'll get an instant 10% grade raise). The textbook is really expensive and the class is boring, but it's an easy A even if you want to spend class multitasking on your laptop.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-05-10

Comments:1301, 1303 - TAKE HER!! I needed 2 lab sciences, so I took Wildlife Eco and Intro to Env. Issues. Both classes are structured the same: Lecture over powerpoints in class, homework assignments outside of class (that were extremely easy, just sometimes tedious), and tests. She gives a test review before each test, and if you fill it out and study it once or twice, you should do very well on the tests. Also, coming to class after the test will help your grade a bunch. You "take it again" with a partner and she gives you 10 bonus points on your test. As a person, Heidi is CRAZY, she is scatterbrained, unorganized, opinionated, unavailable, but she is hilarious and the class is stupid easy. If you just turn in the homework and fill out the test reviews, you have a 100+ in the class. Would recommend taking either 1301 or 1303 for an easy lab science!!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-05-01

Comments:1303 - TAKE MARCUM!!! As a business major who simply needed a lab science that was an easy A I loved Marcum's class. She only assigned three or four assignments all semester. I took notes during class but I only used quizlets to actually study for her tests and got A's and B's on all three of them. THIS IS THE BEST PART! she gives you 10 bonus points for reviewing your test after you take it. Example: I got a 93 on the second test but it she gave me a 103 after review. Aside from all that, she is one of the most energetic and passionate teachers I have taken at Baylor. She lives and Breathes animals. Even though I just wanted to get in and out of my lab science requirement, she really makes class interesting and I appreciated the class. TAKE HER  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-04-12

Comments:1303 - EASIEST CLASS. Dr. Marcum is a little crazy, however she gives almost no homework and cancels class sometimes. She allows you to retake test for 10 extra points. She gives out study guides for the exams, which are relatively easy. The book is expensive, but it comes with a course pack that has fill in the blank notes for her lectures.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-04-08

Comments:ENV 1303 - Take Dr. Marcum!! She is so funny and her class is really interesting. She assigns homework occasionally but it's VERY easy. Tests come directly from the study guide and she lets you retake the test with a group for 10 extra points. Class always starts late and finishes early.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-04-08

Comments:1301 - This class was harder than I expected but not that bad. marcum is a character and funny to listen to. I did the notes but mostly played on my laptop during class and still got a B. the book is a waste of money but required of course. the homework was just busy work (took way longer than expected so start early) and she is a picky grader at first but then she took all semester to put in the assignments so as long as you did them you're good. don't skip because she gives pop up assignment and extra credit the day after tests which saved my life. I would pick another class if I had to go back but it wasn't that bad. the lab was super easy though just a lot of time outdoors and rarely in the classroom  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-01-08

Comments:1301 - NOT THAT BAD. Here's the thing, the tests are harder than you'd think and that's unfortunate. But she offers so much extra credit that even after getting a C on every test, I still pulled out an A in the class. Just do the extra credit and semi study her reviews for her tests! She is scatter brained but seriously not bad whatsoever. Just do the homework (which is so easy).  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-05-07

Comments:1301 - I would definitely not recommend taking Marcum. As someone who sucks at science, I hoped this intro course wouldn't be too hard, but Heidi is so scatterbrained she lost some of my assignments, never responded to my e-mails, and her reviews didn't match the tests.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2016-12-12

Comments:1303 - I can not believe anyone is complaining. Yes she's quirky but she's also hilarious. She loves animals but what do you expect from someone teaching a wildlife course? Fun fact: she has 42 horses. The book is extremely expensive and you won't read it but the course pack that comes with it is is super helpful for taking notes. Study the review she gives, do the assignments, and you are guaranteed an A. You'll also learn some super useful information about wildlife and it's clear she knows what she is talking about. If you're not into wildlife, don't take the course. If you are, you will love this class and Marcum as long as you have a sense of humor.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-12-09

Comments:1301 - It's a miracle anyone is getting an A in here...teachers are insane. DO NOT trust the study guides. Tests are ridiculously detailed and over the top especially for an "intro" level non science major class. Makes you buy an insanely expensive textbook WITH online access which you absolutely do not use. Sometimes theres attendance, sometimes there isn't. The whole class is off the wall. Zero organization. Marcum doesn't even teach the class anymore, she sits on the side and watches computers. Avoid if you can.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2016-11-14

Comments:1301 - Let's start with the pros: Opportunities for up to 10+ points on each test and informative powerpoint presentations. However, the cons outweigh the pros in my opinion. 1) She is completely unorganized. For example, she lost my friend's assignment, which my friend reminded her about multiple times, each time Dr. Marcum saying, "Oh no, I closed Canvas already! See me next class!" (My friend got a B in her class only because Marcum lost the assignment and never got back to her!) 2) She makes you pay $30 for TopHat to take attendance, but simultaneously calls roll anyway? I never understood this. 3) She is aggressive/threatens to hurt students if they don't agree with her??? Obviously joking, but she's odd. 4) The tests are unnecessarily difficult. It's a miracle I got an A, not because the class was hard, but because it was so unorganized and the professor drove me nuts.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-05-11

Comments:ENV 1303 - She's kind of a weirdo, but she's really nice. If you're against environmental protection acts DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. Otherwise you'll be fine. The class itself is easy, just try to take it seriously or it'll sneak up on you.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-05-03

Comments:1303 - Fun class. Not too bad. Just study the study guide and you will do great. She is a lot of fun. The book is expensive but for an A, its worth it.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-04-21

Comments:1303 - Marcum is a cool teacher! Her class isn't boring and goes by really quickly. You won't have a problem getting an A if you study the guides for the test. HOWEVER, she does ask you to buy a just under $200 textbook. What sucks is when you realize she wrote the textbook herself, and feel ripped off for paying $200 for it. But it gets WORSE, she only wrote 4 chapters of the book. So you spent almost $200 on a textbook of 4 chapters. There's supposed to be about 15. She makes it required for you to get the textbook bc you have to use the course pack (which is basically her powerpoints outlined). But she's a cool person and cancels class every once in a while!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-04-13

Comments:ENV 1303 - Dr. Heidi Marcum simply put is very scatter brained. She is hilarious but honestly didn't get much out of her class. She of course is very biased but she is a pretty easy grade. I got a B+ cause honestly just didn't care to study. Just remember, DO YOUR MASTERING! It is a pain but get it done. That will help you out in the end with bonus points. Also, she is very heavy with curves and bonus so that is how you can make a pretty good grade.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2019-04-29

Comments:1303 - Dr. Marcum's class frustrated me. The class itself was not terrible - my main complaint there was that we had to buy too much stuff, considering it was either this class or a physics course to get me my last lab science credit. You have to buy her own book - DO NOT GET THE ONE FROM THE BOOKSTORE. I rented it for $87 dollars because she said it would help me. I never cracked it open. $87 down the drain. She also wanted us to buy a $20-something app called TopHat because it was "very necessary." We used it for attendance maybe four weeks, and a couple of tiny quizzes. The last three or four weeks of class, it was never even mentioned. You have to buy two manuals for lab as well. I guess this is a personal problem, but I took this class because it got me my science credit, and ended up paying way more than I expected. Dr. Marcum let the athletes talk constantly through pretty much every class, and one day got mad at them and ended up telling all of us in the class that we were "ticking her off" and to go home. The going home part wasn't bad, but seriously, all of us? She's a nice lady. It's just kind of obvious why she isn't tenured.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2014-12-17

Comments:ENV 1303 - Dr. Marcum is super funny and so her lectures are generally sort of interesting, but she also goes off track into tangents about her 103 animals at her house. At first i thought the class would be an easy A because there were many athletes in the class, but after taking the first test, i realized differently. The tests are over a lot of information so you would definitely need to start studying early, they are pretty straight forward, but i still never did as well as others in my class. She assigns several assignments out of the book and stuff but never really tells you what you made on them, she is pretty disorganized when it comes to that. The lab class accompanying the lecture is beyond easy, definitely do that class. Overall, consider taking her, but keep in mind that the tests require quite a bit of studying.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-11-18

Comments:1303 - Easiest class I've ever had to take at Baylor. While she doesn't do much teaching if you pay attention in class to what she does say, and have any common sense her class is very easy.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-11-14

Comments:ENV 1301 - Dr. Marcum was the most frustrating and impossible professor I've ever had. She is never available for office hours and loses everything. Your grade does not reflect your workload, and Dr. Marcum never posts anything in a timely matter. If possible, take anyone else.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-05-12

Comments:1301 - The material in the course is not difficult as long as you do the assignments on mastering however Dr. Marcum does not announce when the assignments will be and on her syllabus it states that she expects you to check the website multiple times a day. Does not offer any extra credit despite telling her classes there will be multiple opportunities. Does not ever answer email. Is always 5-10 minutes late to class and unorganized. Never cancels class. The tests are surprisingly hard and the class itself is painful to go to. Is very opinionated and talks about controversial topics and politics in class. I would take anyone else if possible.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-04-30

Comments:ENV 3306 - Dr Marcum is an awesome person. However, she was fairly scattered when it came to assignments/grading/handing back papers/etc. She isn't prompt in returning emails or putting grades on blackboard. She is great though because she has few assignments, and those assignments are fairly easy to do. She lays out what you need to do, what she's looking for, and her study guides for the tests are spot on. She will help you if you go into her office and ask for help; she's usually in her office at any time, at least from the times when I went to see her. She isn't very big on extra credit, and if she does offer some extra credit she may not take it up to count it. Overall, she's a good professor but not necessarily a good one for people like me who are edgy and overstressed like me.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2013-06-07

Comments:1303 - She never answers her emails and she doesn't let you come to her office hours. She is not nice during class and she is really weird. Normally during class I would just copy the notes on the powerpoint while online shopping. Class is really boring but if you take the notes from the board you can easily get an A. She is really moody but if you study for about 2 hours for each test you can get an A. Easy A but not a fun class  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-12-12

Comments:Ecology - Never answers emails, and talks about saving wolves every class. Besides that she is enjoyable and her class is pretty easy. Just look at her study guide before the test. Nice lady  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-12-10

Comments:1303 - Dr. Marcum is completely unreliable, and her class is unbearably boring. I should have made an A in her class, but because she waits till the last moment to put grades up and is hard to get ahold of, by the time I resent it to her she gave me half credit for which was originally her fault. She is terrible at responding to your emails as well. Her tests aren't to terrible, just very long.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2012-05-05

Comments:Wildlife Ecology - If you want an easy A class thats interesting, take Wildlife! I really enjoyed it and Dr. Marcum. Yes, Dr. Marcum is a little crazy. But she is truly passionate about what she does! I learned a ton in her class, and she always kept it lively and interesting with her many stories (her many animals, her crazy hippie days... and so much more). You definitely need to study for her tests, but the test questions come straight from the study guide. She does come in late everyday... but it's nice not to have to rush to get to class. Lots of opportunities for grades and extra credit.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2011-12-01

Comments:1303 - I rated Dr. Marcum previously...but after taking her final, I felt a re-evaluation was entirely necessary. I really liked her towards the beginning of the semester. She was chill and classes were always short. However, after spring break she started to get REALLY REALLY sassy and sometimes really impatient. She is ALWAYS late to class, even on the day of the final. Our final was not comprehensive, which was good, but we never even went over 2 of the chapters we were tested over. Her test was much longer than it normally is and it was much more difficult; even though she claimed it was just "a normal test like usual". She did provide us with 15 extra credit points which was nice; but I wish I could have ended this course as happy as I started it.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2011-05-06

Comments:1303 - Dr. Marcum is a great teacher, especially is Wildlife Ecology is part of your field of study. She really knows what she's talking about and makes the lectures really interesting. She puts the notes online and you just have to print them off/bring your laptop to class and fill them in. The tests are right off the notes, so if you study the notes well, you'll do fine on the tests. There are a few random assignments throughout the semester that aren't difficult.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2011-05-03

Comments:1301 - This class is super easy...Dr. Marcum is frequently late to class and lets us go early alot so classes usually arent too long. there is almost no homework except for a couple of assignments throughout the semester. all we do during class is take notes from a powerpoint. The tests are straight from the notes. she is very animated and funny she has a lot of hippie stories...but if youre very anti-liberal dont take her because you will disagree with her all year long.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2011-03-25

Comments:1303 - Easiest class I've ever taken. Print the notes before class and fill in as she lectures.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-07-29

Comments:1303 - Dr. Marcum is great!!! She is super nice and loves animals. She helped me save a baby bird once actually. Wildlife Ecology is a really good choice for an easy, fun lab science. She put her lectures on blackboard usually, tests come straight off the lectures, there is some extra credit, and a project where you design a farm. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK! I never even opened mine and did fine. All material comes from the lectures. Definitely choose Dr. Marcum's class if you can!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-05-05

Comments:Wildlife Ecology - She was an okay teacher, but you really do need to study for her tests. The final was pretty easy, but the other tests were kind of hard! She is very unorganized, but she is also forgiving! I overslept on the day I was supposed to present a major grade project, and she didn't take off points, but if you're just looking for an easy A for a science credit, I wouldn't recommend this class. Also, the labs require you to go a lot of different places.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-01-21

Comments:1301 - Very nice and passionate about what she is teaching. Has online quizzes that she doesn't always announce so sometime you will miss them simply because you didn't check. Overall, the class is pretty easy...  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2008-12-08

Comments:1303- Wildlife Ecology - Dr. Heidi Marcum is awesome! She is really nice, passionate about her subject, and a great teacher! She really knows her stuff! We've only had 3 assignments (including a fun project) so far and then 3 tests and the final. The test material comes straight off of her notes that you fill in during class, so as long as you study and understand the concepts you should do well in her class! Her tests are all multiple choice. She is really funny and makes coming to class worthwhile. : ) I would definitely recommend her!! She is not a stickler and is willing to work with you.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-11-16

Comments:1301 - Dr. Marcum is a hippie who's a little off her rocker. Take her for an easy A. You print out the notes before class so you can fill in the blanks during her lecture. Her test questions come directly from the notes. If a lot of people miss certain questions on the test she'll throw them out and add points to everyone's grade. Her class barely requires brain cells for any human being to pass.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-06-19

Comments:ENV 2407 - I LOVE HER! She is such a great person. She really wants her students to learn. Take her when you can. She is the best environmental professor at baylor!   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-05-07

Comments:1303 - always 15 mignutes late even for the final. less organized than a college freshman,lied about giving extra credit,lied about posting notes,test questions very subjective,random quizzes so dont miss a single day,doesnt round even if you have a 69.499999,doesnt give B+,never returns emails and is rarely available for office hours. that said she is a nice person but she doesnt need to be a proff, maybe a lab TA  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2007-05-11

Comments:ENV 1301 - Heidi Marcum is great if u want an easy teacher, and she's really friendly etc., but I am paying too much for such a useless class. An understanding of middle-school biology and memorizing vocab is all u need.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2007-04-02

Comments:ENV 1301 - The book is helpful because she asks a good deal of questions that aren't in the powerpoints. Gives lots of opportunities for extra credit but gets pissed if you talk, text message or sleep during one of the many tree hugging videos she likes to show. Online quizzes, embrace, love them, and for heaven's sake, TAKE THEM! Her tests get harder as the semester goes on and some of the questions are tricky.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2007-02-13

Comments:1301 - Very easy class! Just read the chapters and you will be fine in every test, quizzes are grade boosters!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2007-01-08

Comments:1301 - She's very unorganized. There are a lot of quizzes online, so be sure and check for them everyday. Sometimes she will tell you in class that there will be a quiz, but you still need to check. Her tests are hard to study for. I would recommend reading and comprehending the book, paying attention in class, and studying her powerpoints. If you do all of these you should do well. Her tests are over a lot of material. She only gives three tests. Two regular tests and the final.   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2007-01-02

Comments:1301 - If you put any effort into this class you're fine. I didn't and still got a c+. She offers a lot of extra credit and her two, maybe three homework assignments are easy 15 min. assignments. You have daily quizzes on blackboard that you take at home which are easy to do with a book. Lot's of movies with "movie facts" to boost your grade. I missed the max amount of days, did the bare minimum and got a c. If you can deal with a somewhat liberal biased view, take this class!  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2006-12-18

Comments:1303 - HORRIBLE TEACHER! I know people say she gives out take home tests, or computer tests.. but she didn't this year (Fall 06) because she says it's to easy! HA! She's a hippy and violates the Baylor Dress code every day and she's a PROFESSOR?!!? She hates questions, doesn't post reviews anymore, really hates to help out her students in any way!   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2006-12-05

Comments:env 1301 - The class has the potential to be easy, but make sure and print out the slides before you come to class. If you don't fill them out as you go along, it takes forever to look through the book and find the blanks, because shes unorganized. Her test days consist of taking the test online in the computer lab between certain hours, which is awesome. These are 50 questions, randomly taken from a pool of 100 questions, so you more than likely will get the question you don't know,like four times- and they're not vocab, you have to know the material. She's always late, so its a great morning class to have, so you can be late too.She usually comes in with hay in her hair and some crazy outfit on, so that's always fun. She doesn't really care a lot about the students or their grades, she's pretty preocupied. Don't try emailing her, she'll never respond..  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2006-11-14

Comments:1301 - Easy class. Very interesting too. You can tell she has a passion for what she does. I learned alot about current topics and things that actually applied to my life. She's kinda frenzied and in a hurry all the time, esp. if you see her in her office. She has interesting stories though- she owns a bunch of horses and snakes. She likes to pick favorites and joke around with them. Overall a good class though.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-07-07

Comments:1301 - She is a very big hippi and unorganized. She gives the review the day before the test and they suck. Don't get her unless you like hearing all the time about how bad Bush is.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2006-05-21

Comments:1301 - Dr. Marcum is the biggest hippy I've ever met. I anticipate her walking into to class so i can see what she's wearing because it is hilarious. She is a great professor, knows her stuff and teaches the material well. If you want a easy A science class then take her. At the beginning of the semester u have quizzes online that are easy but she gives up on those half way through the semester. She maybe gave us 3 homework assignments throughout the whole semester which were something like go to this website and print the second page out and bring it to class. He test are about 20 to 30 vocab words from the chapters that she tells u to define which are extremly easy and she doesn't even grade the test hard. If u study all the words for about 2 hrs u will get at least an 85 on every test probably a 90+. I can't stress to u how easy and fun her class is. HIGHLY RECEMMENDED, U WILL BE VERY GLAD THAT YOU DID!!! Don't sweat the test bc they are really easy as long as u know all the vocab words.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-05-09

Comments:1301 - Don't take this class unless you enjoy hearing about how horrible the Bush Administration is, and how amazing every liberal administration was. She is completely scatter brained. She doesn't come to class prepared at all. She doesn't give the review until the class before, and they are LONG and take FOREVER. The only good thing, is if you study the tests arent hard.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-04-19

Comments:1301 - If you are an ENV major, take this lady. If you aren't, you may find it a little difficult. Lots of jocks in my class. Take notes, read the chapters, print powerpoints, Get B+ or A on test (hand written though which is gay)  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-04-04

Comments:1302 - she loves what she does! shes easy! she will cut you slack if you talk her into it! her essays are TAKE HOME ESSAY! and the first two tests arent hard. but her last one is a bit tricky! SHE PASSES OUT STUDY GUIDES, make sure you do all the questions, although many things you study and think are gonna be on the test dont end up being on the exam, which makes you mad! she gives extra credit, and she loves her kids! she never seems too prepared for class either! VERY COOL! AND I RECOMMEND HER AND HER LAB!! there is no homework either!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2006-01-11

Comments:1301 - Dr. Marcum is really easy, but don't be fooled. Her tests are not multiple choice. They are essay type tests. You have to memorize definitions and basically regurgitate them on the test. I definitely recommend the class and the lab. Both are extremely easy and are a nice break if having a hard semester.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-12-10

Comments:1303 - Mrs. Marcum was the first science teacher i have had at baylor. She makes the Class SO interesting. The notes are almost always put up on BlackBoard. When we are taking notes during class she will go straight from memory. She reviews you so well there is no way anyone can not do well! TAKE HER FOR ALL THREE ENVIRONMENT CLASSES! In the 2337 we go on camping trips and all over she is the most fun teacher at Baylor  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-11-30

Comments:1301 - I'm currently in the class....YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU HAVE TO TAKE A SCIENCE WITH A LAB!!!!It is ridiculously easy. You read a section, take quizzes on Blackboard,take 3 tests, and go to class. Easier done than said. She does give extra credit. The people that said dont take her were LOSERS!!! The tests are easy. You do the review (you dont even have to read the chapters if there are no quizzes) and you can get an A. I took 2 tests so far and i got a 92 and a 97. AND I'M A BUSINESS MAJOR. The test that i got a 97 on i didnt even read for, i just did the review. SHE IS AWESOME. GET TO KNOW HER AND YOU WILL DO GREAT!!!   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-11-16

Comments:1311 - this class is easy if you know how to deal with marcum. she is very liberal, so any time you have an essay or discuss in class, take a liberal view (save the rainforest, don't eat meat..blah blah blah). sure its sucking up, but it earned me an A. i barely studied for the tests and i missed 10 times...her TA never took attendance.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-08-20

Comments:1301 - Heidi Marcum is a nutcase!!! She goes on rants about Bush and the environment and she is extremely opinionated. Her tests are very hard, she does give review sheets but they were not very helpful in preparing for the tests. This is not a hard class, but Marcum makes it hard...avoid her!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-05-17

Comments:13001 - Don't take this class! her test are hard and her lectures are boring! you may enjoy her if you are a liberal and hate bush. she is annoying and treats her students like 4th graders!   - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2004-12-11

Comments:1301 - Heidi marcum is a huge liberal feminist, do NOT take this class unless you wanna hear how Bush is destroying our environment. Too much material on tests, only 3 tests, and all are incredibly hard. Hardly cares to help or respond to emails, blames the entire human pop. on destroying the world. I HATED THIS CLASS AND HER. GO hug a tree marcum.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2004-11-07

Comments:1301 - TAKE THIS CLASS. Dr. Marcum is a kind lady with a lot of neat info to teach. you dont need the book, just the powerpoints. Go to class, fill in the blanks on the power points, and you will get a B. Read the book, a guaranteed A. You'd have to have been dropped on your head as an infant to fail.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2004-11-05

Comments:1301 - The class is actually pretty interesting, the work load is moderate, but the tests require knowing ALOT of information; she gave a good deal of EC which was helpful.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2004-10-21

Comments:2388 - She's kinda weird, but it's easy  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2003-12-09

Comments:ENV1101 - This class is one of the easiest lab sciences to take at Baylor. Mrs. Marcum loves the environment and is truly a person who can make a difference. I would recommend taking her class even if you don't have to. There is a ton of interesting facts that you can learn, and Mrs. Marcum makes the class interesting. If you pay attention in this class, you'll do fine.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2003-12-09

Comments:very easy class..hardly any outside work..if you pay attention in class, you will do well

Comments:One of the easiest lab sciences. She is kind of goofy but it is common sense stuff. The tests are not difficult if you pay attention in class.

Comments:pretty good prof. not much work at all. if you show up for class and the review sessions you should be fine.


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