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Rating for Hugh Riley
Professor Overview - Hugh Riley

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Teaching Ability




80 127

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:3380 - Dr. Riley is one of the best professors I've had during my time at Baylor. As I read the reviews of Dr.Riley, I notice that the negative ones tend to be accompanied by a B and the good ones with an A. I wonder why. They tend to harp on the fact that he doesn't cover enough material when really they do not read the text, don't pay attention in class and then become surprised when they don't do well on exams as if being in the classroom will magically put answers in their head. This is not true of any college course. Dr. Riley makes your job in his classes heavily apparent. He asks for no busy work and only 3 assignments, outside of exams, to help aid your grade if exam taking isn't your thing. The assignments are a police ride along and two court visits of any sort. They are extremely helpful in understanding what is being taught in class, and fun/interesting if you're interested in this field. As long as you get them done on time, you are going to receive full credit and if you study well you are likely to get a good grade in this class. Dr. Riley will always tell you that he uses a test bank, and will explain why as well. This being said, he does a very good job at discussing all the material that has a possibility of being on the exam. He even goes to the extent of looking at the test bank after finishing a chapter, and coming to the next day of class with material in the test bank that he did not of cover before starting the next chapter. He moves quick through the slides at times, but not before repeatedly asking the class if there are any questions and heavily encouraging discourse on the topics at hand. Another point he makes sure to share is that reading/studying the slides alone are not enough to do well on exams and that reading the text is important. Additionally, Dr.Riley shares numerous life experiences and stories to exemplify how the material translates into real life and make the information more digestible/valuable. He makes the material much more interesting than just regurgitating a textbook. I'm not sure I've met a professor who so clearly wants nothing but the best for his students. He encourages coming by his office and even offers free drinks and snacks to make the experience more welcoming. He is not just a great professor, but an overall great human. This course provides tons of interesting and important material necessary to know if you are interested in the profession of forensic psychology. I have taken him for other courses as well, so I know this is the standard in all of his classes. I would highly recommend this course and any of Dr.Riley's courses.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-06

Comments:PSY3380 - Dr. Riley is truly one of the best professors at Baylor! His wealth of experience and openness in sharing his life stories create an inspiring and transparent learning environment. I’ve taken two of his classes and earned an A in both. If you put in the effort and engage with the assigned materials, his classes are very manageable. Dr. Riley equips his students with all the tools they need to succeed. Criticism of his teaching or claims that his classes are overly difficult often reflect a lack of personal accountability. If one student can achieve an A, then with effort, so can you.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-06

Comments:3380 - Dr. Riley is amazing professor who is truly passionate for the material he teaches. This was one of my favorite classes. The same people who tend to complain about the class are the ones who sit and don’t pay attention. All of his extra stories and tidbits add to the material and bring in real world examples that help us understand. He is always available to sit and discuss with students and explicitly tells you at the beginning of the material in the course which will be tested on, and what will be graded. He is a straightforward professor, who adds a lot of personality into psychology. His classes are always fun to go to, and when he goes through the slides, he makes sure that students don’t have questions. Dr Riley makes it very evident that if you have questions over the material, he is more than willing to explain it. I have an amazing grade in the class because I did the work that he requires. So to anyone complaining about the class it’s more of a personal issue of being a good student. Professors who get constantly knocked down for adding personality are the one who ultimately get shaped into the professors often called boring. Dr Riley is not boring and an amazing professor who does not need shaping into that boring professor. I enjoyed this class very much.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-12-06

Comments:PSY 3380 - Dr. Riley is very good at talking about everything but the class material itself. We usually get through an average of 3 slides each class, and when he does get through more, he doesn't give us enough time to read them before moving on, saying that we already know the material. He tells the same 4 stories, and goes off on tangents every time he talks. The material is really straightforward, so at least it's not hard to understand. We were required to do a police ride along and 2 court visits, and those were the only grades besides the 3 exams and the final. The exams aren't too hard, but sometimes he includes material we haven't learned on them. He does say you can drop into his office anytime, and he means it. I wouldn't recommend taking a class with him, and if you do, be prepared for more talking than learning.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2024-12-04

Comments:1305 - He presents the information well. However, you REALLY need to suck up to him and meet him whenever you can because he WILL through a hissy fit if you don't. His ratings are high, and he had emphasized that he always available to help, so I naturally assumed he was a nice professor. Late into the summer course, I had done poorly even though I had a good start, so I emailed him so that we can meet and plan how I could study for the final so that I could maximize my grade as much I could even though an A was impossible. He responded with the rudest emails and had an attitude every time we exchanged messages. It was clear that he intended to guilt trip me and make me feel horrible for not being a good student while painting himself as a faithful "servant" (exact word) that did no wrong. He ridiculed me for not meeting him sooner, and then it turns out that I, in fact, was the ONLY one who contacted him during his summer course. Frankly, I was so shocked that I received such an unprofessional email, I couldn't believe it was real. I embarrasingly burst into tears and didn't even want to meet him anymore, but I could only meet with him if I wanted to review my past exams. My grade could only be explained by my own incompetence (due to my tendency to get distracted), and I acknowledge that, but in no way did it allow him to belittle me to my face. So while, yes, the coursework itself was not difficult, I would never take it again if Dr. Riley was teaching it.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2024-10-10

Comments:PSY 1305 - Professor Riley is very committed to his students and his teaching. The content itself can seem, at times, overwhelming and dense, but his slides and lecture tell you the main points that you need to focus on. He emphasizes that it is still important to read the textbook because that is also where the exam questions come from. He will always meet with you (day or night-that's how much he cares)it is just up to the individual to take the initiative to go to his office. He also grades to the benefit of the students, possibly dropping an exam, and looking at natural breaks in the grades to determine overall grades for the course (an A could be an 88). It is a very interesting class, and as for the exams read, but a lot of the stuff you can figure out through elimination.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-03

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley is definitely nice, but I do not understand how his rating is so high. We only got through 1 full lecture, every other time he had over 20 slides still to get through (and you would still be tested over the material). His philosophy is that he doesn't need to teach, instead he tells the same stories every class and wastes 15 minutes at the start reminding people there's not enough time and to ask questions. He reads directly from the slides and knows the people who wrote the book/slides. I ended up using the class as a time to do other work, because his lectures barely kept me awake. SI helps, but only marginally. Reading the textbook is a waste of time (each chapter takes over 4 hours to read) and leaves you with more questions. My best advice is to use quiz banks on Achieve to study and to read all of the slides. The grade is 4 tests, 1 final, and weekly homework. All tests are multiple choice from test banks (normally can narrow down answers to 2 choices and hope for the best), and the homework is graded for completion. He does not believe in extra credit and can come across as rude and blunt in his Canvas announcements/email. Overly emphasizes how grades don't matter and how a C is average, and 10 minutes later says how important they are for med school/law school/grad school. He thinks he's a saint for offering homework to "help the grade" and "not testing on dates". Only will drop a grade if it doesn't "dishonor the students at the top". He says he is always available, but I never got responses to the emails or texts I sent. One nice thing is that an A is an 89 or higher. There is no professor I have had at Baylor that has had as big of a god complex as him though.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-10

Comments:1305 - I took his class as a pre-med sophomore and thought the workload was pretty average for what pre-health students expect. Most of the people in the class were first semester freshmen, which could explain why people think his class is too much work. He is a really kind man and professor and offered us a few lifelines, after saying he would not curve or drop. I will say it is difficult that the grade is made up of 4 exams, so there is no buffer. My advice is to not read the textbook (that alone would take an hour and a half each class). But focus on the slides, know every term and example. Use Achieve practice tests and make sure you understand all the answers. This is the closest I've come to experiencing what I think could be a weed-out class, but I think a B is very obtainable with mild effort.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-12-29

Comments:1305 - To anyone reading the negative ratings on Dr. Riley, keep in mind that psych 1305 is a freshman level course filled with mostly pre-meds. This means that the class is filled with mostly kids who want to become doctors before they switch to business after realizing that they don't have what it takes. I'm currently taking this course as a senior and can promise it is significantly easier than the majority of pre-med courses. The course grade is determined by only exams. Half of the questions on the exams are common sense and the other half are almost always found in the lecture slides on canvas. Don't be scared away by people who say you need to do a ridiculous amount of reading to do well. I have yet to open the textbook for this course and I couldn't even tell you what site the book is located on. The powerpoints on canvas are all you need to do well in the course. This means you have maybe 180 slides to look over prior to each exam. My best advice on studying is to use "Achieve" which is a free resource that Dr. Riley provides on canvas. You can test yourself on each section and it will explain to you why you missed a certain question. I'm not sure how the other psych professors compare, but I would recommend Dr. Riley to anyone wanting to take psych 1305.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-12-10

Comments:Psych Science - THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND: HUGH RILEY. He is a pretty cool guy that will remind you a shocking amount of your grandfather. What he says is interesting and he frames his teaching in many different ways to make it as understandable as possible. I had 4 different professors, and he by far was my favorite.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2023-11-13

Comments:1305 - (TEAM TAUGHT)- I wouldn’t reccomend this class to anyone, especially people who don’t have time to spend hours reading a textbook. Dr. Riley was an amazing professor. This is the only class I had him for but I would 100% take him again if it wasn’t team taught, he is GREAT and really cares about his students. The class, however, is 100% textbook based with most lecture slides not even being finished in class so you’re basically teaching yourself. All the grades are tests (worst one gets dropped. To have an A you need 225/250 points meaning you can only miss 25 points collectively on everything for the semester.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-12-07

Comments:PSY 1305 Team Taught - Dr. Riley is an amazing teacher and he is always in his office ready to help you (he also has snacks in his office which is a nice bonus). Some people complain about him being rude and condescending, and I can see why, but he really does not hate you, he just wants you to learn. He even gives you an in depth guide on how to study and be successful in college. Now about the team taught class itself, this class is genuinely hard. The concepts are easy, but the amount of information you are taught is a lot. A lot of people also complain about the exams being different from each other, but they really aren't. The questions come from a test bank and all the exams were styled in the same way. However, I would not recommend taking this class if you are a freshman. There is no homework or quizzes, only exams and the final. You also get one exam drop and a possible 6 points for extra credit which really helps. And always, I mean ALWAYS, read the textbook; everything you are tested on can be found in the textbook. The nice thing about this class is that a 90% is counted as an A. And if you were wondering, my exam scores were: B, A, A, A, and B+ on the final.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-12-17

Comments:1305 - First of all do not get tricked by the ratings this professor has because that was my first mistake. You're spending a minimum 7 hours a chapter at least if you want at least a B in the class. You have to read and understand about 700 pages by yourself his lectures are pointless because it's him reading parts of the book. The tests are ridiculous. They are hard to study for because they are randomized questions that can literally be anything from a chapter. So instead of studying for the main concepts you end up trying to study and memorize the book word for word. Riley does not contribute to your success in class, he doesn't do anything so I'm not sure why he's a professor. If you ask him questions he often answers in a rude or blunt way without giving you a real answer. It's like talking to a robot with 2 responses. Take this class if you want to lose your sanity  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2021-07-04

Comments:1305 - (team taught): DON'T TAKE TEAM TAUGHT. It's a horrible class and it all comes from a randomized test bank so your classmates can be getting easier questions than you. The grade consisted only of exams. There are 4 (50pt) exams and the final (100pt) where one of the 50pt exams can be dropped. In order to keep an 'A' in the class, you can only miss 25 questions total during the WHOLE semester. Mia, the SI, helped so much...but she graduated so I'm not sure how the future SI would be. Do your best to NOT take team taught psychology because it definitely is a weed out class. The professors don't care about your grade and they don't care to get to know the students. Not only that, but they never finish the lecture slides for an exam so you're stuck studying untaught material. Honestly, this has been the worst class I've taken at Baylor, and definitely not worth private school tuition.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-05-10

Comments:PSY 1305 - (team taught) Dr. Riley was a decent lecturer and his test was the most fair of all the tests. This class in general though is extremely hard and requires an unbelievable amount of studying because knowing the basics is not enough to even make a B. You have to be able to think abstractly and connect several topics to get one answer correct.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-12-20

Comments:PSY 1305 - (Team taught psych) He is not a very interesting lecturer, and he was my least favorite of the professors. His test was fair, make sure you read the book.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-12-04

Comments:PSY 1305 - Intro to Psy, He is very nice. I had a team-taught course. There aren't any quizzes or homework. Just research participation which is WAY easier than it sounds(Like filling out a survey for 20 minutes), and 4 exams and a final. In order to have a good grade, you need to do good on the exams. The lowest exam grade is dropped. Do NOT study for exams last minute. They have so much information packed in. I would say it is so important to read the book and go to the SI. Do not just memorize definitions, you need to be able to apply them to situational questions as well. Not bad.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2020-11-24

Comments:PSY 3321 - For exams he pulls from a testbank randomly and lectures do not necessarily correlate with the exam. I would suggest reading the textbook and memorizing the powerpoints. He also has online hw which is basically a discussion board based assignment thats due every week. Please note that this website he uses to do these discussion boards costs an extra $25 to buy. I don't know why we couldn't have just used a canvas discussion board...Side note, prepare yourself if you like to take tests in a quiet environment, he fell asleep during the first exam and was snoring...Not my favorite professor of all time I can tell you that much.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2020-01-20

Comments:1305 - Team taught Psychology: Dr. Riley is a very pleasant man and is extremely nice. If you go to his office, he will offer you snacks and water, tea, soda, etc. He knows his material really well. His test is probably the third out of the fourth in terms of difficulty, with Dr. Weaver's being the hardest. Read the book, print the PowerPoint, take notes during his lecture on the PowerPoint and you should be able to do well.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-12-19

Comments:PSY 3380 - How Dr. Riley has anything other than glowing positive reviews is unfathomable to me. I have the privilege of taking multiple of his courses and the material was always interesting and presented in a neat way. Unlike many professor, Dr. Riley encourages students to speak up frequently and talk about their ideas instead of him just lecturing. In addition Dr. Riley also cares deeply for his students and goes to great lengths to support them and help them succeed. While some may not enjoy the outside the classroom experiences Dr. Riley requires, I found that most people enjoyed the courtroom and police ride along. While I was taking the class, the Twin Peaks trial in Waco was ongoing and if Dr. Riley did not require cout room observations I would have missed out on a very fascinating and interesting trial. Dr. Riley may appear intimidating, but I have never heard him be harsh or condescending with any student or faculty member. His inclusion of his life experiences into the courses is a fantastic way to make the material more relatable and easier to understand. Nearly all students I have had in my classes with Dr. Riley have echoed my appreciation of him and loved his teaching style. Dr. Riley is fantastic in his efforts to have an open door policy and he encourages students to come by, make a sandwhich, grab some candy, and talk if you are able. Dr. Riley has also been a great help to me in class and on my personal life. I am incredibly appreciative for him and I cannot highly recommend him enough. It is my experience that when people leave negative reviews, they usually did not make the grade they expected. The first time I took a course with Dr. Riley, I got a terrible grade due to personal problems, and I still would recommend that every Psychology and Neuroscience student take at least one course with him-- you won't regret it!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-04-12

Comments:Intro to Psych - I took this course online, and when scheduling the final, there was a mistake in the time slot options (gave us until 12pm to start a final with 2 hours to complete, my time slot was at 11:30 so it cut me off after 30 minutes), so I obviously bombed the test from not completing and it brought my class grade down to a D-. When I contacted him he said it was completely my fault and I should have picked an earlier time. But the time slot was available so I chose it? So I tried to explain but he "compromised" with me and gave me a C when I would have had a B+ in the class. Really messed up my GPA. Do NOT take this professor, he is completely unreasonable and I wish I could say more but I'm going to leave it at that.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2019-04-10

Comments:PSY 1305 (team taught) - Team taught intro psychology at Baylor in my opinion should not be a thing. The professors (4 for each module) each had their own unique way of teaching and testing over the material they were covering. Dr. Riley’s teaching style was covering each chapter from beginning to end, and honestly that would have been fine if it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t start to actually lecture until 10-20 minutes into our 50 minute class. Because of that everything was rushed, and though it wasn’t our fault that we didn’t cover everything in time for the test he still expected you to know everything. His test was the only one I failed, and he was the only professor to be condescending about the scores making it seem like it was our fault that the class average was so low. Beyond this he is a really sweet man, he cares about the well-being of his students and was one of the two (out of four) professors to actually try and make a connection with his students. The reason I personally believe team taught psychology shouldn’t be a thing was because of the final exam, each professor made 25 questions and combined it into one test, which made it more difficult than it should have been because they each have a different way in asking questions. On another note your entire grade for the class is solely dependent on test scores, each test being 50 points (1 dropped) and the final being worth 100 points, adding up to 250, and in order to have an A you need to get 225 points or more, which they ended up lowering at the end of the semester to boost grades. Overall this course caused me more stress than any other class and it wasn’t worth it.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2018-12-12

Comments:3321 - Thought this class would be straightforward and manageable alongside my other demanding class, I was wrong. I spent more time preparing and stressing about this class then I did OChem and OChem Lab. It's hard to say what makes this class so's a mix of his poor teaching style and irrelevant test questions. Let me be clear, Dr, Riley is sweet, always available to talk, and really does want his student to succeed. He just speaks without passion for the subject and doesn't offer in-depth insight into the disorders. It is very clear that he has never interacted with anyone with the disorders we discuss. Studied like a baller for his tests, but could only manage high Bs on the tests. Many of the questions were worded like an SAT; for instance, they would ask, "which one of these statements is least true?" Questions like those are hard when dealing with psychological disorders. Also be prepared to hear Dr. Riley complain about his BU book reviews in class. If only he could take some of these reviews to heart and work to improve his teaching style.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-05-08

Comments:3320 - Dr. Riley is super knowledgeable and provides great examples in class. Some people might think he "talks about his life too much" but in reality these are examples that are relevant to the material! He is always available in office hours. He does get frustrated when people don't contribute to the class or ask questions, however most of us never had any questions because the material was pretty straightforward. We fell behind in lecture and the end of the semester was pretty rushed, so that was unfortunate. But other than that, I really enjoyed this class! I definitely suggest taking his classes!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-05-03

Comments:abnormal psych - I don't even know where to begin. This has been the most frustrating class I've ever been part of. He spends the class talking about his life or he breezes through powerpoint slides of useless information. He uses a test bank and it seems like he just randomly picks questions for the exams with his eyes closed from there because they have nothing to do with what he talks about it class. This class is the worst class I've taken at Baylor. It's not the worst because it's the hardest, it's the worst because it's impossible to know what to study for the exam and the class time is a huge waste of time. 10/10 recommend taking literally anyone else if possible.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-05-01

Comments:PSY 1305 - I had Dr. Riley from the team taught section, and he was wonderful! He gave a lot of real life examples during class, and his lecture never ceased to be interesting. He is also always there to help you during office hours. He even has snacks in his office! His test was also really easy. All you need to do is keep up with the reading and you're golden. All in all a wonderful professor I would take again in a heartbeat.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-04-13

Comments:3321 - I am a rising senior, and have known a lot of teachers. He is one of my favorite teachers here at Baylor. He wants the class to do well!! There are 4 tests, including the final, which are all multiple choice and are an accurate representation of the material we learned. He is very fair and will add back points on tests if no one got it right. If we did not cover a certain topic, it will not be on the exam. I did not do well in introduction to psychology, but I absolutely love this class. If you want to learn and have an amazing teacher, take this class with Dr. Riley.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-03-27

Comments:3321 - It is very clear to me that Riley writes his own reviews on here bc the only positive ones have VERY similar wording. He clearly does this to bump his rating bc he knows that if he didn't no one would ever take his class. Definitely the worst professor I have had at Baylor BY FAR. This class is absolutely horrible and boring. Our first test average was in the 30's. His lectures are completely off topic and he goes off on tangents that have nothing to do with the material we're actually tested on. He frequently uses examples that make everyone uncomfortable and are honestly straight up inappropriate and unprofessional. I seriously don't understand how he has a job here. Just an all around weird man to be completely honest. AVOID THIS MAN AT ALL COST.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-03-21

Comments:3321 - Currently in his Abnormal Psych class and WOW. I have never had such a large class where the professor GENUINELY cares so much about your success. He badgers his students about asking questions because he truly wants you to understand the material and ask for help if you need it. His office hours are very approachable and he ACTUALLY WANTS TO HELP YOU. This class is not fairly difficult but you do have to put the work in as well as keeping up with him because he uses a test bank for questions, and doesn't necessarily focus on in class what the test questions focus on. What I did to study is take notes on what he says more than what's going on in the slides and then cross reference the topics that were 1) in the slides 2) in the book 3) what he talks about. Another helpful hint is to take your notes and things for the test to his office hours to talk about the material you think will be on the test and he will tell you exactly what you need to know. I was just absolutely blown away by how genuine he is and how much he wants you to succeed and wants to help you. Great professor!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-02-19

Comments:PSY 3380 - I do not know how Dr. Riley has such a good reputation. He is the most arrogant, self absorbed professor I have had a Baylor these past four years. He is rude and I hated going to class every Tuesday and Thursday. He is so disorganized and material got moved around like crazy because he never stopped talking about himself. He would constantly antagonize the class for not speaking up but when we did speak up, he would criticize our responses! I think we had 3 tests and a final, which were not even a correct representation of the material. I seriously do not understand where he got his test questions from. You have to do a ride along and attend 2 court hearings, which were okay and provides a representation of what your studying. Also, beware the book is severely outdated and so dry! This is coming from someone who is considering Forensic Psychology as an occupation. I do not understand why that book was the required textbook, hopefully he changes it. I cannot stress how bad this class was, I've never had the need to write a review but after this class, I needed to vent it out. I was totally looking forward to to this class all summer but unfortunately it was a total let down. If your interested in Forensic Psychology, I would consider taking it but just beware of what I said, if your not interested don't take it because this is not an easy A. But for those lucky few, who think I'm over exaggerating or mad about my grade (I'm not, I like B's lol), get ready for constant shuffling of material, Dr. Riley talking about himself and how all his family are doctors ( literally said this every other class period), not showing up for lectures, not finishing lectures, lectures on how we wont amount to anything if we do not speak up, criticism when you do speak up and ridiculous tests!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-02-14

Comments:1305 - I took team taught and he was the most interesting professor there was. Now I must leave you with this: Y'all follow?  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2017-12-12

Comments:Intro. to pscyh - Omg I love this man. Go to his office hours because he has a mini fridge filled with deli meats and candy! He perfectly exhibits a professor who wishes the best for his students. He offers additional help in any other psych section. It's so much work (I spent 12+ hours studying), but it is so worth it because you learn more than you will ever imagine. The tests are all application and difficult, but READ THE TEXT BOOK, and go to SI- I went to SI office hours because I had conflicting events and I loved office hours, you grow with your TA and he/she gives you helpful hints. Good luck!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-12-02

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley is such an incredible professor. He really takes the time to make sure that you know the material and encourages students to ask questions so they understand. He has very flexible office hours and is always willing to put down whatever he is doing in order to help his students. (He has snacks in his office too) He really cares about the subject he is teaching and again, is very good at explaining things so you understand. The negative comment below is in no means an accurate comment to Dr. Riley. He is such a sweet guy and has the biggest heart. Honestly, one of the best professors I have had here at Baylor. He gave us his cell phone number so we could reach out to him when ever we needed.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2017-02-09

Comments:PSY 1305 - This review is honestly not at all representative of the character of Dr. Riley. He is one of the sweetest professors I have ever had, always so welcoming and kind. He invites us into his office all the time to talk about psychology, and he has drawers and walls full of snacks, candies, sodas, and sandwiches for all of his students. He approaches psychology in a refreshing and exciting way, full of lots of stories and examples. He drives an hour to get to campus every single day because he is so passionate about teaching. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the class thus far, and he is one of my favorite professors at Baylor! Take psychology from this man!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-02-09

Comments:1305 - The negative rating below is an extremely inaccurate description of who Dr. Riley is. He is an extremely thoughtful man and cares so much about his students' success. I never felt as if he used examples of sex and menstruation in an inappropriate setting. The only time he talked about these things was when they were totally relevant to what we were learning in lecture. Dr. Riley is very considerate of his students differing opinions. He is almost always available when you need him and he truly wants you to do your best in his class.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2017-02-09

Comments:1305 - Alright sorry person who dislikes my previous review. Maybe next time you should stop falling in love with the professor and pay AS MUCH ATTENTION as me and you'll get an A too. Have a nice life!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-02-09

Comments:1305 - The last rating on here is honestly not at all an accurate representation of who Dr. Riley is. That person could not be more wrong. Dr. Riley is not obsessed with sex or menstruation. He uses those examples to show us how incredible it is that we are even alive. When he talked about "pleasure," he meant the pleasure center of our brains that is activated when we did something that made us feel good. When he talked about "arouse," he was talking about how we wake up in the morning because those are the correct terms and they are used in the text book. Honestly, the person that wrote that didn't even write it before the test was graded so they didn't even know if they got an A or not. It is appalling that they would even go out of their way to hurt the feelings of such a kind man who only cares about our future. Dr. Riley is always willing to help. The class does not have that much workload, and the tests are not too bad. Always study a few days before and keep on studying till the test and you will do fine. The tests are multiple choice, and he puts questions on the test that he talked about in class. The person that wrote the last review obviously did not pay attention in class. Please take him if you want a professor who really cares about your future and will give you examples and facts in class that you will really remember. Thank you.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2017-02-09

Comments:PSY 1305 - He's a really great professor. Its a large class but he is engaging and tells funny stories that apply to what we're learning. I took team taught so I only had him for one section, but he was by far my favorite of the four professors. His test is difficult because its not just facts, you need to be able to apply what you've learned. You have to read the textbook and take good notes of lectures and of the textbook to do well in this class. Overall it was a fun class and Dr. Riley is one of my favorite professors that I've had so far.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2015-12-03

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley is a difficult professor and his exams are fairly challenging because they are strictly application questions, however, he is the nicest guy on the planet and will make himself available to help you at any hour of the day. He personally sat down with me for two hours to help me study for an exam that I was not prepared for. He has a unique background that he likes to discuss in class and has devoted his life to education. His class is worth the frustration of exams because he is so wonderful and willing to help. Take advantage of his office hours because he gives you snacks for coming in to ask questions. It's the best.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2015-09-16

Comments:Learning & Behavior - I took learning and behavior this past Summer, and Dr. Riley was an average professor. I mean, he was not bad, and he was not the best professor I have had. His voice is a little dry, so his lectures are quit boring, and if you are sleepy, just miss the class, it will literally put you to sleep. His tests were difficult, and you have to have a pretty good understanding of the material. The workload in the Summer is a lot, but manageable I believe. He also put extra chapters that were like 30 pages each after we read the entire book. The first test is the hardest because you do not know what to expect, but after that, you should be fine. I would recommend him if you are looking for somebody who just reads off of the slides, but he does share a lot of real world experiences that deal with the subject if you like that sort of thing.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2015-09-04

Comments:1305 - I went to about 20% of the classes. You have to sign in so i had a couple friends sign me in when i wasnt there. The tests are straight from the book and i got at least a 90 on every test. Lectures are extremely boring and a waste of time. Easy A if you are willing to read and outline the chapters!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-12-23

Comments:PSY 3380 - Dr. Riley is the smartest person I have ever met, and this is definitely shown through his teaching. I've had him for two courses now, and both were pretty straight forward. You just have to do the reading! He provides slides, which are from the makers of the textbooks, but then he adds his own spin to things which really helps you understand the material. His tests are test-bank questions, which at times can be annoying as you are only tested on the material that is presented in the book and not on other activities such as films watched in class. However, this class was definitely my favorite course I took at Baylor and that is not just because I got an A in it... I actually was not expecting that grade I studied my butt off for the final. The extracurricular activities (ride along and court visits) were really awesome, and helped curve the grade! Riley is also the most available professor for his students that I have come across. He basically lives at school, and gives his phone number if you have any questions! This class isn't easy, but if you are willing to put in the work you will get a good grade, and come out with a ton of knowledge! I would definitely recommend taking any courses with Riley.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-12-15

Comments:PSY 3380 - What can I say Dr. Riley is DOPE! teaches the material and adds his own flair to it that helps understand the issues at hand, is genuinely concerned for the students and consults us on the content of the course. The three out of classroom activities are a great addition to the class gives real world perspective on the issues that are talked about in class and might change your opinion on the the police and court. Overall this class is interesting and insightful and not a course to take lightly do the reading and pay attention in class and you should be golden.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-12-10

Comments:PSY3380 - Dr. Riley is an outstanding professor. He presents information in a way that challenges students to do more than gain a basic understanding of the material. Students are expected to read before class, and actively participate during lecture. You are required to attend a police ride out, and two court hearings. These assignments were very beneficial to my understanding of the material. The tests are multiple choice, and based on lecture and reading material. You need to be able to do more than recognize material in order to make a good grade on the tests. You should excel as long as you pay attention in class, read to understand, and make an effort to study. Dr. Riley makes an interesting subject even more interesting by providing real life examples that peak the students curiosity. If you have an opportunity to take a class offered by Dr. Riley, I would highly recommend it.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2014-12-10

Comments:3380 - Dr. Riley is by far my favorite Psychology professor I have taken during my 3 yrs in the major. If you are looking for the book to be spoon-fed to you, then I suggest you learn what an upper-level course entails. Dr. Riley provides extremely interesting and applicable experience to every topic we cover that makes understanding the material that much easier. I wish I could take all of his classes!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-12-10

Comments:3380 - Dr. Riley is always ready to help in any way possible. You have to do a police ride along and two court proceedings and write a short paper on them, but honestly I felt they were very rewarding. You should read before every class so you can be prepared for the lecture, if you do that the class will be no problem at all. He goes through the lecture with the desire to have class discussion. He is extremely knowledgeable on the material so if you have any questions feel free to ask him! This class was my favorite this semester and I am looking forwarding to taking another class with Dr. Riley hopefully soon.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2014-12-10

Comments:3380 - Dr. Riley just reads off the powerpoint slides which are created by the book authors. You do not need to take notes in his class because nothing he says in lecture will be on the exam. Rather, he has a test bank again created by the book authors in which he picks questions that are about specific details of each chapter. You are better off staying home and reading the chapters on your own because you will learn nothing in his class. He comes of as pompous and distant. He is nice in his office hours but the classroom setting is highly different. He tries to get the class involved in making decisions which end up taking extensive amounts of time for something stupid. I would not take him again if I had to.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-12-08

Comments:PSY 1305 - Dr. Riley is extremely blunt, but seems to be nice. He said he was in the military and seemed to have that disciplinarian work-style. I never spoke with him personally, but I heard that he was must more personable one-on-one. His test was a little more difficult than the others, but not a lot. Still would not consider difficult at all.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2014-05-22

Comments:1305 - I loved Dr. Riley. His class was so much fun and I always looked forward to his lectures. He's someone who genuinely cares about his students and you can tell because he would constantly stress things like studying smart and such. His tests were always more than fair, and as long as you read the book, you were fine. I would recommend taking his class and not team taught. Overall great course and great professor  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2013-12-20

Comments:1305 - Easily the best professor out of the team taught. He said his test was the hardest out of the 4 professors, but my highest test score was from his test. Unfortunately, I came out of this class with a B because I did not study as accurately as I should have. This is one of those classes where you take the test and think you do great, but you end up doing not as well; this is due to the detailed questions on the tests. I remember the final being pretty hard only because I did not study very well for it. Overall an okay class. Dr. Riley is super awesome though.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2013-12-04

Comments:1305 - I LOVE HIM!! while he is always late and rarely stays on topic (we had to nix 5 chapters from the syllabus) he only tests you on what he talks about in class! Granted you need to study to do well but he is always ready and willing to help you if you just ask. He makes sure that everyone understands his lectures and that he is engaging with the students while he is up there talking.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2013-11-19

Comments:3380 - I hated this class, which is why I made such a low grade. Dr. Riley is super nice outwardly, but I got the feeling he was showing off a lot. He would talk about his life, and he sounded arrogant and like he was bragging. He takes the questions for his test from a test bank, so if you can get your hands on one, you're in luck! I really couldn't tell you how to study for this class, because I never did. I just listened in class. Most people I talked to liked this class, but it's not what I thought it would be like. It was about laws and theories; it didn't have much psychology to it.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2013-11-12

Comments:Learning and Behavior - Riley is by far one of my favorite professors I've ever had at Baylor. He's very intelligent- it seems like he knows everything. He explains things very thoroughly in class and always tries and makes sure to ask if he is going too fast paced. His life experiences are pretty crazy, I enjoyed listening to him talk about what he's gone through. He's pretty much always in his office unless he has a class, and gives everyone his number at the beginning of the year in case anyone has last minute questions. He genuinely cares about his students and wants them to succeed. If you read the textbook for his classes, then you will do great on the tests. I highly recommend him.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2013-04-10

Comments:PSY 1305 - Not my favorite of the team taught, but not a bad guy overall! He is VERY knowledgable, but I think his teaching style is just for fit for his classes of 10-12, not 300. He's a very interactive professor, and it's hard to engage in interactive discussion in a big lecture hall with 300 students. I also found his section to be the hardest, but the stuff you learn in his section you will take with you throughout the rest of your time learning Psychology (if you're a Psych major). The main reason I didn't do well in this class was not because of anything the professor did, it was that I came in not knowing how to study properly and it overall affected my grade. Your entire grade is based off of four exams - 4 in-class exams (the lowest is dropped) and the final (cannot be dropped). If you're not a good test taker like me, this class may be a struggle for you. But if you go into this class with the expectation of reading EVERY night (seriously, don't wait until the night before, it's impossible...), and going to SI and seeing the professors when you need help, you should be fine in this class!  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2012-12-22

Comments:1305 - Team taught PSY-1305. His test was pretty difficult. He went on many tangents about his life. He seemed like he wanted to help. He gave us his cell phone number in case we had any questions (he gave a class of 300+ students his phones number) which was pretty weird, but maybe he just wanted us to do well. Overall, he wasn't so bad... but I would probably avoid taking him in the future...  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-12-15

Comments:Intro to Psych - I am curious as to why this man has a 82. He was one of my professors for team taught psychology, and by far the worst one. At first, he comes of as this caring man, giving us a 30 minute lecture, which he has given every semester for years, regarding how people always make the worst grade on his exam and how he will be willing to work with us, but when it came down to the test, no matter how much work you put into studying its impossible to do well. He spent three weeks on one chapter, speeded through the other chapters and didn't even finish them. He told us he would only test over what he covered and sent us a outline THREE days before the test over what to study, and yet he put items not covered on the test. The only reason people have good grades listed on here for intro to psych is because his test was probably the one that was dropped. C- on mine when I'm used to making high B's and A's.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2012-12-14

Comments:1305 - I really enjoyed Dr. Riley's class. He was always a few minutes late to every single class, but he really is an interesting professor. He has tons of cool personal stories to tell that relate to what you learn in class... he can be somewhat monotonous at times though. His tests were't that bad, the final was a little difficult though. I would definitely recommend reviewing your test in his office after every single test to look over what you missed and also just to talk to him, he's a really approachable professor who is very modest and somewhat soft-spoken. I would definitely take him if you want a psych class that isn't TOO difficult.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-05-04

Comments:Learning and Behavior - He's a very odd person. He has small bursts of temper. Various students, when emailing him about his availability, their attendance, grades, etc. were greeted with angry, extensive responses. He seemed agitated the whole semester. Maybe there's something legitimately bothering him outside the classroom that has transcended into his job. Other than that, the material is very straightforward. The exams are generally fair measures.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2011-12-28

Comments:1305 - Oh my gosh. In the team taught class, he was BY FAR my favorite teacher. Absolutely incredible man with vast knowledge of the human mind and its effect on the human condition. It was unfortunate that he taught the boring part of intro (ugh, standardization, deviation, etc.), but he managed to keep me interested by applying it to real life situations. He is extremely profound. I visited him during office hours and he gave me advice on how to study and the importance of being able to just learn. Seriously warmed my heart. I want to take all his courses!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2011-12-15

Comments:1301 - As a professor, Riley was great. As a human being, he was even better. He was really interesting in lecture (some people say he is boring, i disagree) and used a ton of real life examples. People did the worst on his exam than any of the others, so you should probably go to SI before the exam. Take him!! Hes awesome!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2011-12-14

Comments:intro to psy - Out of the four professors in the team taught he was probably the best one. He is a very interesting teacher and gives tons of real life examples to help the students understand the material. He really cares about the students, after seeing that the class did not do as he expected he came and gave us a speech, telling us that he was worried about our scores. He encouraged us to visit him to review our test, to see what we had to study. His examples are really lengthy but really help you for the test. He sometimes went off topic and we consequently rushed through some slides and we did not finish the last chapter. However, he said that he would not test on material he did not cover and he didn't. His test only covered what he said it would. At the end of his last lecture he sent us a n email stating what was going to be on the test which really helped. I literally studied the night before the test and still managed to get the highest score in the class. Dr.Riley is not only a great professor but a great person as well through out his life he has done many things. He constantly talks about his life experiences which keep the class interesting. He has done a lot, from skydiving to the being in the air-force and he also owned a martial-arts studio.In simple words he is a certified bada**. Just don't get overconfident. My best advice is to go to his lectures take good notes and read the book.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2011-11-17

Comments:intro to psychology - Riley as described by some of my friends is BORING BORING BORING...but i don't think that is so...he has a very smooth way of entering into his section and like to build from the ground up as if you don't know anything at all about psychology...but i must say that this is nice, but also a little bit of a bad thing that he goes so slowly at first because he has to rush through the end...i must say though if you want to make an A on his unit you must take time to study through the book on your own...because you CAN'T depend only on the slides...if so you will make a B on this test just like i did (thank god for the drop policy) that is my advise great the chapters on your own before the class begins and you will be A-okay :)  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-12-24

Comments:1305 - If psychology interests you, I definitely recommend taking Riley. His lectures are easy to understand because he uses real-life examples and he's willing to go into extra detail if you don't understand a certain concept. He posts powerpoints on Blackboard with the notes, but they don't go into much detail. The only grades in his class are exams, along with a research participation grade. You can get by with just studying the notes, but if you want an A, I suggest going through the book. It goes into much more detail and will explain things more clearly. He advocates not testing over anything he doesn't cover in class, and he does a pretty good job of that. The questions on the test are sometimes tricky, but if you know your stuff, you shouldn't have a problem. Riley has open office hours - he works around YOUR schedule, which is really helpful. He'll always let you go over a past test to see which questions you got wrong. The tests are always multiple-choice; if you get lucky, he'll drop the lowest test grade at the end of the semester, but he won't promise anything. Overall, Riley is a good professor to have for intro to psychology. I recommend taking him.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2010-12-14

Comments:PSY - 4355 - He is a good professor. I think that he teaches too many classes! and thats the problem. He doesn\'t have time to make notes and power points or even tests for every single class that he teaches. So, he uses the powerpoint slides that are supplied by the text book company, he pretty much reads those power point slides and explains what he thinks the slides are about. Do not take notes because the tests have nothing to do with his explanation of the slides. He doesn\'t not make his own tests so you will not see any questions that come from his lecture, he uses the test banks and picks some random question from the test bank and troughs them on the test. Sometime he even gives questions over the topics he never covered in class, make sure you ask him he will give you your points back. So the best thing to do is read or memorize the end of the chapter summary question & answers and chapter outline notes which he posts online (power points and his lectures are not helpful on tests).... he make you write 1 book review essay, another essay and journal- bcs he doesn\'t have time to read and grade them, he makes them a completion grade.... over all I don\'t think he is a diligent professor... I will not be taking him again....  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2010-08-14

Comments:PSY 1305 - AWESOME CLASS. He's an amazing person. Some sort of superman. When he talks about his own life we are astounded. He has four undergraduate degrees I think, and then grad school. He was in the air force? and as he's going along in class you hear "and when I owned a Karate studio".... He claims his class is difficult but I don't think it is; maybe it's because it was interesting. I didn't take notes at all, just sat back and listened, no lie. He gets off on random stories which are great. He also shows lots of video clips that illustrate the difference psychology concepts we are learning, I love that. I wish we had time for more videos. I didn't take notes, I didn't study powerpoints. What I did was read the chapter BEFORE lecture. That book is the best textbook I've ever had. It has comics and quotes that made me laugh out loud, and the author is just witty sometimes. I bought the Study Guide that comes with the text, I got the old edition via Amazon so it was dirt cheap( same material just in different order). That study guide is the ticket to an A. I always did the fill in the blank parts (by copying the answers out of the back!) and studied over those passages with blanks filled in. I then did the practice tests and graded myself. Those REALLY help (like, I got A+s doing this). It's the most efficient way to ace the course. I didn't have to study for the final. I highly recommend Dr. Riley!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-05-14

Comments:1305 - The way he writes the questions on his exams are weird. It's really tricky. READ THE BOOK AND TAKE GOOD NOTES!! Could've done better but just had more important classes and couldn't do enough studying for this class. One last thing, he tends to add new material on the exam at the last minute (like the class before) so you'll get stuck with having to read a whole new chapter and studying it like 2 days before the exam...NOT COOL! I GOT REALLY FRUSTRATED! But he dropped the lowest grade. He's really nice and want you to understand the material. He tell really cool stories.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2010-04-25

Comments:1305 - This was a very interesting class. It is NOT a blowoff class though so don't take it if you want an easy A. I am generally a straight A student, but I really struggled to get an A in this class. I went to every SI, which helps a ton. Dr. Riley makes himself available to students 24 hours a day and is incredibly helpful and personable. His immense knowledge can be intimidating when you are listening to his lecture, but after going by his office I realized that he really is a kind professor who just wants his students to succeed. He lets you look over tests and will spend time with you to go over anything and everything. I made flashcards for every test and still had a hard time making anything other than a B. I studied a lot for the final and came out with an A in the class. HELPFUL NOTE: DO NOT JUST STUDY TERMS AND KNOW DEFINITIONS! You have to know how to apply the different terms and disorders to real-life scenarios, so when you are reading over the terms in the book play close attention to the examples, otherwise you won't do well on the tests.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-01-11

Comments:1305 - I loved Dr Riley, he was very sweet when students ask questions, even stupid ones. There were only 5 exams all semester and they were pretty easy, and he dropped the lowest. All i can say is- go to class because he gives information that isnt in the book,. The SIs helped, but if you just review class notes, you are good. The final was super easy- i studied way too much. Take him!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-12-14

Comments:3380 - Dr. Riley was a really good professor for Forensic Psych. The tests were difficult, but the questions come from the book, and he really doesn't like the book. Overall it was tough, but the material was fascinating, and Dr. Riley was more than willing to help you when you didn't understand something. I def. recommend this class!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2009-12-10

Comments:1305 - My favorite of the 3. Very friendly and approachable. His material is the hardest of the sections, but he is available for questions. Definitly recommend  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2009-12-07

Comments:1305 - I had the team-taught intro psych which is difficult in itself because you have to adjust to a new teacher for each test. Riley is an awesome prof who really wants you to understand the material. He gives the entire class his number and says that if we ever have questions we can call, even if it is really late at night. His test was pretty hard though! He says that he will only test over what he talks about in class, but dont mistake that as him not using what is in the book. The book was the bulk of the test by far, so be careful!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-04-22

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley has by far been my best professor at Baylor. He is always available, has free snacks in his office, and wants you to succeed in his class!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-04-02

Comments:1305 - The class consisted of 5 tests (one was optional), a final, and a required 2 hours of research participation (which was really easy). The only homework was reading the assigned chapters, but there were never any quizzes over the material. However, the tests were VERY hard and covered EVERYTHING from the book. Professor Riley is a good teacher. He teachers directly from the book and the tests are all multiple choice. The online quizzes that go with the book helped A LOT! Overall, the class was very interesting and very informative but required a lot of reading and studying.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2008-12-22

Comments:1305 - First of all, TAKE YOUR BOOK TO CLASS and write what he says in the margins. He teaches the book, word for word. The notes and test questions he uses are prepackaged by the book venders. So all he does is say exactly what the book says, with the exception of a few examples from his personal life and a short video clip here and there, and you need to KNOW THE BOOK! If you google the book, you will find online vocabulary flashcards (the vocabulary is a huge chunk of the test) and even some online quizzes that are the same difficulty as the tests. Seriously, THE BOOK IS THE CLASS  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2008-12-09

Comments:PSY 1305 - Riley is the most caring teacher I have ever had. He will stay up late to help you and will give you his phone number in case you need to contact him. His teaching is interesting and the tests are slightly difficult. He is definitely worth it. If you use the website in the psychology book that has quizzes, it helps immensely.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2008-11-20

Comments:PSY 1305 - Riley is the most caring teacher I have ever had. He will stay up later to help you and gives you his phone number in case you need to contact him. His teaching is interesting and the tests are slightly difficult. He is definitely worth it. If you use the sight in the psychology book that has quizzes, it helps immensely.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2008-11-20

Comments:PSY 1305 - I had Dr. Riley for the team taught course. He really puts in the effort to help his students. He gave everyone his cell phone number and said we could call at anytime even late at night. Now that's what I call dedication! I missed alot of his lectures though because I thought he was a little on the boring side. I self studied and it is a lot of material. He covered the most chapters so far, therefore requiring more reading.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-11-13

Comments:1305 - 1305 - Dr. Riley is a really good teacher. At first, I didn't like him at all; I thought he seemed like one of those teachers who thinks too highly of himself, but as the semester went on, I really learned to like his teaching style. He uses powerpoints from the textbook authors, but adds tons of information to them in class about each topic. I feel like I've actually LEARNED and UNDERSTOOD the material in his course, and find myself actually using the info to evaluate situations in everyday life. He sometimes puts in video clips about various topics, and they help solidify your learning. Reading is not quite as essential as he says, but I feel it helps me get a better grasp on the material as a whole. It is not necessarily required though. I enjoy going to class everyday, and it is just about the only class I don't fall asleep in this semester. You have to study, but not too hard, and he's definitely worth taking! He has 5 exams (he drops one) and a final, so it's not a big deal if you're just having a bad week and don't do so hot on one or even two exams. no quizzes, no papers. You just have to do the two hours of research credit that are required for every intro to psych class, and it's not a big deal. Great prof! you should take him!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-11-09

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley is one of the most knowledgable and interesting professors on campus. He does everything in his power to help and be available to his students. He even attended a small group review session after hours at request. Reading the book is the best approach. I would have got an A if I did.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2008-10-12

Comments:Psy 1305 - He is a great teacher!! I doesnt tell you till after his first test but he will drop your lowest test grade ( there are 4 tests). Mainly the tests are over the vocab words so know them well!!! Also he is always available to help you. He even gives you his cell phone number and tell you to call anytime you need him. If you go visit him during his office hours, you can pick a pack of candy from his giant candy jar (good candy, like a whole pack of starbusts or full size bags of m&m's). Even if you just go say hi (i did that a few times). His lectures are REALLY interesting! Towards the end of class (last few weeks) he does not take attendence which is nice. I recomend him 100%. It is a fun/interesting class and the workload is not bad at all.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2008-07-30

Comments:1305 - His lectures are really boring, and really aren't necessary to do well on the tests. Luckily, he stopped taking roll half-way through the semester. His tests are easy if you go over all the chapter summaries and do all of the quizzes on the "My Psych Lab". He also normally drops a test grade each semester.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2008-05-15

Comments:Intro to Psych - Dr. Riley is by far one of the BEST professors I have had at Baylor! The tests are tough if you don't keep up with the readings but if you listen to his lectures and read you can get an A. He is extremely helpful if you go see him and makes the class interesting! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-05-09

Comments:1305 - I had him for the team-taught course, and he just really bothered me for some reason that I could never quite put my finger on. He's really concerned about his students, which is nice, but I kind of wished he would have just stuck to psychology rather than trying to be a counselor too. He doesn't use his own PowerPoints, which makes them just about useless for studying unless you can recall which ones he covered and which ones he considered "unimportant". The course is pretty simple, just study for the exams and make sure you do the research credits. I recommend the team-taught course, but wouldn't take Riley by himself.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-01-02

Comments:1305 Intro Psych - He is a great teacher. His tests can be challenging if you didn't really prepare for them. Don't try to cram the night before--i did once and it didn't turn out well. He's really nice so stop by his office to get help or just talk--he knows his stuff! Use the powerpoints only to help you get through the chapter (whatever is covered on the powerpoints, really study that in the book) Overall, I really enjoyed the class. It was a challenge at times but i learned so much. He also drops the lowest test grade.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2007-12-29

Comments:1306 - For Neuro 1306.... Pay attention when he says that this is a hard class. It is. The content is difficult, the tests are HARD. He focuses on anatomy a lot more than you'd think. As a prof, he's one of the best I've had at Baylor, seriously easy to get in touch with, ask questions, and he tries to keep it interesting-sometimes it just isn't though. I recommend using the CD that came with the book & any extra materials you can find to study though.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2007-08-07

Comments:1305 - He is the best professor I had my freshman year! He made Intro to Psych. very enjoyable and I loved listening to all his stories and examples. Everyone should take Riley. He is always willing to help students and even gives out his cell phone number so that you can call him on weekends  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2007-05-30

Comments:1305 - pretty good teacher except his tests are a little difficult. willing to do whatever it takes to help his students. go see him if you need help. he is very approachable!  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2007-04-15

Comments:1305 - He is amazing. He is the most helpful professor that I have ever had at Baylor. He will stay in his office most of the time until like 2 or 3 in the morning and really wants you to learn the material so you can do well on the tests. If you can take someone, i would definitely take him. The tests are multiple choice from the book question bank, so you have to read the book, but he's really good at explaining. I would suggest reading the chapters, otherwise you probably won't do well. He is a great teacher though and really wants his students to do well even if there are 200 people in the class.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2007-04-11

Comments:1305 - At first, I couldn't stand him. I mean, seriously, who puts their college report card on a projector and leaves it there for an entire class? (It's impressive, by the way.)But after I bombed his first test, I went to his office and he's a genuinely nice guy. Even if you don't need help, go to his office for the candy. (He's got the good stuff.) He genuinely cares about how you perform in his class and will go out of his way to work with your schedule. Use the myPsychLab because his test questions are from their test bank. He does get a little monotonous but it's nothing a little Java City can't fix. Stay awake cause he will call you out. He drops a test so if you suck at one, don't fret. Research participation required but there is an option to write a research paper instead. Random pop quizzes mostly on Friday.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2007-02-13

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley is pretty cool guy. He has accomplished alot in his life and he wants to make sure you know all about it. My friends and I liked to point out when he was "tooting his own horn" because he did it alot. After he gets that out of the way though, he is a pretty good teacher and lecturer. I'd take him again.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2006-12-31

Comments:Intro to Psych - Dr. Riley is amazing. He has done everything there is to do in the world and loves to talk about it. The class was not interesting to me in the begining because you have to learn about the brain and things like that but towards the middle my attention span grew in the class because the subject topics became more interesting. This year we got a new book so the test were pretty rocky, but if you study (and you can't study from the slides just like he says, you have to study from the book) the tests are passable. He gives you his cell phone number the first time you meet him and he is dead serious when he says he wants you to call him if you ever need anything. Dr. Riley is probably one of the kindest professors at Baylor.   - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2006-12-20

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley goes above and beyond the call of duty to help his students. If you need help, STOP BY HIS OFFICE!! He is always there and willing to help students understand the material. The multiple-choice tests can be difficult. Make sure you have read (and reread) the text. Also, pay attention to the lectures in class; Riley uses examples that will help you on the test. Basically, Riley's class is wonderful. I STRONGLY recommend it.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2006-12-13

Comments:PSY 1305 - Professor Riley was wonderful. He really made the class interesting, and he's such an interesting person. He's literally done just about everything! What I really liked was that he really honestly seemed to care that his students did well. He went out of his way to be available and encouraged us to call him anytime at all that we had a question. He will do anything he can to help you succeed. There were two quizzes the whole semester, and they counted for extra credit. The only homework was to read the textbook, pretty much one chapter for every two class periods. The lectures went along with the textbook and explained textbook material, but test questions were taken from a test bank that went along with the book. The tests were easy and very managable if you read and listened during class. They were all multiple choice questions. Overall, this class was a great experience. I would definitely take it again, and I would recommend Professor Riley to anyone. He's great!   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-12-13

Comments:intro psych - Dr. Riley is an interesting person and engaging teacher. He's done everything in his life. literally. This was the best class i took this semester. do it.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-12-04

Comments:Learning & Behavior - Dr. Riley is awesome...extremely nice, always available for help outside of class and REALLY cares about his students! I highly recommend taking him. His tests are pretty tricky, but not TOO bad; you definitely need to read the book & pay attention in class. One bad thing: he's late a LOT and gets less and less organized and prepared as the semester goes on.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-11-30

Comments:Intro Psych - He was an extremely helpful and intelligent professor; one of my favorites. He will do anything to help students, even if they aren't in his classes. SOOOO NICE and HELPFUL. Loved him. The class was easy for me which would normally bore me, but he made it interesting.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-11-15

Comments:IntroPsych - Hugh Riley is a stud. This guy has done it all, Top Gun fighter pilot, scuba diver guide, so why he ended up teaching psychology is anyones guess, but its very obvious that he loves his work and is glad to help you out as best he can when you need it. You have to study quite a bit in this course, at least make sure and read all the chapters and study his notes ALSO. DO NOT use his slides and notes to study, use them as a SUPPLEMENT to your reading. You'll be lucky to get a B unless you do it that way. Riley is a great guy in and out of the classroom. I stopped by his office several times, both to chat about the class and about completely irrelevant things. Take his class, you wont regret it.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2006-08-21

Comments:Intro. NSC - Dr.Hugh Riley is one hell of a Professor as well as an extraordinarly intelligent individual. I've encountered very few of 'his kind' throughout my entire college career. He's a man of integrity, one who genuinely cares about not only teaching his students, but maybe more importantly, he will do anything in his power to 'go to bat for you', so to speak. His instilled passion for his work and for the success of his students is completely transparent, not to go unnoticed. Contrary to what some students have posted, Dr. Riley's teaching style is both intriguing and strongly effective! His exams are plenty conquerable so long as you take the time and responsiblity in keeping up with reading of the text. Exams are multiple choice and he makes it a point to adequately prepare you for the material in which you will be tested. Attend class and take a sincere interest, chances are that you'll end the semester not only educationally informed but also with a great appreciation for both the material and your professor.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2006-07-10

Comments:1305 - do not take is class if you are a psych major and you really want to benefit from intro to psych. take the group taught class. i learned because i taught myself, not becuase of riley. his lectures were pointless bc he puts them on line and you never have to go to class except that he takes attendance. the research project extra credit helps a lot because the test are difficult-especially since he doesn't cover much material in class. i was very disappointed. for the tests, i would say just study everything, thats what i had to do. i really have no helpful hints other than try and figure out his testing style and study accordingly.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-05-15

Comments:1305 - If you get intimidated easily, i woudln't take him. I answered one of his questions in class, which I got right. But then he proceeded to drill me about all of this other stuff, that I had no idea about. I kept saying "i dont know" but he said...yes you do, just think. and it really intimidated me, and made me never want to talk in class again. probably because that was my first time to speak up in a college class...but be aware. he might pick on you  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-04-19

Comments:Psych - He is a little scatter brained. Tells more stories than teaches, but it helps with the material. I had to attend a funeral the day of a test, he let me make up it, but I had to sit in with him during a meeting and I couldn't concentrate with all of the talking about me. His tests are hard, i had to study like crazy for them. know the stuff, he's tricky.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-04-19

Comments:1305 - Riley is a good professor--Psychology is just a hard class!He is very interesting to listen to...he makes it fun. He is very helpful. He gives out his cell phone number in class to all his students. There is a lot of reading. It is necessary to read and understand every term for the tests. Start studying days before!His tests are hard, but it is possible to do well--just read-its the key!   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-12-29

Comments:1305 - There are really no curves in his class, so you either earn an A or you don't. He's really not bad at all, there's just a lot of reading to do. Definitely recommend him if you're taking psych.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-12-16

Comments:1305 - Dont think that it is going to be a eay A becuase it's not!!!!! You have to know about every single vocab. On his test you will not see def. of the vocab, but you will have to apply the vocab to the question. For example, this happen to this person what is it called. DO NOT SLACK OFF!! IM not taking him again.  - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2005-12-14

Comments:1305 - TAKE THIS CLASS!!! he is an awesome professor, my favorite one i have had yet. he is VERY AVAILABLE and incredibly nice. I was ready for this class to be really hard but it wasnt at all!!   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-12-10

Comments:1305 PSY - PAY ATTENTION ALL SLACKERS: Riley is a good prof, but if you slack u will not do well in his class. I am a slacker, went to class for attendence only. All u need to do is read/study his slides seriously. I never did and therefore paid for that. Tests are only hard if you do not go over the slides. Class is all lectures and tests...that is all.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2005-12-05

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley is such a great professor and a wonderful man, I was very intimidated on the first day of class, but he is really nice, and always makes himself avaliable, he even gives his cell phone to his students and actually awnsered his phone when someone in the class called him at 3am. He is a very intelligent caring man who wants his students to suceed, Although there it is a lot of reading material to cover, he is very fair and never puts anything his tests that he has not covered in class. Definitely take Dr. Riley for Intro to Psychology  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-12-01

Comments:Intro to Psy - the tests are all about the vocab and reading the book so if you do those 2 things you will ace the class. you dont even have to go to class, but he does take role  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-11-27

Comments:1305 - Great Professor! Tests are not hard if you read the material and go over the powerpoints. One tip is to make sure that you know the vocab words really well, also it might be a good idea to buy the study guide.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-11-10

Comments:1305 - Really nice guy, but is a bit boring in class. He's very helpful, and even gives out his cell phone number and lets you call him anytime (day or night). Hes also willing to help you in his office, even pass his office hours. His tests are average, but tests your knowledge pretty well. Study the powerpoints and know it like the back of your hand, and go through the book too. Getting a study guide for the book also helps. He also drops one test grade, which is good. I think he lowered his amount of extra credit points, but if you study enough, then you probably wouldnt need it anyways.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-11-07

Comments:1305 - Dr. Riley is great but his lectures are kinda boring. If you read his notes and the book before the tests you'll do fine. Try do get all 10 points of the extra credit opportunity!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-10-05

Comments:psy 1305 - my advice is to read the book. i got c's on my first two tests, a b on the next and then an a on the final. did all the extra credit and ended up with an A. class isnt that hard, no real reason to go to class-- talks ALOT about his personal life...probably more so than psychology. didn't really like him- i hear mikalski (sp?) is the easiest  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-05-17

Comments:PSY 1305 - He's awesome! He makes himself available to you in every way he can, if you need anything. The only grades in the course are the tests, and they are all multiple choice, but they are tricky if you don't pay attention or do your reading (really!). He's very fair and committed to the students, highly recommended.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-05-11

Comments:1305 - Hugh is a dedicated instructor. He gives the class his cell phone # and tells us we can call anytime-day or night, and unlike some instructors he actually means it! If you need to call him at 3 am, do it! He knows what he's talking about and he has no problem explaining the material a million times if needed. READ THE BOOK! Also unlike other classes, you actually need your book here, so you do get your money's worth. If you've read the material well (which is something he stresses), then you do well on the test. Don't just study the slides! Read the chapter material covered on the slides! He's honest, and down to earth, don't be afraid to talk to him or go see him in his office. In addition to all that, he's also pretty funny, so you do laugh in class--very enjoyable.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-04-29

Comments:1305 - I love this guy. He is a great prof. Yes he talks about how he use to fly airplanes a lot, but i recomomend him. He teaches well, but be prepaired the test can be confusing if you dont do your reading or study. I highly HIGHLY recomend him thoough.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-04-21

Comments:Psy - Riley is one of the most caring, involved professors I have ever had. He gave us his cell phone number during finals if we had any questions. He shows a genuine personal interest in students and helping them to succeed. He may not necessarily be the best teacher I ever had, but the class is relatively simple and there isnt alot of work involved at all. His tests are very easy and he's relaxed about attendance. I LOVED this man and would highly recommend him to anyone.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2004-12-16

Comments:1305 - Professor Riley is an AMAZING professor, and a genuinely kind person. He knows his stuff, and he really wants you to succeed. You HAVE to read the chapters or you will fail the tests. All the tests are multiple choice, he drops one test grade, makes study sheets with EVERYTHING that is going to be on the test, has great office hours, really wants you to know the material, will help you for as long as you need. HINT: take the quizzes online because he selects the test questions from the guy who wrote the book.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2004-11-18

Comments:1305 - Intro to Psych - Very Nice Man! He genuinely cares about his students. He will provide you with a review session and review sheet. Offers up to ten test points extra credit. His tests can not be passed without thorough studying. You have to understand and be able to apply the concepts. I am glad I took him. If you are between Patton and Riley, RILEY ALL THE WAY BABY!   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2004-11-16

Comments:1305 - Riley reads from powerpoint slides and for his 4 tests + final uses questions writen by the book. Tests are hell. Studying your ass off might get you a D if you're lucky. Dropped at midterm because didn't like my D since I got a 4 on the AP psych exam. good luck.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2004-10-21

Comments:PSY 1305 - A great prof! He really tries to help stuents do their best possible with review sheets, review sessions, tutoring, and practical explanations of textbook contexts. Not a total blow-off class; you need to read the book and attend class. He does drop your lowest test grade. Tests are straight from lectures. A really nice guy--I highly recommend him.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2004-10-13

Comments:Intro to Psych - I really like Prof. Riley. He tells everyone to just call him Hugh. He is such a nice man and seems to be very helpful. He doesnt give too much homework other than reading. If you read the chapters and pay attention to his powerpoint slides, you will do great. Definitely would reccommend!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2004-09-08

Comments:This teacher is GREAT! I just love him. I am taking his class right now and making an easy A! I think that his tests are very reasonable and easy. I would definitely recommend him...he's really nice!

Comments:I hate learning more than the average guy, and i am not doing so great in his class, but I dont hate his class. He is a cool dude, and makes psychology as interesting as possible (tough job)

Comments:The only work you do for this class starts like 2 days before the exam, but if you read his Power Point slides, then you'll do fine. He's also really nice and willing to work with you. He's pretty lax on attendance, and if you miss class, its not a big deal.

Comments:If you take the time to review your tests and show you actually care about your grade, he'll definitely work with you.

Comments:Hugh is such a nice man...his class is pretty interesting but if you want to do good in it you need to at least read the chapters. He is such a helpful man, and always available. I think he's really fair and gives you the option of some extra credit...overall he's a really nice, helpful guy that makes the class interesting.

Comments:Riley is great considering he is a grad student. I am a psychology major, and I learned alot from his class. He is very helpful and really cares about the students. He is diffucult, but you learn alot.

Comments:He is a great guy and knows how to relate well to students. He is always available to help and is very willing to do so. He has a great way of explaining things, he know how to put things in ways that are easy to understand. If you meet with him, you can do really well!

Comments:Very Hard! His tests are very confusing! Definetley my hardest class. Lectures are pointless b/c he just sits there and reads from his powerpoint slides

Comments:he is okay but needs not to speak in a monotonous way


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