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Rating for Stephen Gipson
Professor Overview - Stephen Gipson

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52 127

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1301 - Overall average class. The averages were really low but I think that may have been a symptom of people not being in the correct major or partying early in the semester. Basically I went to his student hours one time to ask a question because I didn't understand the concept and he said "it's on the slides." Yup take Stover or McGrath, this prof is someone who can't be bothered teaching during office hours. Might as well have a nice teacher if all the classes are virtually the same difficulty.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-05-16

Comments:CHE1301 - To be honest he is super intelligent, but for an intro class it was very overwhelming because most of the time he just assumed we knew things that we didnt. I disagree with the people saying he is mean, he is very direct..but sometimes thats just how people are. He made a few rude comments about how the class averages were low but thats really it. The issue with his class is not so much his teaching ability (lectures were definitely rushed), but it was moreso the formatting of the class. His lecture notes are a combination of the current textbook, an old textbook he used years back, and some of his own comments that he inserts into the slides. Additionally, some variables for the equations would be different on the textbook vs on the tests. In chemistry there are a lot of EXCEPTIONS to rules, and he typically tests over the exceptions. Tests are 20 questions and multiple choice. I failed his class so badly (20s-40s on all exams), but im retaking it with a different prof right now and i have a 99 in the class.. so I would say dont take him unless you absolutely have to.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2024-05-03

Comments:1301 - His class was so much work. I would cry before tests and be begging for a curve, which he didn't announce till after the third test. The averages for the exams were in the 50s and he would find a way to blame us because "COVID made us forget how to learn". His class single-handedly ruined my first semester of college, and if you take him drop his class immediately.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2024-04-18

Comments:1301 - DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!!! RUNNNN I MEAN IT. Gibson gives you so much homework and is not helpful when you need it. He makes you feel dumb and will make you rethink your life decisions. He gives so much homework and is not good at teaching.  - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2024-01-08

Comments:2416 - Aside from being a pretty poor teacher, he was extremely rude and difficult to be around. Felt like he was enjoying his students doing bad because it meant he was even smarter. Do not take  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2023-12-15

Comments:CHE 1301 - DROP!!!!!!! Homework and Textbook do not align with the teaching and are not helpful for the exams  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2023-12-14

Comments:1301 - His exams are difficult and only 20 questions leaving very little room for error. The average on all exams were about a 50 and shifts the blame onto his students rather than his poor teaching ability. The content of the class isn't difficult, the exams are. Do not take this professor  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2023-12-14

Comments:1301 - RUN DO FAST DO NOT TAKE HIS CLASS. this man literally told us his class average of 50% has been the same for 3 years. AND BLAMED IT ON US. no curves people were getting 0 on exams and the highest were like 80s with average of 50. If you need to move your schedule to not take him MOVE IT. when I say I promise you'll either drop the class or have to retake it YOU WILL.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2023-12-13

Comments:1301 - Very bad at teaching and gives hard exams with no curve, there's a reason everyone drops this class.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2023-12-12

Comments:1102 - WHAT IS THIS CLASS!!! This class is straight-up offensive. RUN LIKE FLASH!!! No one is passing at the moment. His test averages are about 60% and there are no curves. You will regret it. I don't care if you have to move your whole schedule around, but do it! It's not worth doing so bad in a basic-level class.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2023-12-05

Comments:1301 - DROP IMMEDIATELY; be ready to fail for his class because I studied for his exams for a week in advance and still failed most of the exams. Theres no curve or anything the top hat and homework does not help with exam. His tests are hard for no reason. Trust me when I say drop  - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2023-11-20

Comments:Chemistry - When I tell you to run, I mean run, run fast. Gipson is as old as a dinosaur and absolutely horrible. Be prepared to do fail and drop as soon as you can. He will not curve an exam and the homework is a lot! There are no other assignments so its solely on exams. Our second exam the lowest was a 0 and the average was less then a 50%. Take my word for it and please do not take his class to save yourself from stress.  - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2023-11-14

Comments:1301 - not good at explaining things at all. the class average for all the tests was around the 50-60 mark. he is a really smart man but doesn't know how to teach students. he reads off his slides and can't really hear when you ask a question. certain chapters of hw will be due all at once which is kind of nice so you can space it out but its pretty hard. I was making solid D's and F's on my exams but for the final I got a tutor and went to his office hours to ask clarifying questions. at the end all the hw was counted as a test grade and I got a B+ on my final which brought my whole grade up to a B somehow. I think he appreciates when people come to ask him questions and really show you're trying. still not a great teacher, you have to basically teach yourself.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2023-11-14

Comments:chem1301 - He is terrible. Mean person and gives 20 question tests and no quizzes leaving such little room for error. He says he doesnt know what he is doing anymore since they switched up the homework website. He says he hopes it gets better next semester but HOW DOES THIS HELP ME.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2023-10-16

Comments:CHE 1301 - DR. GIPSON IS TERRIBLE! A disgrace to not only the baylor chem department but to the entire faculty and staff who have walked the halls of the famed bsb. Not only did he announce on his first day of class that he would not remember any of our names or make any sort of effort to connect and create relationships with his student, but he also said that tests make him anxious-- a complete disregard for the anxiousness I experienced when I received a 63% on my first exam. During the testing period, I went through all six stages of grief, but ended up walking out of the exam relatively confident. To my untimely surprise, (he took an entire week to grade a 20 question multiple choice scantron) I received a hefty D. If you are as unlucky as I was to have Dr. Gipson assigned as your professor, dont make the same mistake I did and DROP his class IMMEDIATLEY. Thank you all and goodnight blessings and live laugh DROP GIBSON  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2023-09-21

Comments:1301 - D R O P, that is my advice to anyone in his class, just drop. There is no point, nothing that you can do. Anyone who says otherwise simply guessed correctly on his ruthless 20 question tests. Or did him a ‘favor’ in his office. There’s just no other way. It didn’t matter if you put in 20 hours of studying, or 2 you’re just screwed. His lectures consist of nothing other than droning on about what was in his slides, which often contained what he called “higher level” and that we didn’t need it. The only bright spots in his class was how he would sneeze and blow his nose into the mic. Thus expelling all of the demons that withered his cold black heart. And him complaining about how terrible the book was, as he proceeded to give us what he called “40-80 hours” of online book homework for the semester. I now have to retake Chem because the C- doesn’t qualify for engineering. I am yet to have a class as bad as his and I am yet to struggle in a class as much as I did in his. To all of you that took this as an exaggeration, good luck, your GPA needs it.:)  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2023-05-08

Comments:CHE 2416 - He struggled immensely to teach in an effective way. He often just read off the slides and did example problems that were straight from the textbook. The averages on his exams are in the 50's routinely, but there is no SI, curve, or partial credit. It is difficult material to be fair, but he does not help make it any easier. The lab is poorly run, with cheap equipment. He grades lab reports and the results from experiments accuracy harshly despite the awful equipment often being unreliable. He is a nice guy for the most part and his office hours are helpful, but overall, I would not recommend him.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2023-05-02

Comments:1301 - Speaking from a Freshman perspective taking his class, I feel that his class was difficult but very fair. Dr. Gipson gives very informative lectures that give you the key to competing 99% of homework problems. Only on occasion would I need to go to his office hours for assistance, which he was very helpful and kind. No doubt, his lectures are not of the exciting sort, but PAY ATTENTION. He will work out problems from the homework assignments and explain them in great detail. He even has printouts for his notes for you to annotate. Course grade is mainly based on your homework completion, 4 exams, and 1 final exam. A good way to prepare for tests is complete the homework 4-5 days before it is due. In those extra days before the test, work through homework assignments (almost all exam problems are exact format to homework problems) and practice problems you are not 100% sure on. As stated before, the class is certainly difficult and will require dedication. However, I believe his class was very fair, and there were few times when he would throw curveballs on exams. He does not deserve the blind hate he has received and is a very kind man. Take some time to know him better!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-01-15

Comments:CHE 1301 - I had a largely different experience than what the last two people have had to say. I dedicated hours equivalent to days to study for Gipson’s exams, and ended with this grade. I read the book, understood the concepts, did everything I could do, and still landed here. I’ve received an A/4.00 in every other class I took this semester, so it’s not something that can be chalked up to lack of effort/understanding. Dr. Gipson was not a professor that I could learn from, and his class has instead contributed to a drop in my GPA. If you aren’t very, very strong in Chemistry, I suggest taking another professor. I’ve practically torn my scalp out with how much stress this singular class has brought me.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2022-12-18

Comments:1301 Chem - Overall, Dr. Gipson gets a lot of unnecessary hate from Baylor students. He is an old-fashioned lecturer but always keeps his office door open. While many complain about his criticisms of the textbook, they all make sense. He brings his ideas into it from first-hand experience in the field as he will give you insight into his experience in the field. TLDR: Challenging, but fair. Always available, good clarifier, and sincere man who wants his students to be better (Aim for an 85% in this class and you're [practically guaranteed an A)  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-17

Comments:chem 1301 - Depending on your level of chemistry knowledge, this class can be relatively easy or extremely difficult. I took AP chem in high school and this class is a good refresher. 100% stay on top of the homework, it can be tedious at times but it really helps solidify the information learned in class. The homework is done on owl and you get multiple attempts for each problem. The grades are 16% homework, 64% tests, and 20% final but the whole class is curved by an undisclosed amount (at least a letter grade). The class is all lecture-based from the textbook, which he hates, but he does a good job explaining the material and answering questions. Tests can be difficult because they are only 20 mcq with no partial credit but pay attention to the information he says people will get wrong on the test, those questions are always there. Overall he is not an awful teacher but you NEED to stay on top of the information otherwise it will probably make you cry.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-15

Comments:2416 - I took this class virtually in the summer. It was pretty hard, mostly due to the insanely large amount of coursework. Also because it was virtual there was basically no teaching. He would just post powerpoints online. However, he is super helpful during office hours. Beware, he is super into specifics when it comes to lab reports, and he will send you massively long emails and expect you to read and follow all of his very specific instructions. But, if you try to do everything perfect, it is possible to get an A.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-11

Comments:1301 - This is one of those professors that will haunt your future. He is the sole reason that I will never take a teacher with such a low rating in the future. On day 1 you will get an outline of his personality. It's the equivalent of a black hole where his emotions are non-existent. I don't think he has ever said hello when entering the class. His workload is laughably long, you spend a minimum of an hour per assignment with roughly 40 assignments over 3-4 weeks. His exams are all multiple choice which you would think makes them easier, but trust me... it's a trap. He will lie about there "never being a trick question." Our class average grade for every exam this year was in the 50% range. Everyone who could drop the class already did. He spends time in the class talking about how the textbook is wrong only to then say that he expects us to read the entire chapter on our own. Did I even mention that he is ancient and deaf? You won't even know your grade in the class until after the final! You are also at odds with your entire class because you all have to compete for a grade! I don't care what the alternative is, an 8 AM? Dropping the class entirely? Do it! Save Yourself! Do you want a class where you have a teacher sit at the front to lecture all day? Yell at you for having a water bottle out during an exam? Have you ever wanted the dark lord to teach you? Well, if that's what we're looking for then I've found the teacher for you! My stress and anxiety are through the roof! For the low low price of Baylor's insane tuition, you can suffer for an entire semester too!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-11-29

Comments:CHE 1301 - Worst professor I have ever taken at Baylor, he has pointless lectures, an insane amount of homework, and 20 question tests with no partial credit. He has very little understanding over things like the homework program not working, and everybody that I know who has had him has had similarly awful experiences.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2022-11-15

Comments:CHE 1301 - Professor Gipson is horrible. Absolutely horrendous. Don't listen to all the reviews saying he isn't that bad because they are WRONG. I am a mechanical engineering major and chem 1301 is a required class that all engineers have to take. My time in that class was possibly the worst experience of my life. Gipson just reads the slides so his lectures are pointless, he gives out an insane amount of homework, and the tests are unnecessarily hard. I cried a lot. :(  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2022-11-11

Comments:CHE 1301 - This class wasn't bad at all. Don't crunch the homework. Read the book, then spread it out over the course of the pre-test period. Dr. Gibson has notes that summarize the book well, so take a look at those too. This guy's sense of humor made this class. It comes when you finally figure that half of his serious criticisms are jokes, and the other half are just plain funny. Tests aren't if you understood the homework; if you finished it, then you probably did. Fun class overall.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-09-17

Comments:2416 - I have no clue at all what the previous person was talking about. This man does not teach it well... Obviously this semester he is the only guy teaching. DO NOT take him if you want a good GPA. The labs are tedious and suuuuuper long, avg about 4hours per week. The lab reports are easy to finish, but his grading scales are INSANE unreasonable. You are basically graded by how well you can measure water to the finest. Even a few parts per thousands off will give you a 5 points deduction out of the 50 points scale. Speechless at this moment. Just don't do it.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2022-05-01

Comments:2416 - I have no grade yet bc i haven’t finished the course, but this man is GOOD. He goes through everything very thoroughly and his tests are so fair. he DOES NOT mess around when it comes to his tests. he isn’t gonna put anything in it he hasn’t taught. he da goat frfr. Call me the Ultimate SCHMEAT rider, but this man does not deserve a low rating. he the real deal  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-03-27

Comments:1301 - Ok just don't take him. His tests are only 20 questions and they are multiple choice. So if you get more than 2 wrong, you already have a B. So it is very hard to do well in this class and I promise you I worked my butt off in this class. His class was overall also very boring and the owls took forever. However, he was actually very nice outside of class and helpful for office hours. It is not impossible to do well, I would just recommend taking someone else.   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-03-16

Comments:Che 1301 - To start with the few good things to say about Dr. Gipson, he is a very smart guy. His lectures did seem to explain the information on his tests fairly well. However, he made little to no effort to engage with students and his lectures made me learn to dislike chemistry, a subject which I have always been interested in. Gipson is also pretty rude to students. He would regularly answer in class questions with sarcastic or snarky responses as if the students were already supposed to know the course material. He clearly just wants to get the teaching part of his job done with so he can get on with his research. As far as grades, the tests are pretty fair. I had an A in the class going into finals week. Unfortunately, he decided to have the last regular exam and the final exam on the same day, and I got a bad concussion the day before and got a 30 on both which completely destroyed my grade. As a student that actually enjoys chemistry, I would not take Gipson again, but it is possible to do well in his class if you study a fair amount.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2022-11-15

Comments:CHE1301 - Honestly I tried to give Dr. Gipson the benefit of the doubt, but he was a horrible professor for this class. He is a very intelligent person, but for a freshman chemistry class he simply is not the right fit. He did not make class engaging whatsoever and simply talked at you the ENTIRE semester (many people dozed off during classes). The OWLV2 homework assignments were lengthy. Exams are only 20 MC questions so there is very little room for error which is near impossible because he claims he doesn't try and trick you on exams, but he does. Asking questions in this class provides little help as he does not answer your question correctly and oftentimes confuses you more. Even after mastering the OWLs and studying for an unhealthy amount before every exam, I did not score well on the exams. I would say that the amount of work I put into this class was more than every other class, and I just barely passed. Every person I have talked to thus far who had Gipson for CHE1301 has failed the class and all have felt this same frustration. Taking this class destroyed my mental health and made me not want to be a STEM major even though I understood all of the content and scored very high on all of the SI practice exams that Megan made. I can not in good conscious recommend Dr. Gipson for this class to anyone.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2022-01-18

Comments:Che 1301 - Choose a different teacher, if you can. I personally did not take Chem AP in highschool, so if your did you may do better but not guaranteed considering his exams are tricky. There is 5 exams, and lowest is dropped including the final. I would recommend attending all SI classes because it was the only way I could apply what we learned in class and understand it. The OWLS are not fun to say the least, they are helpful but not when there is over 60 assignments before the exam, so do them in advance. The OWLS all together count as one exam grade which was helpful, so definitely stay on them. He is not a good teacher and could not answer students' questions very well, and sometimes exam questions were hyperspecific when it was unnecessary. Please choose a different teacher, if you get him attend SI and don't be afraid of dropping by the tutoring center.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2021-12-24

Comments:1301 - Run. As fast as you can. Nothing can prepare you for this class. I was nervous for it because I didn't take AP chem in high school, but I quickly realized it doesn't matter. EVERYONE struggled in this class (and keep in mind these are pre med kids). Gipson is quite possibly the most brutal teacher I have ever had. He rants and complains about the textbook every day saying how it's "wrong". Ok so write your own if you know everything! The OWL homework is very lengthy and nit picky. I went to every single SI session and did well on the practice tests. I studied FOR HOURS EVERY SINGLE DAY. I swear I was doing chemistry an average of 5 hours a day, even more on the weekends. I had to say no to so many fun things this semester because I wanted to prioritize my grades. However it didn't matter. The exams were impossibly difficult no matter how hard I studied. There were so many trick questions, keep in mind the exams are only 20 questions so there is no room for error. On the first day of class, he said "My exams are not difficult." But then, a week before every exam he would send out a mass email saying how "the upcoming exam is going to be extremely difficult for most of you, so start preparing. You need it." The day before an exam, I went to his office hours with a specific question and he told me not to worry about it and that he didn't expect us to know it. The next day on the test, my exact question was on the test. In class he would talk about his analytical chemistry class, how everyone wore their masks wrong, and rant about how the textbook was wrong, even if it was something stupid like the grammar was wrong. Not gonna lie, sometimes these rants were funny, but they were also extremely pointless. This class tanked my GPA. Run as fast as you can, there are lots of other gen chem profs who are so much better than Gipson. He is the type of professor I hope I never experience again. If you are unlucky enough to get him...I'm so sorry. I wish you the best.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2021-12-16

Comments:CHE 1301 - Gipson is the devil in disguise. Literally the worst. As a first-semester freshman, I have lost all of my confidence in being a STEM major because of this guy. He is a smart man and you can tell that he loves chemistry, but this man cannot teach whatsoever. He is a very boring lecturer, and the only engagement he has with his students is to call you out for not wearing a mask or if you leave early. His exams are unfair, only 20 questions, 5 points each & absolutely no room for error. No extra credit either. The 40 points that everyone was talking about is a lie. Nothing whatsoever. The OWLs are helpful in understanding the concepts, however, Gipson assigns so much of it- you need to give yourself 2 weeks to complete it all on time (and to save yourself a headache). I know some people who had different chemistry teachers and they did not assign as much OWLs as Gipson does. Sometimes I find myself completing them for the sake of just getting them done, rather than actually understanding what I am doing. Furthermore, I studied HOURS for his exams after I did so poorly on his first exam, and it just got worst from there. I do not understand why he drops an exam anyways when all the points accumulated would have gotten me a C, but I ended up with a D+. I even emailed him to see if he could round up as I was literally at a 69.8 but he said no. He has no mercy and will hurt your GPA.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2021-12-16

Comments:1301 - Oh boy. I will start by saying that Dr. Gipson is very smart and I'm sure he is a nice man, but his teaching ability and class are extremely difficult. This is a weed-out class to begin with, but Dr. Gipson makes it even harder than it has to be. I am a straight-A student with an extremely strong work ethic. This class absolutely broke me. The exams are only 20 questions and while they are fair, they are extremely challenging. I taught myself this entire course (with the help of SI) because he is a terrible teacher. All of my free time was spent doing chem. The OWL homework is very tedious and it takes hours on end to complete, however it does help you learn the material. He is very condescending in class and makes his exams unnecessarily difficult. I would say to avoid him if you can, but if you have to take his class, it is not the end of the world.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2021-12-16

Comments:1301 - This class is a GPA killer. I know I got a B, but this was only by the grace of God. With first semester chem classes, I wouldn't expect any of them to be particularly easy, so you kind of have to pick your battles with proffesors. If you pick Gipson, you've picked one of the most boring lecturers I've ever had and the worst tests. He knows he isn't interesting, he doesn't care, but make sure your awake and alert because he will call you out quite agressively in class. As far as his tests go, your entire grade is based on 4: twenty questions, 5 points each, multiple choice. That means theres almost no room for error. Oh, and there's trick questions. The homework load is significant, but nothing more than I would expect from a chem class, and his power points are ususally pretty helpful, just make sure you read the text book and SI is a LIFESAVER. Honestly, everything I learned in this class, I learned in SI. this class is set up for you to fail, it's a weed-out class for sure. It's not impossible but if you get stuck with Gipson, well, good luck Charlie.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2021-12-15

Comments:CHE 1301 - I took Dr. Gipson Fall 2019 (pre-covid) so this may be a little bit of an outdated review but I think it is unfair that Dr. Gipson's reviews are so low. I think he has a lot of great qualities- he clearly explains the material, I found his tests to be pretty easy (or at least fair), the OWL homework is great practice for the course material, and he gives a great grade boost from attending his class. Go to every class and you will get 40 extra credit points, and do the homework and practice problems to do well on the test and you will be fine. His one drawback, however, is he is an extremely BORING lecturer. He knows it too- on syllabus day he said that he knows that he is not an entertaining professor. Watching paint dry is probably more riveting than his lectures, but that being said, I found to really love how he teaches the material. He never gets off track or goes on irrelevant tangents, he simply lays out the material in a clear and concise way, and you know what is expected of you. I would highly recommend Dr. Gipson, but do not take him if you have a tendency to fall asleep in class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-04-14

Comments:1301 - He does not do zoom lectures which is nice in my opinion. OWLs are not crucial for the test but they are crucial to your grade. He drops one test and that test can be your final. Overall, he is not the best teacher if you actually want to learn, but he is a fair grader and it is not hard to get a good grade in the class.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2021-01-08

Comments:1301 - Dr. Gipson is a good professor in my opinion, contrary to most reviews. Yes he is a boring lecturer, but he's a by the book teacher, which I prefer. If you enjoy straightforward teaching (lecture every week, homework, exam) then he's the man for you. His tests are fair and everything he teaches is exactly what is on the test. Yes you have to study, yes you have to do your homework to get an A. But he knows his stuff, and I think hes a good prof!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-12-16

Comments:CHE 1301 - Dr. Gipson is a really nice dude! Boring lecturer? Yes, but I don't think any other teacher gives you 40 extra credit points just for showing up to class, so there's that. Did I fall asleep a few times in class? Also yes, but his powerpoints are straightforward, as are his tests, so I was fine. Just do the owls (and I mean really do them, don't just complete them) and you'll find very similar (if not identical) questions on the exams. I really thought I was going to get a B in this class but the extra credit pulls you through! Try really hard at the beginning (look through powerpoints and rework owls) and it'll pay off immensely in the end. He's definitely up there in terms of good chem teachers. He also doesn't really mess around, so don't try to crack a joke (or pull out your phone) unless you want him to embarrass you in front of the entire class  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-04-29

Comments:1301 - One of the MOST underrated intro chem professor at Baylor. I will admit I had a good chemistry teacher in high school, but Dr.Gipsons bad ratings do not translate to how he is in the classroom. There is ONE NEGATIVE THING, and he makes it clear: he is a boring lecturer. Not engaging at all. But that's okay because he makes up for it in so many ways. His Office hours are consistent, and he will always be there for help. There is only 1 OWL assignment per chapter and all chapters that are on the test have their OWL due the day of the test. OWL is the key to success. The biggest benefit is his compensation for being boring because he understands that he is boring. He compensates by giving 40 extra credit points at the beginning, and you lose your extra credit based on how many absences you have. Just don't skip class and you should be fine.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-03-11

Comments:1301 - I liked the way that Dr.Gipson taught Chemistry a lot. With no prior Chemistry background, he made it very easy to understand for me and although his owl homework was a bit lengthy, in the long run it helped out a lot because his test questions would be nearly identical just with numbers or elements changed. He's a very straightforward teacher and does not go through the hassle of trying to entertain the class, but I didn't mind. Chemistry requires concentration, but if you need an extremely entertaining teacher to keep your attention he may not be for you. I would recommend him though if you know nothing about Chemistry like I did.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-01-20

Comments:1301 - i love Dr. Gipson. he is a great teacher and really helps you understand the material. all of his tests were based straight off the notes and material he went over in class and some of the question came straight from the homework you do. i was so nervous to take chemistry but Dr. Gipson made it easy to pass with a good grade. i would take him again and i will always recommend him  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-12-17

Comments:1301 - I loved Gipson. His ratings absolutely terrified me coming into his class, but I was pleasantly surprised. He does a standard lecture - stand in front of the class and talk for the amount of time he has available. There is homework for each chapter that perfectly prepares you for his tests. He drops a test, that can be your final. He is, in my opinion, a good transition professor into college.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-05-10

Comments:1301 - Dr. Gipson is a great professor compared to the rest of the chem department for Intro to Chem. He explains everything that you need to know and makes getting a good grade possible if you put the time and effort in AND listen to his lectures. He can be a bit of a boring lecturer, but he works really hard and I really enjoyed his as a professor. His tests are short, and to the point, if you do the homework and pay attention they are manageable. Gipson really wants you to succeed!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2019-04-25

Comments:1301 - Do the OWL. Understand the OWL. Make a good grade on test. It’s that easy. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a boring lecturer, but as long as you understand the OWL you’ll be fine. Also, show up to class every day and you’ll get a sweet surprise at the end of the semester.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-04-19

Comments:2216 - Boring. Terrible lecturer. Unfair grading scheme. Leaves to take dumps in class. AVOID HIM.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-12-23

Comments:2216 - Terrible professor who is unhelpful and unfair with grading. A weak and lanky man for sure.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-12-14

Comments:Chem 1301 - Very dry speaker, but you can learn everything you need by doing the HW. Quizzes and tests were very easy, 20 multiple choice and grading scale makes it extremely easy to get an A. Easily one of the best Gen Chem professors if you don't mind doing some learning outside of class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-12-10

Comments:1301 - Overall, Dr. Gipson's class is very straightforward. If you do the OWL and understand how to do it (and don't put it off to the night before the test), you're guaranteed to get a good grade on his tests (they're solely based on the OWL). He admits on the first day that he's a boring lecturer, and he is, but as stated before, you don't have to do a lot of paying attention to excel in his class since the only grades given are tests and OWL which can be prepared for/ done outside of the class. He's very understanding and helpful if you see him in his office hours. A word of advice: do and understand ALL of the OWL and DO NOT leave it until the night before.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2018-12-10

Comments:CHE 1301 - Gipson is a very sweet man whom I have the utmost respect for. If you ever need any help on the homework, he's always willing to help. His class is lecture-based, so it's not interactive, but he always puts in an effort to make sure students can ask questions or add comments. The tests are very similar to the homework, and I only looked at the textbook for the first exam. There are a lot of homework problems, but I was always able to complete them in time and they are so worth doing, trust me. All of exams were 20 MC questions. To study, look over his powerpoints, practice the homework as much as possible, and GO TO SI!! The SI for the class did a superb job of explaining the material in more detail and providing more practice problems. Gipson's much better than most of the other profs I've heard about. You can tell that he has a true passion for the material he teaches, and he really, really hates the textbook. He's an extremely fair grader, so I would definitely say to take his class!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-12-01

Comments:CHE 1301 - One of the most kind and most polite professors you can meet. Most of the bad reviews are probably from people who had no chemistry background. His lectures are not interesting unless he starts criticizing canvas or the textbook which I find entertaining.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-12-01

Comments:CHE 1301 - Such a great man. Very nice and always willing to help. His lecture notes are very detailed and so you will never need to use the textbook. Tests were all multiple choice and very similar to the online homework. Overall, a pretty easy course.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-30

Comments:Chemistry - Gipson's class is very fair. The test are not hard if you listen in class and do the OWL homework. He is a very nice man and is very patient if you are having trouble understanding. His lectures are very easy to follow and provides really good example for the questions. I've never seen a teacher pay more attention to detail than him. He takes this course very seriously and provides the information and tools to pass each test.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2018-11-28

Comments:CHE 1301 - Dr. Gipson is one of my favorite professors at Baylor so far. His lectures are super informative and cover all the material needed for the tests. He does have online homework but its only to help prepare for the tests. He gives 1 point extra credit on the final for everyday you show up to class. SO GO!!! It's very important to go to class anyway but chem is especially important. He is so sweet when talking to his students and answers every question well, dumb or not. He goes over what will be on the test the class before to make sure you know what to study. He does however have a genetic disorder that doesn't allow him to recognize faces, but if you see him on campus say hi anyway and tell him you're in his class. Love him so much. Please take him  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-20

Comments:1301 - He's really not that bad, he is very knowledgable and genuinely wants his students to learn the material. That being said, he is not interesting but gets the point across. His tests are based directly off the hw so they're pretty easy if you practice but they're 20 questions, so easy to drop a letter grade quickly.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-15

Comments:1301 - Ok so I went into this class expecting it to be completely awful based on his reviews and the fact that I'm not particularly gifted in the sciences. But honestly, he really knows his stuff and explains the concepts clearly for the most part. Yes, there are times when he goes a little too fast to comprehend, but honestly most of the time he did a pretty good job. That being said, I would not have survived this class without SI, which was extremely helpful. I cannot stress this enough- go to your SI, they seriously help so much. They make practice tests, worksheets, and review powerpoints. I would have never gotten an A without SI, I went to every. single. one. Taking Gipson if you have to is fine, you will survive. However, I'm sure there's better.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-15

Comments:1301 - Gipson was hands down a terrible prof. He doesn't teach well at all! He reads the power points straight from the book and he is never available to help you even during office hours. Once when I went to office hours he told me I wasn't as important as his Achem students so I should go ask someone else for help... His exams are fairly easy since he picks the questions straight from the homework and just changes the numbers. The homework on the other hand is very lengthy so do not wait last minute. Overall if you don't already have a strong background in chem take someone else.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2018-11-09

Comments:1301 - Despite his low ranking, Dr. Gipson isn't a bad professor for genchem. Most of the low rankings come from AChem. Dr. Gipson is an easier than some other chem professors (*cough cough* Bellert). You don't really need the textbook (I looked at it maybe 3 times) because he doesn't really like it. Print out and follow his PowerPoints. You'll need to go to class because he takes attendance and gets mad when people don't show up. Tests are multiple choice but you don't get any sort of partial credit for trying so that can hit your grade. Make sure you know the concepts and equations and how to use them and you'll be good to go.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-05-14

Comments:1301 - Gipson is a really boring teacher. His tests are only 20-30 questions long so if you aren't strong on the subject it's really easy to fail a test, and he doesn't curve it by a lot. I usually only missed like 4 questions per test but it killed my grade and made it impossible to make an A. Also he is SUPER strict on phones so if you do take him, be careful. The homework isn't terrible but it isn't great either, it will take you forever to complete, especially as you go further into the semester. The SI for this class is basically worthless as well, so I strongly suggest finding another professor.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-05-04

Comments:CHE 2216 - So I took Lab Measurements and Techniques before it became 4 hours (as it's currently slated to). I went in thinking "Oh no biggie, it's just a lab." So let me be honest in saying, yeah, it's not fun. It's a demanding class that sucks up a lot of time. Which on one hand makes its hour change beneficial On the other hand its hour change means it can hit your GPA even harder. It's tough, Labs are very picky. Labs can be very long. My experience was brought down even more by the non stop complaining of my classmates (trust me, we all get it, its hard, shut up). Gipson himself isn't really the most engaging lecturer and he can be a tad condescending at times. All that said, there is hope. First and foremost Gipson will work with you. If you see him in his office he will help you out. Second, while the online homework is tough the SI (at least when I took the class) helped tremendously. The exams are pretty much just the online homework which means theres really no reason you shouldn't do well on them. Point being, it will be tough and by no means fun, but you can handle this class if you put your effort into it.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-04-29

Comments:1301 - Do not take him. Every lecture will put you to sleep and the amount of work you have to do makes you want to pull your hair out. Tests were insanely difficult no matter how much I studied too. I'm retaking chemistry this semester and let me just tell you now, either drop him or don't take him cause there are better chemistry teachers out there  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2018-04-14

Comments:1301 - I honestly can say that Dr. Gipson is not that bad. He tries very hard to help his students and changes his lectures to help with the class learning. His tests are very similar to the homework. Also, it is a lecture class so it is slightly boring. But he does a good job and should have a better rating.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-04-10

Comments:1301 - Look at the poster's review on 1-18-2018. I couldn't disagree more with that poster's review of Gipson. That poster claims Gipson is a fantastic chemistry professor and underrated. You know what I say to that assessment? WEAK. Gipson is far from a fantastic professor. He is boring, stern, and has unrealistic expectations for how long his online homework takes. I'm not suggesting he is a mean or bad person but rather a bad teacher. One time he went across the hall to pinch a loaf. That's fine, we all have to go sometimes. The problem was when he came back he told us that he had a great thanksgiving dinner but some of those leftovers.... Putrid.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-01-25

Comments:2216 - Stevie is an unfair grader of labs a.k.a. SUCIO!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-01-25

Comments:2216 - I have never met such an ineffectual teacher. He will not go to bat for you, and he does not care about the shortcomings in his pedagogical style. This class is beyond weak, and was tough to take.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-01-25

Comments:1301 - Dr Gipson is a fantastic chemistry professor. He can at times be boring, but that’s simply his personality. If you enjoy dry sarcasm then you will enjoy Dr Gipson. His tests are very simple (if you know your owl then you’ll ace every test) and he gives a decently substantial curve. Overall I believe Gipson is a very underrated chemistry professor and would highly recommend him.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-01-18

Comments:2216 - I couldn’t agree more with the poster below.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2018-01-16

Comments:CHE-2216 - Stephen is by far the worst professor I have had so far at Baylor. The workload for this class is unrealistic for a two hour course, and his monotonous tone makes paying attention in class difficult. The labs are graded on American Chemical Society standards and hard to get A's on, and the homework (webassign) is far too time consuming and unforgiving. Stephen has unrealistic expectations for his student's lab skill and knowledge of subject material, and the subject material is dense and boring. Just get through this course the best you can with this horrible professor.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2017-12-16

Comments:2216 - Mr. Gipson is a pretty nice guy, however this course is so awful. This course definitely should be listed as an upper level course for the amount of work you have to put into it each week. The material is pretty boring and the two tests are pretty dense with material that required several steps to achieve the final answer. If your degree doesn't require you to take this course, DON'T!!!!!  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2017-04-10

Comments:2216 - Gipson is OK as a professor, but 2216 is just a god awful course and I will always be bitter for putting myself through it. (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE IT, DO NOT TAKE IT). It is an insanely large workload for just a two hour course. Gipson does as well as he can in explaining the material, it is just SO dense and boring. The homework is dreadful but it helps for the midterm and the finals, so do it and do not start the night before!! It takes an average for 4-5 hours for each assignment. I enjoyed the lab because it is completely individual and honestly pretty interesting, and my lab TA (Jessica) was really helpful. The midterm and the final consist of mostly homework questions, but there are a couple of conceptual and lab questions as well. I made failing grades on both of the tests, but I was still curved up to a C. Do not rely on the curve though, I hear it changes every year. Good luck!!  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2016-12-18

Comments:2216 - This is a review of the class 2216 not Dr. Gipson. My advice is to take this course in the summer because Dr. Hassel (the chemistry and society professor teaches it). Gipson does the best he can with this subject... its terrible nit-pickey chemistry that's largely based on gen chem. The lab are wonderful because they're independent so you can go at your own pace. His grading of your lab... good luck. There's 8 labs and the lowest one gets replaced by your MEDIAN. Not your average but the average of your middle two labs. The webassign he warns you takes "2 hours" to complete... its closer to 4. You typically get 2 weeks to complete them but the strict answer settings on WebAssign make them very challenging. God bless the SI, she is the only reason I passed. READ THE CHAPTERS. Its a whole bunch of nothing but it helps for the content questions. Your last grade is the midterm and final. The class scale is your only "curve" He runs a point system, the two tests being 150 each, the labs 50 each (there's 8) and 13 Webassigns (lowest two dropped) averaged to 100 points total. The class is out of 800 points. He uses WebAssign for grades so you constantly have to total your own grade. Despite his stern personality he's a really nice man who's willing to help those willing to work.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2016-12-12

Comments:2216 - This class was awful. WebAssign is much more time consuming than he makes it out to be and it's just a horrible program in general. His lectures are boring but it's hard to imagine anyone being able to make it fun. I went to his office hours an embarrassing amount of times but he was always so friendly and willing to help. It's just a review of chem 2 basically with some stats involved. The lab itself is too long and monotonous with such a huge emphasis on accuracy. The one good part is that Gipson practically makes the lab report, you just have to put in your numbers and do sample calculations. The midterm and final are mostly questions straight from WebAssign so study those. Overall, Gipson is a smart old guy who is very boring but you'll live if you have to take the class.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2016-02-12

Comments:CHE2216 - If you don't have to take this class, then PLEASE save yourself the trouble and stress and drop this class now. If you are required to take this, then may God have mercy on your soul. This class is made up of 8 graded labs, somewhere around 10-12 homework assignments on WebAssign, and 1 midterm and final. One of the very few good things about this class is actually the lab, but even that is 4 hours. You get to do your own experiment and usually the TA's in charge are relatively personable. The procedures are simple (sorta) and the lab reports are pre-made on Excel so literally all you have to do is plug in numbers and it auto-calculates your results. The one other good thing about this class is that the final was NOT cumulative. However, there are a lot of bad things about this class so bear with me. First, WebAssign isn't just bad, it isn't just awful, it is the most frustration homework site I've ever used. It gives no feedback on wrong answers and doesn't reference any relevant information in the book. Second, the text book is horrible. It sucks to read and only provides about 2-3 relevant homework examples. Third, the lectures are painfully long and boring with almost zero relevant examples for homework/test application. Finally, the procedures are often unclear and you'll likely have to ask your TA's about 10 questions per lab. If you can put up with all of that, more power to you, but I (as a Biochemistry major that normally loves this stuff) personally despised this class... So... Good luck...  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2016-01-12

Comments:2216 - Webassign homeworks are so dumb, and you don't know why you missed it or what is the right answer. Also, his class is so boring.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2015-09-20

Comments:Chem - He's god awful boring and super rude and his classes are death by powerpoint. Don't take him he wears the same cardigan every day.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2015-07-07

Comments:1301 - If you can help it, do not take Dr. Gipson. His class is boring and so is he. I've never nodded off more in a class in my life. Just don't take him. PLEASE. PLEASE. DON'T DO IT. JUST DON'T.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2014-12-15

Comments:1301 - I have never been more happy with a B in this class than in my entire life. Don't let the positive reviews deceive you, Dr. Gipson is not a good teacher, especially compared to some really amazing chemistry teachers that Baylor has. Dr. Gipson does not teach, he only reads off of the power points, and I personally had to teach myself the material because he is not an engaging teacher. He wouldn't care if no one was in the classroom, he would still go about his business, reading power points.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-12-13

Comments:1301 - Mr. Gipson is pretty boring, but he's not a bad teacher. His grading is pretty fair and he gives curves if you show up to class all the time and do all the mastering chem. The tests took a lot of questions from mastering chem, the textbook and examples on the notes. So basically, if you do what you're supposed to do, you'll do well in his class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-06-27

Comments:1301 - Dr. Gipson is a tough professor, but he lets you know that he expects a lot at the beginning of the course. There's no quizzes, just 5 tests and the lowest one is dropped. The Mastering Chem homework is a large percentage of the grade and he will help with that if you go into office hours. You print out the Powerpoints he provides and then take notes on them in class. Test questions are frequently pulled from Mastering Chem and the practice tests that he provides. He definitely isn't as hard as people say he is, just make sure you put the effort forth in the class to get the results you want.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2014-05-16

Comments:CHE 1301 - I read these comments before and after taking Dr. Gipson's class. I thought I knew what to expect, but it turned out I didn't. Dr. Gipson does treat 1301 like a weed-out course, and it doesn't have to be. It can be conceptually challenging on its own, but he puts effort into making it more difficult. There's nothing to enjoy in his course, and only after the final exam did I feel like I had actually learned something, rather than just enduring punishment. Throughout the semester he sent condescending emails to the entire class insulting our collective intelligence and study habits. He demanded that scantrons be covered as much as possible during his exams and walked around enforcing the rule, loudly. He corrected me once when I was *actively* trying to cover the thing. There was one student in the class he had it out for, like it was high school or something (high school was ten years ago for me, by the way). I never saw this student acting inappropriately or even speaking to the professor, but Dr. Gipson singled him out more than once with a condescending tone. Over and over again he tried to convince us t the group level that we should consider dropping down to 1300. I urge any student to avoid Dr. Gipson for 1301 and I wish he didn't teach the course. Having said so, though, I have to admit that his lectures are structured effectively and he is an effective instructor. Obviously Baylor hired him because he knows his field, and if he's more relaxed and charitable in his upper-level classes then I bet he's a great professor. 1301 was awful, though. Take someone else.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-02-06

Comments:1301 - Don't take him whatsoever, he is a horrible professor that does not care about his students. Just don't take him, he will kill your GPA  - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2013-12-10

Comments:CHE 1301 - Dr. Gipson isn't the greatest lecturer, and at times he can be downright rude. However, I do not regret taking his class for one reason; the curves. He has a policy where 25% of the class has to make an A on any given exam, so he curves a BUNCH (Like we're talking 14-15 points each on the last three exams). If you do the mastering and review it the day before the test you should be golden. Yeah, he's not the greatest, but overall it is a pretty easy A if you have any background in chemistry whatsoever.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-05-09

Comments:1302 - He is a terrible chem teacher! DO NOT take him, whatever you do he will lower your GPA. I've had two years of high school chem with pre-AP chem and AP chem this background knowledge is the only thing keeping me a float in his class.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2014-11-14

Comments:CHE 1301 - Not a good professor to take for 1301. Likes to makes chemistry more challenging than it already is, especially with his 20 question tests… ALL multiple choice. It's time they get rid of faculty members like him, killing intelligent freshman's GPAs because of stinginess. took AP chem about a few months before and passed the exam with a 3, there is no reason I should have a C. But like I said he tries to weed out as much as possible.   - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2013-12-17

Comments:1301 - If you can get away with any other professor I would do that. He isn't the best teacher by any means. In one of the first weeks of class he told us "Not everyone in here is going to succeed. My job is to weed you out." After that statement I knew that he wasn't really interested in teaching us the material but rather seeing who he could break.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2013-06-29

Comments:1301 - I love Dr. Gipson. Absolutely love him. Yes, he is boring like everyone says. But he is by NO MEANS a terrible teacher. He goes really slow in lecture, which is perfect if you don't have a good background in chemistry. There is almost no workload. Your grades in the class include 5 tests (1 gets dropped), MasteringChem, and the final exam. His tests are relatively easy, just do the homework (sometimes he copy/pastes STRAIGHT FROM MASTERING) and you will be fine. GO TO SI!!! Kelly Hannegan is amazing!!! Literally best SI ever. Also, the final exam questions are almost exactly the same as his previous tests. DO NOT STRESS THE FINAL. Unless you've done poorly. Then you should stress. Also, his curves can be ridiculously high. The last 3 tests are the ones that usually get curved. (There was a 20 point curve for the last test we took). However, you must participate and do the homework in order to get the curve. His curves are also one of the reasons I did well in his class. TAKE HIM.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2013-05-10

Comments:CHE 1301 - I am a Chemistry major and I only got a B+ in his class, I ended with a 89 after my final and he didn't bump me. He was very boring in his teaching, but he knew what he was talking about. His homework was a pain and took too long. His test were generally fair, but its hard to stay awake in his class. But he isn't bad, nor good. Just an average teacher. I suggest answering as many questions as possible, he gives extra credit on the test for class participation and they are easy to get. Just wish he was more engaging.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2013-01-17

Comments:1301 - Dr. Gipson gets a VERY bad rep! Yes, he is pretty boring during lecture, but almost every prof is. However, Dr. Gipson's chemistry class was more than easy, in my opinion. Firstly, ALL of his tests are almost identical to problems in the book or on mastering chemistry. Second, he allows you to retain ALL of your tests, and he will even release tests from previous years for student review. Here is the golden part: he has a written clause in the syllabus stating that he will curve the entire class on the test to facilitate that all students recieve at least a C on any given test. PLUS, at the end he drops the lowest test grade. I basically did most/ all of my mastering chemistry assignments, reviewed examples from the book, and got review materials from my SI, and I ACED THIS CLASS!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-07-23

Comments:1301 - If the majority of students giving comments on Gipson are pre-meds, we need to seriously be concerned about our next generation of doctors. He is not bad at all. He copies and pastes test questions from the chapter in the text and from mastering chemistry directly onto the tests, no tricks, he doesn't even change the numbers. Online homework is time consuming but it helps to keep up with the material. I'm no genius by any means. Just begin studying and doing problems 2 hours a day for a week before the test and an A is easily attainable. I was reading these reivews on this site of how bad he was and I ended up being so glad I got Gipson. If you want to work and learn, take him!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-04-15

Comments:1301 Chem 1 - I am a chemistry major, and generally love chemistry but this class killed me. Gipson as a person is very nice, but in class he reads off of his powerpoints and is very boring. The homework was tedious and time consuming. The tests were not reflective of his teachings and encompassed multiple trick questions. Do not take Gipson!!  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2012-04-10

Comments:1301 - I dropped because I changed my major. But anyway, Gipson really isn't that bad. The online homework is a pain, but thats basically the test. Pay attention in class and do the homework and you'll be fine. Oh, and be sure to memorize the stuff he tells you because it makes up a HUGE part of the first test.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2012-02-15

Comments:1301 - He is not that bad! He drops the lowest test grade and gives online hw which isnt too bad if you use your book and read the hints (and really does help you understand the material), and this online hw also really helps your grade. Come to class and be on time (hes a stickler about punctuality), and you should be fine. He doesnt seem to want to fail anyone, but I can see how it would be easy to fail if you miss a lot of class or dont pay attention. Print and look over his sldeshows the night before. It is possible to learn and do well in this class!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2012-01-27

Comments:1301/1302 - Everybody complains about Dr. Gipson. But honestly, he is NOT THAT BAD. I took him for 1301, and ended up getting him again for 1302. True, he doesn't have very good people skills and the classes are kind of boring, but it's chemistry.. it's not gonna be too exciting no matter who you take. He always takes time to stop and ask the class if anyone has any questions but no one ever asks because no one pays attention... Not his fault. He's extremely straight forward in class and gives you all the powerpoints way ahead of time. As long as you come to class and pay attention you'll do fine. And he curves EVERY test, so even when you think you fail a test you can almost always get a B or at least pass. I failed a lot of tests in 1301 before the curve but ended up making A's on most of them. If you're a good student, you'll do fine in his class.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2011-11-10

Comments:CHE1301 - Easily the worst teacher I have ever had. I got a 98 in chemistry in high school and a 730 on the math SAT. I had to work my ass for this C+. He tricks students, and shows no mercy. He has no heart or soul. His teaching is boring and you learn absolutely nothing from his examples. He is overtly picky and unreasonably tough on students. Horrible. Terrible. That is all.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2011-03-27

Comments:1301 - Monotone.Frickin tall.Nightmare. These are words that describe good ole Gipson. Granted the final is exactly like all the other test and the mastering chemistry was a good grade boost, but the man will try and trick you. For instance the orbital notation is simple for elements unless you pick one of the elements that doesn't follow the rule!!!  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2011-03-27

Comments:CHE 1301 - THE STICK FIGURE FROM HELL'S LABORATORY. Okay, this guy is one of those chemists who's here to do research; he's only teaching because he has to. All of his lectures are just ppt versions of the book, and then he'll just handwrite how to solve problems almost exactly how the book explains it. He's so smart he can't understand why students couldn't get it. And don't even bother asking him for help. This guy seriously shouldn't be teaching.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2011-01-18

Comments:CHEM 1301 - Gipson was good. The first day of class he commanded total attention with his cool voice. After that, students started dropping out like flies. It's true that Gipson treats CHEM 1301 like a weed-out class, yet it's not if you study and do the homework. There are five tests (the lowest is dropped), the final, and MasteringChemistry which counts as a test grade. If you don't know where he's getting his questions from, I agree, there is not much of a chance you can pass this course. Always, always, always take the Practice Exam he posts the day before. On one test he put nine out of sixteen total questions directly from the Practice Exam. Study MasteringChemistry. Study the Practice examples in the book. The only problem with all this is that it's an awful lot of studying. So the Practice Exam should be the #1 priority. I enjoyed taking this professor and would recommend him to non-complainers, because complaints are all I ever heard from the FRESHMEN who whined and groaned and acted like he was a professor who should give out lots of extra credit, curves, and goodies. My only vexation with the class had to do with MasteringChemistry, not with the professor. Some of those problems were beastly difficult and we were never taught explicitly how to perform problems of their caliber. And these problems are never on the test, so why require them? But overall, this is a great professor with a rather tough course.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-12-17

Comments:1305 - Dr. Gibson is most likely the most difficult chemistry professor you could take for intro chem. Some are okay with him, but his teaching style really did not agree with me. Part of my frustration was likely in part because it was a TR class...sooooo long to hear him talk. The main problem was that his tests are very difficult and, though he drops one, he needs to curve. Mastering Chem helps alot, but it's the only grade-saver. The only positive is that after taking Gibson for 1305, it made it easy for me to blow 1306 with McGrath out of the water...  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2010-11-11

Comments:Chem 1301 - A lot people hate him because he does seem to be an arrogant, condescending prick. But the only reason I hated him was because of his attendance policy. If he so much as THINKS you're not paying attention, he marks you absent. I also missed a week of class due to being horribly sick, but he doesn't care. I had to miss my sister's thesis presentation and her graduation because I was at the maximum allowed absences before an automatic F, even though I'd only missed 5 classes, not 11.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2010-10-03

Comments:1301 - very hard class. he rushes through material and does not go into much detail. it is obvious that he is a good chemist but his lectures are hard to understand if you are anything other than a chemistry major.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2010-08-26

Comments:1316 - Dr. Gipson is one of the best chemists that Baylor has on staff. He is a lot more helpful in class than he used to be and I really enjoyed his class. He is a stickler for precision and tables in the lab notebook but that only makes you more accurate in your calculations and data reports. The best way to succeed in his class is to read and write the lab write ups very carefully and be fully prepared for lab time. That is not a lot to expect from students since we are there to learn to about chemistry and all the experiments you can do with the chemicals provided. Weekly homework completion is a must do and if you go see Dr. Gipson early in the week he is more willing to help you than at the last minute....he will expect you to think though and will not just GIVE you the answer. DO GO TO CLASS, he's the most helpful there and he really does noticed who's there and who's not there. He does work problems in class and I found that particularly helpful as the ones solved could be used to solve the other problems. A 5 minute safety quiz was given at the beginning of each experiment and they came directly from the lab write ups you turn in that day. Make sure you study what the toxic chemicals are and what color things turn during the experiments...he always asks those. I personally strove to make A's on my lab notebook, data report and homework grades and just sorta studied for the tests. I made a 60 on every test but still made an A in the class because of my other grades...tests count for very little in this class. Tests are hard to study for but the best way is to redo all homework problems and work the problems at the back of the lab manual, thats usually where he pulls his problems for the tests from. The test questions are multiple choice but they usually require some working out unless they are straight "what chemical did we use here?" questions, which a few may be if he's in a good mood while writing the tests! Overall if you work hard on the daily work and your precision in lab is bar none you will do very well in this class.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-02-20

Comments:1301 - This class was so hard. I felt that Dr. Gipson's main goal for this class was to make everyone drop. His tests are ridiculously hard. If you're a chemistry major and really enjoy it, you can make an A. But if you want a teacher that teaches you the material, find another one. He does drop a test grade and the mastering chemistry is a good boost. That's what saved me from completely failing this class.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2009-12-22

Comments:1301 - Dr. Gipson is probably one of the hardest teachers at Baylor. He has four tests (drops the lowest one/each worth 100 points), mastering chemistry (worth 100 points), and a final exam (worth 200 points). His grading sounds fair which it is but Gipson makes his tests REALLY hard with no curve. The strategy for studying for his tests (if there is one) is start studying a week in advance do the practice problems in the book (some are copied to the test), mastering chemistry problems, and memorize the theory on his slides. I probably would not recommend taking him because you have to work way harder than other Chemistry teachers but if you get him it is possible to succeed you just have to work your butt off because he continually tries to weed everyone out of his class. However, Gipson is a really nice person especially in a one on one situation.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-12-15

Comments:1301 - HORRIBLE!! I like chemistry and am pretty good at it, but his tests were not a good representation of the material. The tests were over the details of the book and unless you read very carefully it was very hard to pass. His powerpoints were dry and boring. He pulled the books publisher powerpoints and they were not helpful at all. The only reason I passed was because I had a 100 homework grade. I do not recommend him as a teacher,   - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2009-12-14

Comments:1301 - He is a really bad professor. A really nice guy, but he cannot teach. You can only miss about three on each test and still get an A. I studied hard for every single test and only got an A on one. The final is the almost the same as past tests. I would recommend not taking him, but if you do have to then make sure you go to class and pay attention to every little detail about it and know everything there is to know about it and make sure you do the homework and the practice problems from the chapter.   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2009-12-14

Comments:1301 - Gipson is a terrible professor. There's no way around it. The man is the nicest, most helpful guy alive if you go to him during his office hours, and he will explain anything. But his class is basically read off a powerpoint that doesn't explain anything. His tests are near impossible. The homework he gives isn't bad, but it doesn't prepare you at all for the test. And he loves to but in very complex problems that any other chem. 1301 professor wouldn't dream about. Smart, smart man; horrible, horrible professor  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2009-11-19

Comments:1301 - DO NOT TAKE!!! Unless you are a chem or biochem major--or just love chem. 3/4 of my class dropped out which is indicative of his teaching ability/testing. 1st test was easy; 2nd was ridiculous. Then, I dropped.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2009-11-17

Comments:CHE 1301 - Worst chem teacher! NEVER TAKE HIM! His lectures are so boring and he has no personality. He's not helpful. Take Bellert at all cost! If you can't get him take Hassell. But DON'T take Gipson.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2009-06-20

Comments:1301 - Dr. Gipson is probably one of the smartest people I have ever met when it comes to chemistry, but the man is so smart that he can't relate to his students. Most of the students that take him are incoming freshman so they're still in the transition process from high school to college. He constantly talks about 1316 in this course and get used to taking MasteringChemistry because it's the only form of help that you will get. Go to his office hours, but it's a little complicated one on one. He kind of reminds you of the monotone version of Mr.Rogers.  - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2009-01-23

Comments:CHEM1301 - Gibson is a difficult professor. His class is challenging but not impossible. He has weekly (sometimes twice a week) assignments online which are mostly not that bad. Sometimes though, you have no idea how to get the right answer- email him or go to his office hours! He will be helpful. He doesn't make exceptions and he probably won't give much sympathy. He teaches with a powerpoint slideshow, so it's pretty dry most of the time. When he mentions something is important or will be covered on the exam, make sure you take note of that. Also, you will need to know the exceptions to any rules he might teach. There is typically a trick question concerning those exceptions. Each test has multiple choice word or concept problems. There is not a whole lot of guidance from him on what exactly you need to know for the test, so just try and study how to work any kind of problem and the major concepts between relationships of forces and other ideas. On the first couple of tests, he gives a fill in the blank section for memorizing the elements and ions. Study, study, study for this because you can lose points easily and it's the easiest part. Oh, and make sure you pick up your old tests after each test!!! The final is a mixture of the tests, so it is a great way to study for the final by using the old tests. Try and find friends to study with, because it really helps to have someone to go through this class with.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2008-12-23

Comments:Chem 1301 - Okay so I didn;t originally pick Gibsen as my teacher. I had TBA until four days before the class. The man knows his Chemistry but he can't teach. His tests may not seem bad but they are bad if you miss more than like 3 questions in multiple choice and don't do well on the matching. You need to study for his tests. Avoid if you can. Also his mastering chemistry assignments are brutal at some points. They are just so long. Do not wait till the night before the class to do them otherwise you will be up all night. If you get stuck with him. Take precaution.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2008-12-14

Comments:1301 - You can tell he really wants us to ask questions and he wants us to do well and understand it, but honestly, he can't teach. He gives you powerpoints and reads off of those, but you basically teach yourself anyway. His test are decent, but I swear they trick you! They're multiple choice and we were tested over polyatomic ions and elements which were an easy 20 points on the first few tests...He makes you do mastering chemistry online which totally take tons of time cause they can take forever, but in the end they definitely save your grade if you do well on them. No quizzes, grades are based on the mastering chemistry and your tests. He was a tad bit boring, but he was alright. I wouldn't personally take him again just cause I need someone to teach me chemistry and not just read from something which I can do myself. Coming into the class I felt I was extremely prepared from highschool but it's a lot harder, and honestly I think it was the professor, not my lack of knowledge. If you know chemistry like the back of your hand, you'll do fine, otherwise I'd try to get another prof first.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2008-12-13

Comments:1316 - he's like a stick figure from hell's laboratory. This guy's an encyclopedia when it comes to chemistry, but with everything else... well...  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-11-19

Comments:1301 - Lord Almighty, I've yet to get a single helpful piece of information from him in his classes. You need to know every bit of the textbook and his online homework is ridiculous. It's long and tedious.   - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2008-10-20

Comments:1316 - RUN. VERY. FAR. AWAY. RIGHT. NOW. I am not saying this just because I made a C in his class. Gipson is the WORST professor I've EVER had! WHAT KIND OF A TEACHER GIVES YOU HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS THAT ARE OVER TOPICS HE HASN'T COVERED YET? HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW TO DO IT BEFORE HE TEACHES IT? The man is ridiculous. Like I said, RUN.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2008-08-11

Comments:1316 - Dr. Gipson is actually not that bad as some of these people stated. Honestly, his lectures are not all that bad. Tests aren't that bad. And labs are pretty simple. Homework and prelab grades really help boost your grades and especially your labs! Make sure you try to do really well on them. Even if you bomb some of your tests, he drops one by the way, your lab grades can help boost your grades by a bunch!   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2008-07-14

Comments:1316 - Not one of the easiest science courses, but certainly not one of the hardest. Labs are pretty ez to make good grades on. HW is gimme A and lab note book is ez A. 5x labs + HW + lab note book accounts for 70% of the grade.. and test the other 30%. Tests are not that hard if you study and do/understand the hw and are able to do them fast.... I didn't have to take the final or do the last lab and my grade was still an A. If you struggle in this class you don't need to be pre-med  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-05-14

Comments:1316 - He didn't seem to care much about what students thought. But he showed in his lectures how to do well in the class, so I liked the way he taught.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-05-01

Comments:1316 - WORST CLASS EVER. Gipson is awful! He gives online homework every week, and you would think if you went to the lecture on Wednesday you'd be able to pass the homework, right? WRONG! Nothing on the homework is what he talked about in lecture. On top of that, the lecture is boring. The tests are based off the homework, but since he doesn't give you problems for the homework, you're screwed for the tests too, unless you studied a freaking lot from the book. I found the labs easier than the written part. Unless you want to do poorly, study, study, study from the book. And don't forget your calculator.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2007-11-07

Comments:1316 - This guy is a prick, he doesnt seem like he enjoys teaching. He talks down to his students, belittling them, during a test your not allowed to use a graphing calculator, and if you forget a standard calc, he "charges" 5 pts off your test score to borrow one of his calculators, yeah i know, a prick, but hes the only one to teach the course so you have to deal with it. Every thing everyone else says on here is right on.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-09-13

Comments:1316 - Gipson is the hardest ChemLab teacher, but he is not impossible. I'm horrible concerning chemistry, but I managed a B+ - I was only one point away from an A! There's homework every week online. You have two tries. Get together with some people so you can work on them together. This will give you more chances of getting a perfect grade, because if someone plugs in the answers, and it's wrong everyone would just redo to get the right one. Make sure you check scientific notation! If the answer is 3.25 and you round 3.6 when there should be three sig figs you'll get the problem totally wrong! Also, the calculation problems on the test are based on the homework, so if you study over the homeworks you'll do fine. Make sure you go over the lecture notes as well, because there are some questions from there as well. The labs are graded on percent error. He counts off so much. One girl had something like 35.23 and the answer was 35.29 and he failed her for that lab. So make sure you are precise !! But overall it's do-able.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2006-05-09

Comments:1316 - If you have to take chem II lab, don't take Gibson. You have online hw every single week that sort of takes up a lot of time. The tests mainly are from the online hw and lecture notes, but it's almost pointless going to the lecture. Just print out the notes. I heard he was very condenscending when people went to him for help. Have a study group or partner!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2006-01-13

Comments:1316 - I heard horror stories going into this class. i'm not saying it was fun or exciting but it wasnt as bad as i thought. the tests come mainly from the homework (turned in online weekly) and some from the lecture. he is a boring lecturer and doesnt really teach the material. you pretty much are on your own.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-01-11

Comments:1316 - He was a boring lecturer, and I personally never went to see him in his office but I hear he is a really mean guy. I really liked the fact that he drops the lowest lab, notebook, AND test grade, and will replace it with the homework grade. Dropping all of those allows you to slack off or be sloppy like I was and still be okay. I never made any higher than a 75 on his tests or higher than a B on any labs, but still got a B, I was happy with my grade for not having really put an effort into the class.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-12-16

Comments:1316 - I couldn't have hated this class more. The Wednesday lecture was extremely boring and somewhat hard to follow. He does not take extra time to cover aspects of the material that may be more difficult to learn. He teaches everything from the most simple lessons in units to more advanced chemistry exactly the same way. Do not disturb him if you think he may be eating lunch, he will get angry and lecture you even if you try to leave him in peace with his Capri Sun. He seems to be more concerned with perfection than helping students who need extra help in the subject. The tests aren't bad if you had a good highschool teacher, otherwise, study alot for them and practice for speed.   - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2005-08-09

Comments:1301 - knows his stuff, enjoys the pure thrill of learning. If you don't, then don't take him. Lacks interpersonal skills!!!!!!  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2005-05-10

Comments:1316 - I worked pretty damn hard in Gipsons class. Its tough for the average Joe to finnish his test in the allotted amount of time. The other teachers like Young give you 3 hrs to do an exam while Gipson gives you 1 hr. There's no time to go back and check your answeres. He's so uncompromising that if you miss a blank on the scantron and obviously have the rest of the test correct, he wont give you any points. Not a good professor and a pretty wierd guy.   - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2005-03-17

Comments:1316 - The tests in this class are pretty hard. Although if you do all the homework and actually know how to get the right answers (which is pretty impossible for some for some of the tests ) you should do pretty well on the tests. I usually didn't know how to do quiet a few of the questions on the homework and usually got 80s on the test. Luckily, though, there are six lab grades and they each one counts as a test grade. So if you take a little bit of time on the the labs, you'll do well on them, and it'll balance the tests grades out. i would not recommend him, though. He seemed pretty unfriendly. I had Young and Hassell for my other chemistry classes, and they were MUCH easier !  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-01-03

Comments:1316 - Seriously guys, everyone else here isn't lying. The exams are about 22 questions which honestly cannot be worked efficiently in the alotted time slot. His wednesday lectures consist of material from CHE1302 which rarely applies to the calculations on the exams. In all honesty, it's worth waiting to take Young or Hassell for this class.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2004-11-16

Comments:1316 - Dr. Gipson is a brilliant man, but lacks the teaching skills for an introductory course. He stands up front and talks the whole class using every chemistry word to perfection, writes out no examples, he only points to the screen every once in a while. It is very hard to follow and very boring. I average 18-20 hours of studying for each test and I never seem to be able to do any better than a 60. The tests are very difficult, and he really doesn't seem to care thta the average grade is below sixty. It is almost as if he likes to see people suffer through his test. I have figured out that about30 to 40% of the people that take his class are able to pull off passing grades. The rest struggle. This is because you must know the material abssolutely perfect or you fail. He gives you forty minutes to take a 20-25 question test with rather difficult questions, I struggle to finish, and I believe that this also has a big deal to do with the low avergage. The thing that I have the most problem with is that he really doesn't care or he would do like Dr. Young and allow the test to be taken outside of class from 3-9pm.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2004-11-10

Comments:CHEM 1316 - Dr. Gibson was difficult, I did all of the homework attended all of the lectures and still didn't do good on the tests. If you're really good at chemistry and can pick up the concepts really well then you'll be fine taking his class. But if not, just do everything you can to understand the information. Ask questions, go to his office, get tutoring, study hard, and try your best. Most importantly focus on the labs, because they are worth more than the tests. Good Luck!!  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2004-04-29

Comments:Chem lab: 1316 - Dr. Gipson is too smart to teach other people. He knows chemistry really well but could not teach. His lectures are boring and his test are hard. He grades hard and all his tests are multiple choice and he doesn't curve. Our test average is a 52 for all 4 tests.   - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2003-12-01

Comments:I had him for Chem 1301 and I thought he was tough. He normally teaches upper level chem courses and this was his first time teaching intro. I thought he was a really nice man and very helpful, but I found the class to be difficult. He didn't present the information very well for me, so I had a hard time understanding his lectures. If you are good in chemistry or have a strong background in it, I would highly suggest him, he's great for that, but otherwise I wouldn't suggest him.


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