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Rating for Joseph Achor
Professor Overview - Joseph Achor

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66 50

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1 - 555*DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(99)||CHR(99)||CHR(99),15)  - Grade In Class:0

Date: 2024-09-11

Comments:1 - 555  - Grade In Class:0

Date: 2024-09-11

Comments:1 - response.write(9256375*9191865)  - Grade In Class:0

Date: 2024-01-23

Comments:1305 - Unless you are a psych/neuroscience major or very interested in psychology, do not take Dr. Achor. He is the sweetest man and is very intelligent; however, his tests are impossible. If you took AP psych in high school, I heard the class will be a breeze. Only 16 kids out of 120 made an A which is kind of ridiculous for an INTRO class but Dr. Achor doesn't care. He will help you if you need it which I highly recommend. But this class is insane. You MUST read your book to pass the test and the chapters average about 40 pages long & you must read them in depth. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. I worked way too hard to make a B in this class.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2015-05-25

Comments:1305 - I don't recommend taking him, especially if you have a big workload and/or involved in extracurriculars. He says you have to read the book and he 100% means it, all the tests come from there. In class he just reads the powerpoints but its so boring that its hard to pay attention. He means well but is just a very poor teacher. He knows his class is hard too and doesn't seem to care.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2015-05-07

Comments:1305 - One of my most frustrating professors at Baylor. He is a really nice guy, so you want to love him, but his tests are way unfair. He doesn't cover most information we need to know, and if you fill in a word on the test that is similar but not the exact word he was looking for, you get the whole question wrong, even when you have clearly understood the concept. He wants you to know the exact wording from the book, and it's not even the book he gave us to use in certain instances. Even when you can clearly show that you knew it because of how you phrased things, it was just not the exact word. Very frustrating. I feel like I knew the material, and still didn't get the grades I deserved.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2013-05-03

Comments:PSY 1305 - H1 - Dr. Achor is a good professor but gets of topic A LOT! It's a little frustrating but the material is all word for word in the textbook. That being said, its a ton of material. I took AP psychology in high school so this class was a breeze for me, but I understand why a student with no background in psychology would say this class is difficult. So, if you have background, take him, its easy. If not, its not impossible, just be prepared to read. A lot. Good Luck.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2013-01-01

Comments:1305 - Dr Achor is very nice and helpful, but the tests are difficult and I felt very unprepared for each test I took no matter how long I studied. I wouldn't recommend him if you're not a psych major--I'm pre-business and this class was my absolute least favorite. If you take him, be prepared to read at least 4 nights a week to stay on top of things.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2012-12-14

Comments:1305 - Dr. Achor is a very interesting professor, and he adds a lot to the class. However, I felt like the tests were not a true reflection of PSY 1305. The tests were very vague-- usually over random bold or italicized terms. Overall, I learned a lot in the class and enjoyed it, but the tests would frustrate me.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-12-10

Comments:1305-H1 - Super nice guy, I would take him again in a heart beat. Tests are mainly multiple choice with a few fill in the blank. I studied almost exclusively from the book and realized that I probably should've studied more from his class notes. Either way, this is an easy A if you simply do what you're supposed to do and study for the tests 4 or 5 days ahead of time.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-05-31

Comments:1305-H1 - I agree with the comment below mine. While Dr. Achor is sweet and kind, this class is absurdly unfair. The chapters in the book are quite long and Dr. Achor only lectures on a few pages of each one. The tests questions come from a test bank the book provides and can be vague and quite difficult. While I am certainly willing to take a challenging class, this one is just unfair. This is the first B that I've made in college and it has destroyed my GPA. Take the regular section, and contract something else, this class is not worth it.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2012-05-07

Comments:1305 - Do yourself a favor and take someone else, unless you enjoy useless lectures, vague test questions, and low grades.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2012-05-07

Comments:1305 H1 - Achor is by far my favorite professor from Freshmen year. Great teacher who is always enthusiastic and passionate about the material he is teaching. He genuinely cares for his students and will help in anyway he can. His exams are not difficult as long as you read and pay attention during his lectures and his essay portions are generally pretty easy as well. For Psychology majors, Achor will make you truly appreciate your major. I recommend Professor Achor to all students who are taking Intro in to Psychology.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2012-04-25

Comments:1305 - H - I have no idea why everyone has been giving Dr. Achor such high ratings. I mean, yes, he's a nice guy, but a nice guy a good professor does not make. There isn't much workload as far as homework assignments go, but the tests cover a significant amount of chapters, each of which is generally 60-70 pages, and some longer Dr. Achor covers these chapters in his in-class lecture, but only about the first 3 pages. His tests are book-based but apparently that doesn't even help you. For the first test I read the book only and got a B. For the second test I read the book and made flash cards of all the vocab words and got a lower B. For the third test I read the book even more and took outline notes on the chapter and memorized all of the vocab and got an even lower B. Every single time I went into his office to talk about tests he would give me just general strategies on test-taking which while genuine, were not all that helpful. For the second test, he even admitted that the exam wasn't fair and that he didn't actually write it (test-bank questions from the book). Of course, in retrospect there wasn't much he could do about that but I still do not think that my GPA should reflect something that is not my fault but the professors. My recommendation: Take a general intro. to Psych. class and contract a different class for your honors credit.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2012-04-25

Comments:1305-H1 - Dr. Achor's Intro Psych class was by far my favorite class of the semester. He was so interested in what he was teaching and made it very easy to pay attention to his power points (which, by the way, he posts online before class). There is literally no homework in the class besides keeping up with the reading and doing one social interaction (which is just hanging out with one person from your class for an hour). I didn't keep up with the reading, so the week before the test I would have to read the 150-200 pages of the textbook to prepare, which obviously takes a long time. His tests were not too bad. As long as you have read the book and memorized his power points, it will not be too difficult. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Achor. Sweet man who is also a great professor. You can tell he really cares about his students and his subject.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2011-05-15

Comments:1305 - I didn't mind Dr. Achor or his class. He's nice and knows his stuff. Read ALL of the book and make sure that you know ALL of the bold and italicized terms, because otherwise his tests are rather challenging. Not impossible, but you'll have to put in significant time in order to be prepared for his tests.   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2010-12-15

Comments:Intro Psych - The one thing you need to know about Dr. Achor's tests is if it isn't in the book you don't need to know it. His powerpoints are directly from the book, but he doesn't cover everything in the book. If he's talking in class about *anything* that isn't on a powerpoint slide, odds are it's interesting and you should listen if you want to learn cool stuff, but it won't be on the test. He's a nice guy, and the class has interesting material, but it's got your average amount of reading (about 50 pages every two class periods).  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2010-01-12

Comments:1305-H - I am not a huge fan of Dr. Achor. His lectures are pretty interesting- but they come straight from the power point. You have to read and study and know the book to do well on the tests. The tests are multiple choice and one essay. Besides those, we had a few small assignments, but no big papers or projects. I stopped taking notes towards the end because he gives you the power points on Blackboard, and the book has everything else. He is a really nice older man though. If you do take him, do NOT rely on his lectures. Read.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-01-12

Comments:3323 - Achor is amazing. He is a pioneer in the field and actually cares where it is headed and who is going to be taking over when he retires. As compared to slap-sticks like Patton and Keele. Achor's lectures are interesting. Tests are doable if you read and study the powerpoints. He is very helpful and very involved with the students.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-11-25

Comments:PSY 1305 - Interesting lecturer, but tests are way random and do not cover the material well. Just memorize the book and you'll do great.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-09-22

Comments:1305-H - I made a 4 on the AP Psych exam, and the book we used in class was the same I used in high school (except a newer addition). That being said, I didn't have to study much at all for this class. There's a 10 question quiz on every chapter and the exams only had two essay questions. Dr. Achor is a really nice guy and the class is very interesting.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-12-19

Comments:Intro to Psych - He is extremely nice person and is willing to help anytime! His tests are not bad at all and if you put some effort into reading chapters you'll do fine in the exam. He allows you to drop one of the tests and that is AWESOME!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-05-03

Comments:Welcome Week professor - He is such a sweet man! He made my first few weeks at Baylor enjoyable! He invited us all to his house for dinner and was so much fun!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2007-05-30

Comments:1305 Honors Intro Psych - Dr. Achor is an extremely nice man, but a not so great teacher. Don't even bother downloading the PowerPoints or listening in class, it won't be on the test. Read the book and KNOW THE BOOK for the test. If you go onto the book's website and take the quizzes, they're really helpful and sometimes on the tests. I studied the book REALLY well and I only made B's on my tests though. He gave extra credit that was almost worth a test. Participation is worth a test grade, and he drops your lowest test score. The final is just like the tests, but he doesn't copy and paste. Maybe 2-4 questions from previous tests show up. I don't really know how he graded the research papers, but I wrote mine the day before it was due and I got a 100 on it. Know the book and you should be fine.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2007-05-21

Comments:Intro to Psych - Mr. Achor is very nice, helpful, and approachable. The lectures are boring as hell. Go to the SI sessions before a test...any other sessions will be a waste of your time. He always reminded us how this class was supposedly "so easy b/c it was an Intro" but it really wasn't. Very little extra credit, and you'll have to study your ass off if you want to make over a C on any of the tests. It's tougher than you expect.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2006-04-20

Comments:1305 - What he teaches comes straight from the book, but you still need to attend his lectures. If you read ahead of times then you have a chance to make an A, but there is a lot of reading. A LOT! You can pass with a B if you just go by the lecture notes, but reading the book is VERY IMPORTANT!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-04-11

Comments:1305 - He just reads the notes, which he gets from the book, but the tests are hard and there is so much to memorize! If you read the book, memorize the vocab, and remember some processes of psychology, you will pass the test. He does not really give alot of extra credit and there are 4 tests and a final. He should just stick to teaching honors because his teaching style better cadres to those in the honors program, or you know alot about biology and statistics and like a challange.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2006-01-04

Comments:3323 - I enjoyed achor's class a lot! I dont understand why everyone complains about it. In his class you get out of it mostly what you put it. so its very important to be passionate about the subject matter at hand. If you read the book, go to class, and drop by achors office every now and then to ask questions this class should be a breeze   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-12-16

Comments:1305 - Dr.Achor is a really nice guy, but a HORRIBLE teacher. His tests go to in depth for an intro class and he doesn't cover much of the material in his lecture. He does have notes that you can print off of Blackboard, but don't even bother studying them. JUST READ THE BOOK!!! And even then, when you read pay attention to every little detail; no matter how useless you think the detail may be, it will show up on the test. The final is comprehensive and he tells you to memorize all of the vocab and key terms he has given you throughout the year...approx. 30-50 per chapter. I am usually a straight A student and this course was VERY VERY VERY tough. Try to take someone else if you don't like the idea of teaching yourself.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2005-12-14

Comments:NSC 3323 - Achor is a great guy. He's very friendly. He makes class interesting and tries to make it fun. He is very accessible to students, and certainly makes the time to show that he isn't out to get the students. Extra credit is offered in his class, when I last took it. The exams aren't super difficult, nor are they super easy.Everything on the tests comes from his lectures and the book. Pay attention in class, because once in a while, he'll pull something from his lectures onto exams. tests are multiple choice with an essay (choose between 2 topics). there isn't a great deal of workload involved in this class. I genuinely believe that Achor tries to make the class entertaining. For neuro/psych students who are about to take this course, there are more difficult courses to worry about such as clinical neuro and drugs & behavior.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-11-07

Comments:Intro - Very good professor--makes classes interesting. Be prepared to read the whole book, though. If you don't like reading, this course isn't for you. Tests are comprised of a lot of material that is in the book but not in the lectures. Overall very good professor. I recommend!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2004-07-24

Comments:1305 - His tests are super hard and very detailed. On the final, he tells you to memorize the glossary!! Gotta study very very hard. SI are pretty helpful though and Dr. Achor's very nice. If you're not confident in psychology, I recommend you take another social science class.  - Grade In Class:DROP

Date: 2004-05-12

Comments:PSY 1305 - I had AP psych in high school so I never read at all in this class and pulled a high B. I think Dr. Achor is awesome. I enjoyed his classes but that could be b/c I think psychology is interesting. Go to the SI sessions if they are offered, they really do help. If you've never had psych then you definitely need to read. But reading coupled with SI and you'll have an A in the bag. He's really good. I reccomend him.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2004-04-30

Comments:Intro to Psychology - Achor is a very good professor, his lectures can be a little boring but the class itself entails a LOT of interesting information. Go to the SI sessions if they are offfered!!!!!!!!!! They will help SO much on the tests. Tests are very difficult but if you study a lot and apply yourself, you'll do fine. Also, read the chapters as he goes over them in class, it'll save you time when you have to study for the tests. I got stuck in his class by chance and I heard he wasn't the best professor for psych so if you have the chance to take someone else, go for it, but Achor isn't too bad. I liked him overall and I'd take him again.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2004-04-30

Comments:1305 - Ridiculously hard teacher! I studied twice as much for this class alone as I did for all the rest of my classes put together and still only made a C. His tests are so much harder than you think. He gives about 10 total points extra credit out of like 500...GET OUT!  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2004-04-29

Comments:1305 - Dr. Achor is a really nice guy, a semi-interesting lecturer, but his tests are not easy. They are very detail-oriented, and you have to get those details out of the textbook on your own. He generally tests on 3 chapters at a time, approx. 150 pages of reading, so don't procrastinate or you won't do well.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2004-04-25

Comments:PSY 1305 - I thought he was an awesome professor. If you go to class and read the chapters, it's an easy A. This has been my easiest class in two semesters. If you read the chapters on your own, and if you're a good critical reader, the SIs won't help much. He's a busy man, but he's always willing to help. Make sure you look over your old tests; he will explain anything you don't understand. There's no homework, but plenty of extra credit. But like I said, just read the book and go to class, and you'll have an easy A.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2004-04-06

Comments:1300 - Dr. Achor has a really fun class. His lectures are very entertaining with lots of examples and participation. His tests can be difficult if you do not read the book, but if you study (like you are expected to) then your grades will be fine.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2004-03-27

Comments:INTRO - Dr. Achor is a really nice professor and his lectures always kept me interested..He gave lots of examples and tried to relate different personal experiences of his and things that we could relate to into his lectures...The only problem with this class is that the tests are REALLY DIFFICULT. The material does not come from strictly the class lecture, it comes from stuff in the book not in lecture, stuff in lecture that is also in the book, and stuff that only comes from the lecture. You need to be there for every class and make sure you do your reading assignments as the chapters progress, if you only try to read the chapters the night before the test, you are way too late. There is alot of information on his tests.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2003-12-14

Comments:hist of psych - He is the nicest man in the entire world but he pays way too much attention on deals. I broke into hives for my first test because there was too much to study and not enough time to do it all. The test reviews aren't helpful because it is basically the main topics of the book! Read the entire chapter and you will still be sweating  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2003-11-09

Comments:1300 - Hated him. His final is nothing like his class. Bad teacher, lots of reading/work.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2003-11-05

Comments:4395 - Achor is great, he is a wonderful professor and a very nice man. His tests.....can we say information overload? You have to know your material very very very well to make a great grade. I have read the entire text book for that class cover to cover...there is no slacking. The class is good because it reviews almost all psychology theories tha can be applied in other classes, but if you can take another class instead of this one, I recomend it. But, Achor is a great person...and his class is good if you like to read.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2003-11-04

Comments:HE was a really sweet man but his class lectures had nothing to do with the test. His tests where very hard and where over three chapters which was a total of about 100 pages to read for each test. Very hard to make an A.

Comments:Dr. Achor seemed like a really nice man, but his class wasn't as easy as I thought. Most of his tests are not over material covered in class leaving a lot of work to the student. Chapters are very long to read. The si's help though.

Comments:i loved dr. achor. he's so nice and so interesting! i loved the class because of him. very clear explanations, easy to listen to, makes it easy to understand. i definitely recommend him.

Comments:Dr. Achor was seemed nice, and the class had some interesting topics if you are into psychology but his tests were ENTIRELY too difficult and were very unclear. He gave us a review but it helped none. Steer clear if you must.

Comments:Dr. Achor was my favorite professor so far. He is wonderful in class and uses good examples. The tests are not too hard, if you read and he gives a study guide.

Comments:Presentations keep you awake and he likes to give good examples. The class was very interesting and not too hard, if you read the book.

Comments:We had an SI with this class, so it made it a lot eaisier. His lectures were interesting and I really enjoyed his class! ;)

Comments:Very intersting teacher. Had good lectures. Test were tough


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