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Rating for Tamara Lawrence
Professor Overview - Tamara Lawrence

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66 127

*A 5 star workload is an easy workload; a 3 star is average; whereas a 1 star workload is extremely hard.

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Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawrence is really not that bad. At first she seems really rude, she just has a constant bitter attitude and tone. Going to the exam reviews I learned she isn't that mean of a person, she just comes off very harsh. Only grades are exams. There is no homework except psych research participation credits. You do need to study and look at the textbook, but minimal effort can get you an A. I waited until the last minute to study and didn't do as well as I could have; don't be me. Prepare a few days ahead, read the bold portions of the textbook, go to SI if you can, and you'll be fine. An A is possible, but I did not put in enough effort. This class is not hard, but you will have to put in prep before the exams, given they are the only grades.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2024-05-13

Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawrence at first seems like a bad professor. The only grades are tests and they are pretty difficult if you're not a great test taker. Dr. Lawrence is very helpful in understanding concepts and providing additional resources as well. As long as you utilize her office hours, she is your greatest resource and advocate in the class. I went from having a D 3 weeks before the final to finishing with a B.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2024-01-19

Comments:1305 - Rumor has it Prof. Lawerence hates teaching Intro classes. Her upper level psych classes seem much better, more interesting and set up for students to succeed.As a junior, this class presented more difficult than some of my other upper level bio classes. It is a pre-req for a lot of majors. I understand that she might not be passionate about teaching this course because the students taking it are often obligated but I feel like a good professor must still at least attempt to set up their students to learn and succeed. This was not done in the course. Class felt more like story time about her life rather than learning or guiding student to what they should learn. It was a completely independent course and you had to read the textbook. Her powerpoint were accurate "guides", kind of, but all the info you needed to know was in the textbook. The SI was a sweetheart but she would just tell you a wordy definition and I feel the material clicked outside of making quizlets and memorization. She was fine, but there are better professors for this course.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2023-12-05

Comments:1305 - Take Lawrence for Psych 1305. Every other premed I have ever talked to has recommended her. Is she a great professor? Eh. But if you literally memorize the bold terms in the textbook, you will get an A. I put no time into this class, and it is my easiest! All of the bad reviews are from salty premeds who don't know how to open a textbook/haven't switched to business yet tbh. If she is an option, PICK HER.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-11-15

Comments:1305 - There is literally no homework in this class. Dr. Lawrence is a decent professor but going to class is not super helpful, to be honest. The tests are out of the textbook, so you can literally just take notes on the textbook as you read it and study those, and get an A. The tests are very fair, the class material is simple; you really just have to know how to take her exams and you will be fine. I got a B on the first exam and A's on the rest after I figured out how she picks exam questions. All exams are completely multiple choice. No free response or matching. The downside to this class is there is no homework/quiz grades to boost your grades. You do get a dropped exam, which is helpful. Overall kind of boring class, I skipped at least once a week because it felt unnecessary if I could just read the textbook before the exam.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2023-04-11

Comments:1305 - Do not recommend this Professor. She reads off of her slides which I could literally do myself. She is intimidating to approach and her attitude is constantly bitter. Multiple times she got into politics, even though she said she doesn't, and offended me politically and religiously multiple times. In general there is a lot of reading for this class, but some of the questions she puts on the exams are unfair and difficult. Take anyone but her. Constantly rolling my eyes in her class and by the end I'm just frustrated and upset with her. Worked my absolute butt off in this class, and it was the only one I didn't get an A in.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-12-28

Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawrence was definitely a frustrating experience. However, she does do a lot to try and help your grade. Not only does she drop your lowest test grade, she also gave us the opportunity to earn 2 points of extra credit through completing an additional research assignment. I would not recommend taking this course as a freshman as the level of content and the fact that your grade solely depends on your highest three test grades and your final do not facilitate success. Her lectures were not very helpful for all of the tests as they are all textbook based. Annoyingly her final, however, is only based on her lectures. Getting a B is not hard but getting an A would have required me to do a lot more studying and reading which I simply did not care to make time for. She’s a fine professor but you won’t enjoy your time spent in her class  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2022-12-15

Comments:1305 - ABSOLUTELY HATED THIS CLASS! Do not recommend taking this class if you value your mental health. This class was the only class I took this semester that absolutely obliterated my chances at a good GPA. Professor does not know how to teach. She only gives exams so if you aren\\\'t good at test taking then you\\\'re basically screwed. For the semester there are a total of 4 exams NOT including the final. That is worth 100% of your grade. Each test is over the four most recent chapters from the book. The final exam is over all 16 chapters reviewed in the course. There are also research study participation requirements that do absolutely nothing to help your average in the class. These research requirements are almost impossible to complete if you aren\\\'t 18 years old yet like me. The only substitute for these studies are writing an essay for each credit you need. She did however offer 2 points of extra credit (on one exam not your average in the class) which didn\\\'t really do much for the work you had to do to receive those extra points. The tests weren\\\'t easy either. Especially if you didn\\\'t read every word of the textbook like she expects you to do. She claims that her test questions would stick to mostly whats covered in the lecture slides but thats a complete lie. The class is 3 times a week yet you never learn anything. She always rambles about her life experiences and stuff that isn\\\'t important for the tests. She does grade the tests very fast (grades are always in the same day of the test) All the test questions were multiple choice. But that doesn\\\'t help at all cause she told us herself that she designs the test questions to confuse us. She said there will always be two answer choices that she words it to where it seems like they could both be the correct answer. She said \\\"I design the tests for people who do the reading and study\\\" which isn\\\'t necessarily true or fair cause even if you do study you aren\\\'t guaranteed to get a good or even decent grade because of the way the questions are designed to confuse you. Overall I do not recommend this class. SAVE YOURSELF THE MONEY AND AVOID THIS CLASS AND PROFESSOR AT ALL COSTS!!!  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2022-12-13

Comments:PSY 1305 - To be completely transparent, I do not recommend Dr. Lawrence. The only reason I have an A in this class is because I am good at last minute cramming/memorization. If you are not a good test-taker, do NOT take this class. You will not do well as the entire grade is dependent on exams.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-12-09

Comments:PSY 1305 - DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE IF YOU CAN HELP IT. Regardless of which professor you take it will not go well. Every professor that teaches psychology does a horrible job teaching and they do not care about you or your grade. I am sorry if you have to take this class but if this is a class you want to take for your gen ed scientific method course I do not recommend. Sure, this sounds like a fun Intro class to learn about the minds of people and why they tick but this class has too much information that unless you spend hours upon hours a day studying and memorizing, you will not pass this class. There are 4 exams that each cover 4 chapters from the book. She has 60-70 slide power points for her lectures but she only gets through about 20 before moving onto the next chapter. She gets off on tangents about random examples that most of the time have some relevance about the topic at hand but most of the time she acts like a pick me girl and she's in her 50s. There is a final and it is cumulative and she drops your lowest test. So your grade is made up of only 4 tests. It is also required to participate in 4 research studies but they do not help your grade, it is only a pass/fail part of the grade but if you do not participate then it counts against you. I do not recommend Tamara and I do not recommend taking this course. It is also ranked the 3rd hardest class at Baylor.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2022-12-06

Comments:PSY 1305 - Honestly, Dr. Lawrence is a decent teacher. She does tell lots of stories in class that I guess are somewhat relatable to the material. The tests are pretty easy however, the only grades in the class are four tests and the final (which replaces your lowest test grade). If you take Dr. Lawrence, you should expect to spend time studying the material every day if you want a B. I don't really know how anybody made an A ... but it is possible. Very interesting subject, but a pretty average prof.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2022-11-28

Comments:4380 - Keep in mind this rating is for a 4000 level PSY class and not an intro level one. Dr. Lawrence is the absolute best, this class is so enjoyable because it is the main focus of her study in psychology, so she teaches it with passion. There is absolutely no work in the class, just 3 tests and a small paper before each one, it is so doable and I always study like 3 days before and do well. She is so interesting and talks with so much passion and wisdom in her field of study, and she is so liberal about relationships which is just a breath of fresh air at this particular school. She teaches this class in a way that is catered towards upper classmen because she understands we are past the nitty gritty part of college, and doesn't expect us to do any busy work or unnecessary things at all. The final is just a paper. I would take her and this class if you have an interest in Psychology and want a chill class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-11-06

Comments:4380 - All you have to do is read the book and pay attention in class to get a good grade. The slides in class go over the material extremely well so you dont have to spend as much time dissecting the book yourself. There are 3 short essays and the final is a cumulative essay where you answer 2 different essay questions. The writing assignments arent bad. The class is interesting and isnt hard, take it if you can  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-05-15

Comments:1305 - I don't think it's fair that Dr. Lawrence has such low reviews. I was nervous to take her at first ,but honestly this class was so straightforward and fair!! Yes, this class has a big workload, but it's not necessarily hard. My biggest piece of advice is to read the textbook!! Take TONS of practice quizzes, and go to SI if you need to. The textbook really is the key to success in this class, but you have to take good notes too. I thought class was very entertaining and interesting. It is obvious that Dr. Lawrence knows what she's talking about. Yes, she goes off on tangents and doesn't get through all of her powerpoints, but that's what makes psych interesting! I learned something new every class. As for exams, just make sure you know all the vocab and take lots of practice tests and you'll be completely fine! The tests honestly weren't too bad. Overall, this is class is an easy A if you put the work in. Dr. Lawrence is always available to help too! Recommend !!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-05-13

Comments:PSY 1305 - Psychology should be an interesting class, but this professor really can't do it justice. She has plenty of time in class to cover all the material but chooses to go off on long tangents and spend way too much time on easy concepts. The class is made up entirely of exams, so if you're not a good test taker run for your life. If you memorize the slides and the textbook vocab terms you should be fine, but don't expect to enjoy it. This is the professor to take if you don't give a hoot about psych.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2022-05-12

Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawrence is a pretty great teacher, and I did learn from her class. She's very very very knowledgable and is a nice person. The downside to this class and the only reason I got a B+ is because your grade in the class is made up of only exams. There are 4 unit exams and the final. She drops your lowest grade out of the 4 unit exams. I personally was 2 points away from an A and I asked her if there was anything I could do because this would be my only grade other than an A. She said that it was evident I tried really hard but she can't do anything. She gave us 2 points of extra credit to add to our point total if we did 2 extra research credits of the 4 we need to do. It didn't really help me because I was at an 88 and it only brought me up to an 88.4%, but for one of my friend's it brought her up by 4%. This class took so much time out of my schedule and I focused on this so much more compared to my core bio and chem classes (which honestly shouldn't have been the case). I personally wouldn't take her again just because of her grading scale but she's a good teacher. If you're taking her, be prepared to READ THE TEXTBOOK and spend a lot of time towards this class.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2021-12-21

Comments:Psy 1305 - I didn't mind taking her class. My biggest dislikes were that there was a lot of reading and our grade was based solely on exams. Other than that, I likes listening to her teach, and it's clear she knows what she's talking about. Sometimes she wouldn't cover much in class, and I would have to go learn some things myself. However, when this did happen, she usually was talking about something interesting and/or important. If she emphasized it, it was probably because it was going to be on an exam.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-12-19

Comments:1305 - I recently completed 1305 Psychological Science with Dr. Tamara Lawrence, and it was my most difficult class of the semester. The format of the class consists of 4 units that each cover 4 chapters of the textbook with an exam at the end of the unit. Regarding Dr. Lawrence's teaching, she is just very intense. It is obvious that she is knowledgeable on the topic but she spends an unnecessary amount of time on 4-5 slides per lecture that there is so much content that you have to self-teach. Reading the textbook and taking in-depth notes and studying is necessary if you want to get an A in the class. I started out with not taking any notes and just skimming the textbook and got a 68 on the first test. I changed my study habits to include working on psychology for like 4 hours each day and ended up with an A in the class. The workload was just astronomical. Overall, if you can, see if you could take a different professor if you don't think you could handle such a heavy workload.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-12-14

Comments:1305 - Do not take this class. She is not a helpful professor at all. She is knowledgeable in the subject, but cannot teach to save her life. Her presentation skills are god awful and just goes off of the PowerPoints. Be prepared to read and study the material yourself without any help. Notice how the rating on the work load is a 5. This is because she does not provide any helpful or informative resources. The only thing that she recommends doing to pass her class is reading. The textbook is very long and requires the majority of your time spent on this subject. Go to the SI. The SI is much more helpful in explaining and teaching the material than her.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2021-11-17

Comments:PSY 1305 (team) - This entire class is very difficult and very textbook heavy. If you have the attitude that the lectures supplement the textbook you will be less frustrated. Of all the professors for this course, she tends to be the least understanding. The most advice I can give is to read the textbook very closely and go to the SI sections. The tests have some very specific questions that are worded straight out of the textbook. I would know the definitions of the bold words AND the examples they use for those words because it will probably be on the test in some form. The grade is 4 exams worth 50 pts and one is dropped, and her exam is usually the one people drop. I took this class as an English major for a science credit and it was a lot of work but I also enjoyed it, so it is not a blow off class but it can be interesting.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-11-14

Comments:4380 - DR. Lawrence is an amazing professor and the class is by far my favorite class at Baylor! Highly recommend taking it. The papers are a little challenging to write however as they are due on the same day as the exam. The exams are not that bad if you read the book thoroughly. she also gives 2 extra credit points. Overall, love the class and Dr. Lawrence makes it very interesting  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-11-10

Comments:PSY 3314 - After reading her reviews I was kind of worried about how her IO summer class would be. After taking it however I feel that the main reason for her poor reviews are due to the main class that she teaches (intro to psych) is a moderately difficult course and is primarily filled with freshman. With that being said I dont think she is the best professor but in no way a bad one. The class was fairly easy and we were graded only on 4 tests and Packback posts/responses about a journal article every week. To study for the tests there are really 4 different areas to go for - the book, the power points, the lecture videos and something called Smartbook which covers material from the book. After the first test I realized that I really only needed to study the book and the powerpoints as the lecture videos were pretty pointless since she just covered parts of the slides and the smartbook program to be more time consuming than it was helpful. After studying just the book and powerpoints I noticed my tests grades improving and I felt more confident with myself. The book isnt a hard read but it is quite lengthy and boring. One thing I did notice about the class is she is PARANOID about cheating, so much so that she said that if we needed to look away from our computers for any reason we should cover our eyes or look in a different direction every time (her words not mine). Lastly, she offers a small amount of extra credit for doing 2 surveys for the class, which of course helps in the long run. Overall, the class isnt too difficult if you read and study, dont let the poor ratings from the intro to psych class deter you from taking this class.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2021-08-11

Comments:1305 - (team taught): DON'T TAKE TEAM TAUGHT. It's a horrible class and it all comes from a randomized test bank so your classmates can be getting easier questions than you. The grade consisted only of exams. There are 4 (50pt) exams and the final (100pt) where one of the 50pt exams can be dropped. In order to keep an 'A' in the class, you can only miss 25 questions total during the WHOLE semester. Mia, the SI, helped so much...but she graduated so I'm not sure how the future SI would be. Do your best to NOT take team taught psychology because it definitely is a weed out class. The professors don't care about your grade and they don't care to get to know the students. Not only that, but they never finish the lecture slides for an exam so you're stuck studying untaught material. Honestly, this has been the worst class I've taken at Baylor, and definitely not worth private school tuition.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2021-05-10

Comments:1305 - We had zero homework or quizzes but that made the tests 10x harder. Lawrence would spend the entire lecture going over maybe 4-8 slides in a slideshow with at least 30 slides and move on the next day to a new chapter. She also talked more about her family or bring up random stories than the actual material needed for the exams. Her tests were very hard and the only redeeming factor was the SI, Mia who I learned more from in 45 minute sessions than I had the entire year in class.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2021-03-06

Comments:1305 (team-taught) - Personally, I really struggled with Professor Lawrence's section in team taught. She never made it through her lecture slides (I honestly think she only got like 8-10 slides complete in a 75 minute lecture). Her exam was extremely book specific as well as detail specific. I 110% recommend attending SI for this course, especially if it is with Mia!!!!!!!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2021-01-22

Comments:1305 - She gossips a lot about things outside of class which has nothing to do with psychology.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2020-12-28

Comments:PSY 1305 - Team taught. The slides were never finished in class, she could spend an hour on four slides and then tell you to learn the information for the next 25. You will know those four slides but the amount of reading required to do well on her test is unbelievable. I do not recommend her at all. She spent lots of time talking about how much time she needed to cover the stuff we were learning, but went crazy in depth on one subject leaving the rest to be self-taught. This is an intro class, we just needed a basic understanding of all the material.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-12-20

Comments:PSY 1305 - (Team taught) I loved her lectures, she always had interesting stories. She is very sweet, although I think her test was the hardest given. Her test pulled little facts from the book so you have to read the book and really really understand the material to do well.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-12-04

Comments:1305 - If you didn't take psych in high school, be prepared to grind out intense outlines for every chapter because Dr. Lawrence's lectures don't help at all. She goes through maybe 3 slides, 5 if you're lucky in one day. She also doesn't start out the next lecture where she left off the previous time... Hopefully Mia, the amazing SI, will still be around when you take this course, because she helps you narrow down the massive amount of information into the relevant topics. She gives a ton of practice material including quizzes at each SI, practice exams, quizlets, etc. The key to success in this class is definitely repeated exposure to the material. You only need to be able to identify the right answer because her exams are all mc no frq. Occasionally she had some interesting stories during lecture, but she has the tendency to get off track sometimes and often makes it very apparent what her personal opinions on the matter are. Regardless, its highly feasible to make an A or a B+ in this course if you're willing to dedicate the time to learn the material yourself.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-05-13

Comments:1305 - Honestly, I'm not sure why Dr. Lawernce has low ratings! While I'll be honest, her lectures are not the greatest in structure, she does make sure she always has something to say or a story so you can remember things! This class was pretty straightforward and her SI, Mia, is amazing! If you go to all of Mia's SI sessions and make sure you do all of the practice tests and her quizlets etc, you will get an A! Super interesting class!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-05-13

Comments:1305 - so, all in all Dr.Lawrence is an okay professor. She's not amazing and she's not terrible. But if you want an A, she's pretty straight forward about what to study and the exams are not that hard if you go to SI (which btw GO TO EVERY SINGLE SI IF YOU WANT AN A ) i'll be honest, she really doesn't care about you but is open to questions in lecture and after class. If you want an A in psych she's a good prof, but don't expect her to be super warm and friendly.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-05-11

Comments:1305 - i enjoyed psych a lot. the readings was alot and taking notes was a lot too. for me, psych was a little challenging. i know some people who thought the class was a breeze. i didnt have any psych knowledge prior to taking the class and my high school was really underdeveloped and had horrible stats in preparing students for college. I took this course my first semester at baylor the professor: Dr. Lawrence is really kind. Idk what people are talking about when they say she's rude or unhelpful. she doesn't teach all the material for the exam. there's simply too much content to cover in class. and she tells us this ahead of time. and she tells us you must read the textbook to do well. she was right. the exams: the exams are 50 multiple choices and you need to know the material to do well. she is detail-oriented in her exams and it's more application based. class time: it was kind of pointless. i just went to class and chilled and listen to her lecture over material I read before class. my grade: i made an 89.5. anything above a 90 i an A. dr lawrence doesn't round up. I would have made an A but i screwed up on the scantron and missed 5 questions in a row that I got correctly. take dr. lawrence.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2020-05-09

Comments:psych 1305 - Okayyyy listen up people! I honestly don’t know why Dr. Lawrence has such low ratings…she is an odd lady but this class is a PIECE OF CAKE. So, if you don’t care about becoming best friends with the professor and just want to get a good grade in the class, take Dr. Lawrence! When I was trying to decide which professor to take for Psych 1305, I was worried this supposedly intro class was going to be terrible because all of the profs had bad reviews. I decided to go with Dr. Lawrence and I don’t regret it. This class was NOT HARD. All we had to do was these little quizzes (100% for completion grade) that helped you prepare for the exams and besides that, four non-cumulative multiple-choice exams (50 questions) and one cumulative final (100 questions). I went to her office hours after exams to see what I missed and asked her questions so I wouldn’t make the mistake again in the final. Because the final is cumulative, it won’t do you any good to throw out the information from before so make sure you really are learning it. If you do that, the cumulative final will be the easiest exam of the 5. Don’t listen to the lectures, that stuff won’t be tested over. I didn’t even read the book (even though that stuff will be tested over) because the SI for this class is THE FREAKING BEST. GO TO SI AND YOU’LL BE GOLDEN. She literally gives you soooo much study material its crazy. SI sheets summarizing the important stuff from the book, quizzes, practice exams, flashcards, powerpoints etc etc. all of which is very, very similar to the real exam questions (everything the SI has is last year’s exam questions). I cannot stress this enough: go to SI, get all of her stuff, study it, memorize it, easy A. Some of my friends were in a different psych 1305 class and did not get a good grade. Just sayin. However, Dr. Lawrence was a very interesting lady, so…do know that in advance. Often times the lectures were off track and did not pertain to the material that we were tested over. Dr. Lawrence had some interesting (and sometimes offensive) perspectives on things that she often presented as fact rather than her opinion (such as saying adoption was bad, meanwhile there were probably students in the room who were adopted or had an adopted sibling). Several times some very controversial and/or inappropriate topics were brought up and she only taught the material from her perspective on the matter (evolution, gender, some very unnecessary, crass talk about sex, etc). Honestly, just tune her out. The SI is your real teacher. But, I do want to add that when our class moved online due to Coronavirus, Dr. Lawrence was very responsive and helpful with questions and even added an extra credit assignment to help boost our grades a bit. So overall, I'd say that I recommend the class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-05-08

Comments:1305 - If you enjoy hearing stories about your professors' lives, this is the prof for you! Dr. Lawrence doesn't really teach anything, but she has a story about everything. Her SI is amazing and does most of the teaching. Her exams are very book based and sometimes have the same questions as SI practice tests, so I highly recommend going to SI! If you know the vocab from the book, you will have no problem in this class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-05-03

Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawrence is a very sweet lady, her lectures style is not very good. She reads off the slides instead of teaching. Her tests are very book based, you will not get an A on her exams. I recommend going to every SI session her exams are highly based on the practice exams and SI materials.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2020-04-22

Comments:1305 - This class was okay. It wasn't too hard but her lectures often are not helpful. Your better off just reading the book than listening to her lectures. Nice lady but she talks about her twins a lot.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2020-04-21

Comments:PSY 1305 - This class had made me hate psychology, I spend hours studying on an exam and the exam is so broad I make a 70. It's just a super difficult class with so much information. You need to be plenty studied before each exam or you definitely won't even make a B.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2019-11-21

Comments:PSY 1305 - All of these reviews that say it is impossible to get an A in this class are so dramatic. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS READ THE TEXTBOOK. Lawrence is not the best lecturer, but the textbook explains everything really well. Her test are very far and straight forward. One of the things that helped me was the online quizzes that come with your book. Again, just read the book and you will be golden.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-06-03

Comments:1305 - Here's the deal. Dr. Lawrence is not a good professor. She reads off of the slide, and many times doesnt even cover full sections of information. I did really well in this class and honestly cannot remember the last lecture i actually listened to of hers. Read the textbook and take notes before the class and do ur homework during her lecture. Literally just dont pay attention. I completely disregarded her as a professor and taught myself everything and ended up with an A.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2019-05-30

Comments:1305 - it is IMPOSSIBLE to earn an A with this lady and she’ll tell you straight up that she hates giving out A’s which is ridiculous. My highest grade for her test was an 88 and then from there, I earned low C’s. Had to pull my first college all nighter for the final and had many break downs that week but pulled an extremely high grade on the final that bumped my grade up a ton. you HAVE to read the textbook, no way you’ll pass the class without it and the questions are super specific to info in the book. Also, whenever I’d reach out and ask her a question through email or office hours, she was extremely rude so this class is very self dependent and psychology should never be this hard lol.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2019-05-15

Comments:1305 - OKAY LISTEN. I have tried really hard in this class and this lady can not teach. My friend studies her butt off and still isn't getting an A. She does not really teach and the slides she talks about are not on the test that much. You are expected to read the WHOLE textbook front to back and you still have other homework in her class and you have other classes. take someone else.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2019-05-01

Comments:1305 - AWFUL. run. fast.... if you enjoy reading textbooks word for word and page by page then go for it... otherwise run. This was my least favorite course and professor in all of school history. She talks about her twins all the time and then tests you overt the smallest thing in the book. I felt like she could never explain something to you more than one way, so if you don't understand the first time good luck. her tests pretty much have nothing to do with the lectures including the final. Do all the online homework because it may clear up something you didnt understand from class, but don't bet on it ever being on a test. I read, took notes, attended class, and studied so hard for this class and I still didnt know what she was talking about (and for reference I made an A in upper level psych). soooo all I have to say is run. fast. far away.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2019-01-15

Comments:PSY 1305 - Dr. Lawrence is an extremely knowledgeable teacher, but if you take this class, expect to read the entire textbook cover to cover. I am not joking. Her powerpoints only cover some of the material, and she doesn't always get through the entire powerpoint due to the breadth of material, so you MUST read the textbook and take good notes if you want to do well on her tests. There are four multiple choice tests (and a cumulative final), and your lowest one is dropped. There is online homework which takes about 5 minutes if you have read the chapter, and it's only for a completion grade (not hard at all). My biggest piece of advice for her class is to READ the textbook (which is actually pretty interesting, not too dry of a read), and take GOOD notes. I filled up an entire composition notebook with notes for the first three test's material, and then had to get another one to finish out the semester. If you do those things, this class will not be too bad as long as you study. SI was extremely helpful as well. Dr. Lawrence herself is a fair person; anyone here who says she's not a good lecturer is lying. She is very interesting to listen to, her class is just work-intensive, which is to be expected for a college level course. Overall, I learned a lot about psychology and would recommend taking her course (even though she is not the easiest professor out there).  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-12-15

Comments:PSYCH 05 - THE ABSOLUTE WOAT. She is the most unhelpful and inconsiderate teacher; when it comes to success in the class, she simply does not care!!!! When a student is struggling, she doesn't make a SINGLE effort to help. Honestly, the only thing she taught about all semester is her twins. Then, when a student doesn't understand the material, she doesn't lift a finger to help!!! BYE  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2018-12-11

Comments:Psych 05 - this is the worst class ever. do not take. horrible teaching. not even worth going to class honestly. very annoying lady. NOT HELPFUL. struggling students should not take. this professor is very rude to people with learning problems. take any other course possible. way to much reading and honestly you have to read all 60 pages and take notes every night. STUPID HARD. This professor has no simpathy what so ever, offers no extra credit, isn’t helpful when students come to her about issues. overall, NEVER ever take this class.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2018-12-11

Comments:Intro to Psych 05 - horrible class and horrible teacher. does not take time to listen or help you if you are struggling. NOT worth taking for any reason. Professor Lawrence is very rude to students that are struggling. Honestly wish i never even liked psych because she made this class so hard. Lots of outside reading, class isn’t helpful. office hours not helpful either. no one should take.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2018-12-10

Comments:1305 - This class was really interesting but a lot of work. Her lectures are pretty engaging cause she gives a lot of examples and studies, but the tests are based off of the textbook (not the lectures at all) so they aren't really helpful. You NEED to read the book, not just skim it, for the tests.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-11-15

Comments:1305 - HW is easy completion. I started it at the beginning of the year and finished it all in a week for the whole semester. You HAVE to read the whole textbook, and you can't just skim, you have to actually read the whole thing, and it's a long textbook. It's honestly not worthwhile listening to her in class, just read the textbook during class instead.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2018-11-06

Comments:1305 - There's not much to say that hasn't already been said. The course is decently challenging, with fair but tough exams, a cumulative final, a lot of reading and (easy) homework, and a required research portion that's actually pretty fun. She's a great lecturer, and if you like psychology, sociology, bio and/or the mind even a tiny bit you'll find the course fascinating. Study hard for the exams, and use the PowerPoints as your primary source - I used only her class PPTs to prepare for each test plus my individual notes and made As on all of them, but I had to make sure I knew every single thing in those notes. ALSO: Lawrence's Psych course is a GREAT one to take if you're looking to sit for the MCAT and go to medical school. She literally goes through the textbook cover-to-cover and I barely had to review Psych when I was studying for the dreaded exam.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-06-30

Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawrence is a very fair professor. She teaches all of the material in the book and doesn't really ask trick questions on the tests. It is very important to read the book in this class, but if you don't want to read go to SI. Test material comes strictly from the book and lectures. She is readily available and always helps you if you have any questions. The only thing is that she does not offer any extra credit and will not round your grade at the end of the semester even if you have a 89.9% in the class. But other than that I definitely recommend her!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2018-06-01

Comments:PSY 1305 - Easy, easy, easy A--IF YOU READ THE TEXTBOOK. I know how some people feel about reading the textbook and I GET IT, I'm not a big reader either. But if you break it down, you can read just about 10-15 pages per day and stay totally on track. Homework is very easy, all online, graded solely on completion (so if you do it, you get 100). She's a funny and kind woman, and is personable and helpful too. If you are a psych major, she will be your main point person as you progress through your degree, so it wouldn't hurt to introduce yourself or go to her office hours. Tests are simple, multiple-choice format, about 50 questions per test, 100 for the final. Lowest test gets dropped. There is also a small requirement of research participation credits to complete (mostly online surveys for what I assume is for graduate students' research projects, and then you must complete one credit by physically going to some classroom at Baylor for a survey or some other kind of in-person test. These are extremely flexible, there are TONS of options of which ones to choose, but just don't save them all until the end of the semester because they will fill up eventually. I finished this requirement within the first 3 weeks of school). Overall a nice smooth introduction to psychology, easy class and kind teacher. Would recommend!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-05-28

Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawrence is a very fair professor. Her tests are from the book and the powerpoints, but some questions come from information that is just in the book and she doesn't discuss it in class so you have to read the textbook. Homework is just launchpad which is easy. You have 4 class exams (lowest is dropped) and then the final which is 100 questions but it was pretty easy.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-05-08

Comments:1305 - I loved Dr. Lawrence! This class was probably one of the most useful classes I will ever take. I learned so much that was applicable to real life, which, as a business major, I appreciated! There isn't much homework, but you need to read the book and go to SI to prep for tests. (The learning curves that she assigns help for studying too.) The tests are all 50 questions and multiple choice. There are four tests and a final, and they're all weighted the same with the lowest one dropped. The book has A LOT of information so the class is heavy on reading, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I would definitely recommend Dr. Lawrence if you want a thorough and enjoyable explanation of psychology!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2018-03-12

Comments:PSY 1305 - I loved her intro to psych class! I've seen many people write ratings based solely on the new student experience class. I don't believe this is an accurate depiction of her teaching style or general disposition because NSE isn't an actual class with her as the primary instructor. Her class was enjoyable and she told entertaining stories. However, the class required much studying and you are expected to read the textbook all the way through. If you can, go to the SIs, as they were very helpful. As long as you regularly review the material and take notes in lecture you should do fine. She genuinely cares about the class and is obviously very passionate about what she is teaching. I would take her if you have the chance.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-12-21

Comments:1101 - I took new student experience from her which is an overall easy course. But, like others before me, I’m just warning you guys that she is very strict and tough. I’d imagine taking her for a 1300+ class would be a lot of work.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-12-12

Comments:1101 - I only had her for a New Student Experience class, so there was not much work involved. I just found that Dr. Lawrence is not at all a nice person and wanted to warn anyone considering taking a class from her.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-11-14

Comments:1302 - This class was my favorite that I've taken at Baylor. The material was interesting and Professor Lawrence really enjoys what she's teaching. The work load isn't too bad. She gives online homework that is easy if you read the book. If you don't read then it's can be doable from the lecture it's just more challenging. The tests in my opinion were pretty easy but I studied pretty hard for them. The tests take the concepts you learn and apply them to real situations so as long as you understand the concepts it's easy. I would take her class again!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-10-25

Comments:PYS1305 - I really enjoyed this class a lot!! She really seems to enjoy teaching the material, and she gives you a lot of hints on what to study. when I took her class, the test seemed pretty balanced when it came to lecture material and material from the textbook. This a class you will need to read the book for, and the more work you put in the better you will do. She is a good professor and explains stuff pretty well. would recommend her class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2017-06-30

Comments:1305 - Dr. Lawerence is awesome. She is so funny and really entertaining in class. You will have to work hard to get an A (as you would in any class), but studying for the class is interesting and enjoyable. I have heard from people the team-taught psych class is sub-par. I highly recommend Dr. Lawrence!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2016-11-17

Comments:1305 - Her class was 100% lecture based and gave no clue as to which material is on the test. Did not give homework or quizzes, but exams were very extensive and selective. Tests were all multiple choice. She is a funny and interesting person, but glosses over the important information that is needed to know for the exam. She tells a lot of stories that sometimes do not pertain to the material, but overall an average professor.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2016-03-17

Comments:Intro - I have mixed feelings about Dr. Lawrence. Her class overall is not hard. Her style of teaching is not necessarily boring, it is just isn't helpful. She says her lectures are essential to do well on the test, but that is not true. She typically would fixate on one topic of the chapter we were going over that day and never get to the last 20-30 slides at the end of the chapter. Reading however is essential. If you know the vocab terms forward and backward you should be able to squeak out a C or B. Put in a little extra work and an A is definitely obtainable. At the end of the semester I was frustrated with a B as my final grade because I knew with just little more work I could have gotten an A.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2016-01-11

Comments:PSY 1305 - Honesty, this class is easy if you just put in the work. The format is four 50-question tests, of which one is dropped, and a final. You also have to complete four study things or whatever, and if you do additional ones, you get a maximum of what ends up being one point on your final grade. The distribution of grades is a relatively normal one because it's an intro class, so you have all kinds of students. The amounts of A's per test were about less than ten on average in a class of 120(?) people. There's no homework except to study for the tests. In order to effectively do this, you must read the book (which can be quite a daunting task if you don't read half a chapter a day like I did) as well as TAKE THE PRACTICE QUIZZES AND GO OVER THE VOCAB on this website that she provides you in the syllabus. I did this for two of the tests, which I got high A's on and just read the book for the other two tests, which I got high B's on. You should also memorize the bolded vocab words in the book because a lot of questions are on them, but don't study just them of course. Finally, her lectures are quite literally useless. Unless you want nonessential information, there's no point in listening to her, let alone going to class because her lecturing is not in the tests. I even took my maximum number of absences because the lectures were so impractical. She also explicitly says that she cannot and will not go over all of the material that is in the book, so that's another reason to skip class  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2015-08-10

Comments:1305 - I honestly did not like this professor at all...We were required to go to class although she made the statement that the four tests (all are four chapters each) that we took during the semester were based off the readings in the textbook for the class (30 to 65 pages per chapter), and if information in the Powerpoints (in which did not all belong to her, but someone else...) was not in the textbook, then they would not be on the test. The tests were only 50 questions (too much information with a minuscule chance of being tested over it). In class, she would give examples, experiences, and further formation on she got from the slides...So what is the point of going to class then? Even though this did not make any sense to me whatsoever, I went to all of the classes. What disturbed me the most was the fact that the final exam was over the Powerpoint slides from class. I do not understand this lady's manner of teaching. I studied and read the textbook religiously for hours upon hours while studying for the tests, only to get a ridiculously average grade of C. If you enjoy this style of teaching, then go ahead and take Dr. Lawrence. I gave this class most of my attention and study time. Lawrence's teaching style just did not make any sense to me.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2015-05-01

Comments:4380 - I love Dr. Lawrence! I really enjoyed the lectures because she always had interesting things to say in relation to the class. There are 3 tests, 4 papers and a final (which is a take home paper). The multiple tests weren't hard, as long as you read the chapters. I paid attention in class but didn't take notes and made A's on all of the tests, so just read the chapters. The FYC papers weren't hard, but you do have to put thought and time into them. Overall, it's an enlightening class and she's a great teacher!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2015-04-29

Comments:4380 - Personal Relationships is an extremely interesting class. I will be honest, the multiple choice tests are difficult and are very detailed questions. My advice is to read literally every single thing in each chapter. Also, please pay attention in class. There is material not covered in the book that is on the test! Then there are the 4 FYC papers... They are extremely easy and can boost your grade a lot. The final is a paper and is easy as well. Even if you average a middle B and ace every paper, then you will for sure get the grade you need. Come to every class! Do not miss. This will boost your grade. Also, you need to talk in class and when you read the journal articles! This is also a major part of your grade. This class is wonderful! She is wonderful! Just work hard and you will do great!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2014-12-21

Comments:1305 - First of all, do NOT listen to what other raters have to say about her lectures not covering exam materials. The chapters are super long, and she obviously cannot cover the whole thing in 50/75 minutes. You MUST read. If not, SI is the way to go. Dr. Rowatt seemed like a nice lady. She tried to make her topics interesting, but I think she went overboard relating her twin girls or her husband to the subject. If you follow along the SI reading assignments, then you'll stay ahead with readings for the class. There are 4 exams and a final. She drops the lowest grade. All exams are multiple choice, and they are application questions, so get to know the material well. Fortunately, the final is based off of her powerpoints, so don't worry about re-reading the book and just study the lectures. For the course you also need 4 research credits: at least 1 in-lab credit and 1 online study; you can decide what to do with the rest. If the in-lab study is not your cup of tea, she lets you do a research paper on something psychology related that she needs to approve of. Also, attend as much class as you can; I found out at the end of the semester that you get extra credit points for every class time you show up to! Overall, Dr. Rowatt seems like a great teacher. I only took her because I was told she's the easiest (but NOT an easy course) and I only passed because I'm a Neuroscience major (therefore Psychology interests me).  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-06-24

Comments:1305 - She is a very nice teacher but this class is NOT easy! If you are not a psych major do NOT take her! She is one of the hardest if not the hardest psych teacher at Baylor! You MUST READ THE BOOK! Her lectures were not helpful for the exams and the test were SO hard. You have 4 tests and a cumulative final but she drops the lowest test grade! The tests have detailed information that come from the book and are 50 MC questions. SI was pretty helpful but you HAVE to read the book! If you took psych in high school, you will do better than those who haven't! I recommend taking another teacher for psych.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2014-05-09

Comments:1305 - Dr. Rowatt is great! She is a very nice woman, but this is not an easy class. It is a weed out class for psychology majors, so if you do not have to take this class, I would not recommend taking it. The tests are pretty difficult no matter how long you spend studying for them. They cover a lot of material and by the end of the semester you would have read the entire Psychology book front to back multiple times. It worked best for me if I continued reading it periodically instead of attempting to cram everything in the last second. The lectures from her power points are essentially useless because the test comes from the book and she talks about her kids the entire lecture. However, she is a really nice woman and she loves having her students come and look at what they missed on the tests. I would do this because a lot of them will reappear on the final exam.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2014-04-15

Comments:4380 - I love this woman. She is so amazing and every Psych major should take her at least once. This is my second time taking one of her classes. She made this class so much fun and interesting, and Personal Relationships is already fun and interesting, but she made it even more so. She created the class, and she created it well. If you are to take any of her classes, this is the one to take. Don't miss it!  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2014-01-27

Comments:4327 - Dr. Rowatt is a fantastic professor. She is very knowledgeable, she tells funny stories in class, and she truly cares about the students and wants them to succeed. Theories of Personality was a little harder than I expected it to be, and coming into the final, I knew that I had to make at least a 99 to pull of a B+ in the class. I made a 93, but she still gave me a B+ for my final grade. If that's not grace, I don't know what is. If you let her know that you care about your grades and that you're not simply taking up space in class or goofing off, she'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Go to class, and go to her office hours to go over tests - this shows you're going the extra mile to learn and succeed, and what professor doesn't like to see that? Take Rowatt!  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2013-12-18

Comments:Intro to Psych. - The class was not as hard as others said. In order to do well you MUST read the book. The workbook that is available for the book also helped. If you can, go to the SI sessions, in my semester our SI had great practice tests that helped a lot. In class the lectures were kind of boring, by the end of the year I only went because of the attendance requirement. Dr. Rowatt is a good teacher and very willing to help and clarify whatever questions we have. However, her slides were not very useful for the test because they covered a small amount of material. So, READ THE BOOK if you want an A.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2013-08-04

Comments:4380 and 4327 - How could you not love Dr. Rowatt? She is one of the greatest professors or teachers I have ever met. By that, I mean her character especially. There are some professors at Baylor who don't care about you at all. Not Dr. Rowatt. She is there for you if you need her and if you try. One of my favorite professors hands down. TAKE HER  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2013-06-06

Comments:1305 - You have to read every chapter of the book and study the vocabulary well. Her tests are pretty easy, but thats because I do memorize the vocab and luckily my TA gave us practice tests before each test that were so helpful!!! Her lectures are pretty boring she just reiterates her powerpoints and doesnt get through a third of the slides. You don't even need to go to her class. If you just read, memorize, and go to SI, and look over the power points you'll be fine.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2013-04-12

Comments:PSY 1305 - DO NOT TAKE HER. All she does is talking about her twins....... showing videos and reading her slides (which you can read at home). HOWEVER, the slides are useless whenever it comes for the test since she would throw crap from the book that she actually did not cover on class. If the chapter has 5 topics, she would cover 2 on her class and the rest you do it on your own.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2013-04-04

Comments:4327 - I'm really surprised by the comments. I'm kicking myself in the head because had I spent just a couple hours more the day before the test studying, I would've made A's on every test. I made B+ when I read the chapters and a C when I didn't. I got too confident in this class and so I ended up not doing so hot. I love Mrs. Dr. Rowatt though. She was great to listen to and she has a great personality, and I just loved what she had to say. Like I said, if I just studied a LITTLE bit more, I would've had an A.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2013-01-10

Comments:Intro to Psych - Ouch. Rough times in this class. I am a good student and I have a good work ethic, and got my first C in her class. So much reading is required and her lectures are extremely boring. She loves to talk about her children, if she tested me on them I am sure I would get a 100 on every test. Nice lady but avoid her class if possible.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2012-11-15

Comments:PSY1305 - The amount of reading is overwhelming. You will be expected to read the whole textbook if you are hoping to get an A or B in this class. Her powerpoints reiterate the information from the reading, so it is nice to have the reinforcement, but this class is a heavy workload of reading.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2012-11-12

Comments:1305 - Intro Psych - This is not an easy class. You absolutely have to read every chapter in the book and do the study guide if you are hoping to get an A. All of her tests and powerpoints come from the textbook company. Buy the studyguide and do the online study quide because some of those questions will show up on the test. This class is doable but you have to read the chapters which is extremely time consuming. Do your research participation credit early and do the extra credit because it is an easy way to help your grade. The lectures can be kind of dry and she usually doesn't finish all of the slides but you will still be held accountable for the information she didn't cover when it comes to the test. Rowatt really is nice and is very happy to let you look over your tests, which is suggest you do before the final. Four tests and a cumulative final, two research participation credits and no quizzes. I can not stress enough how much the tests come from the book.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2012-07-18

Comments:1305 - If you have a hard course load DO NOT take dr. rowatt. You have to read the entire book to do semi-decent on the tests. She doesn\'t write her own test questions so the questions are very tricky and you have to really know the material to do well. She does drop the lowest regular test grade though. Her lectures are boring and she goes off on tangents about her kids a lot. Get your research participation done at the beginning of the semester and do the extra credit!  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2012-05-08

Comments:Intro Psych - If you are NOT a psychology major, DO NOT take her! This class requires you to read the whole book, no lie, if you at least want to pass. Her lectures are good but when it comes down to the test, they are not helpful. You basically have to teach yourself the whole book. The test questions are hard since all the answers are correct but you have to chose the most correct one. Also, sometimes she gets caught up on talking about het kids that she doesnt finish the lecture and what wasnt covered in class is still covered on the test. Her SI is great, GO to it! She basically tries to weed out psych majrs which is unfair for those who have to take her class just because its a prereq.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2012-04-16

Comments:1305 - I strong encourage you to NOT take her class! She teaches you nothing! She shows videos and tell stories about her twin daughters. I read the chapters, never missed a lecture, went to every SI and did the study guide for the text book. Never had higher than a C on her exams. This could be a great class, so if you want to learn anything take it from any other professor!  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2012-03-08

Comments:1305 - Dr. Rowatt knows the material for this course better than any of my other professors at Baylor have known their material. Whether or not she teaches it well to the class is debatable, it is also questionable if she highlights what will be on the test. I would only take her if you have a very light schedule because the course material is very dense and Dr. Rowatt will not cover half of the material she plans for the students to know.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2011-12-15

Comments:1305 - I really enjoyed this class! Dr. Rowatt had a lot of funny stories! Make sure you read the book because that's exactly where the test questions come from. You will have to study a lot to do well on the tests but the online practice quizzes are very helpful!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2011-01-10

Comments:1305 - Rowatt was great! The class did require a lot of reading, but that's the way most psychology classes are going to work if you want to do well. I suggest buying the study guide. It helped sooo much. Filling it in while reading made remembering everything so much easier, and she takes some of her test questions from the quizzes. Read the entire chapter! The class is four tests and a final, and she drops the lowest test grade (not the final). She gives a small bonus if you participate in a couple extra research experiments. The final is just off the power points, so you don't have to study as much info, and many of the questions are from old tests. Basically, it's not a blow off class, but Rowatt is one of the best psych profs you can take!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-12-13

Comments:1305 - I did not mind Rowatt, but this class is way harder than it should have been. I took 4 hours of notes EVERY NIGHT, I had that book memorized, and I couldn't get an A. Your only grades are the tests, and I have no idea why she makes her tests so hard. I studied more for this class than any other class at Baylor, and I still couldn't pull of an A. I think it's impossible. Don't take her.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2010-11-24

Comments:1305 - Dr. Rowatt is amazing! I love her lecture style and her personality is downright hilarious. I cannot fathom how anyone could dislike her. Tests are incredibly easy, she drops your lowest grade, and the final isn't worth more than the other tests. Psychology is a great subject and Rowatt really knows her stuff. A perfect elective for Pre Med students who need an easy A in the BSB.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2010-05-12


Date: 2010-05-07

Comments:1305 - all i have to say is. prepare to read the whole psychology textbook. there is no hmwk, just 4 tests. sometimes she doesnt go over test material in class. also, stay on top of your abscences, the teacher's assistant didnt post them until i had one more class to miss before i failed.. Good luck! :/  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2010-04-20

Comments:Personal Rel. - She's an OKAY teacher. This class isn't all that hard if you just READ THE BOOK. I didn't read the chapters until it was too late and it was easy once I did. The FYC papers are annoying and the Final is just a pain in the rear. Good Luck!   - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2010-02-11

Comments:1305 - She spends a lot of time on certain concepts and doesn't get to a lot of the slides, but overall she is a good teacher. She is always willing to answer your questions. If you go to SI you're chances of doing well in the class will skyrocket. Actually, if you go to SI it is almost guaranteed you will get an A.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2009-05-13

Comments:Intro to Psy - I feel like alot of the material you had to teach yourself because she never finished the slides in class. Whenever you sign up for this class keep in mind that you are also signing up to learn about her twins and every little story she thinks is amazing about them. She also is constantly reminding you how funny people are and how she just loves people. Anyway she seems to love the subject and makes it interesting for the most part and she is a pretty good prof and I really enjoyed it overall.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2009-05-12

Comments:4327 - I liked her style of teaching. She always had funny stories about her kids to help relate the topics, but she wound up being very unhelpful in the end. I was on the bubble of getting a B and had talked to her about bumping me up b/c I had done all the extra credit and then some, and she said it would be reasonable to bump someone up on the border if they had done that. However, when final grades were posted, I still had a C+. I emailed her about it, and all she said was, "Sorry. You still have a C+."  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2009-05-11

Comments:Psy - Into to Psych-This class is a job! I loved psychology and she is a good teacher but don't rely on her to finish the slides. You have to read the book!! It's better to read your book and take ur own notes an compare. This was my first class as a beginning freshman and I had to learn the hard way. She is a nice lady and loves to talk about her family so she keeps it interesting..o yea when she gets to discrimination be prepared for her to talk about purple haired people!!  - Grade In Class:F

Date: 2009-01-23

Comments:1305 - I would have made an A in the class...however you must read every single day in order to keep up. Each test is over 4 chapters/about 200 pages of reading. This class is VERY possible to make an A in...however you must keep up with reading ALWAYS. Print out the slides before class, you really do not have to take notes. I HIGHLY recommend purchasing the Study Guide...I made 2 A's on tests, and I woudlnt have without the study guide. It's only $30 and really helps! Also, take the online textbook quizzes. and GO TO SI! She is not a bad teacher at all, talks about her kids alot, but overall a good class. =)  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2009-01-06

Comments:Intro - This course isn't that bad, and Rowatt is a good prof, but at least for me I didn't have time to study for the tests so I pretty much did crap half the semester. Be prepared to actually work and you'll get through it. You don't need to study anything except the book unless she really states otherwise, although the final is ONLY off the slides so you'll need 'em then.  - Grade In Class:D

Date: 2008-12-11

Comments:1305 - Rowatt is a good teacher. She's very interested in the material, which helps you to pay attention in class. Her lectures can be a bit dull at times, and she tends to go on tangents about her life. She's funny and always answers your questions in class. Her tests are a bit tough, and there are not many points in the class. Also, you have a lot of reading assigned but you can pass the class without reading. Whatever you do, don't take the class early in the morning!! If i had taken it in the middle of the day, I would have definitely made an A.   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2008-11-19

Comments:Intro to Psychology - I loved this class - my favorite!!! Your only grades are the four tests.... so make sure you do well on them. If you don't like reading, then don't take this class- you need to keep up with reading the chapters for each test if you expect a good grade on the tests. I recommend taking thorough notes while reading each chapter as well, it's a bit time-consuming but you won't be bored which is DEFINITELY a plus! Also, pay attention in class and print out the slides (that she puts on blackboard) so you can follow along during the lecture. Rowatt is hilarious!! She always has funny stories and her lectures are NEVER boring. i highly recommend taking her, you'll love the class and you'll be motivated to studY :)  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2008-11-19

Comments:1305 - My favorite class! She tells a lot of interesting stories about her twin girls that actually help you understand the concepts a lot better. I paid attention in class and read the chapters before the test. I didn't have to study too much.. her questions are straight forward and come directly from the book.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-11-08

Comments:1305 - This class was very interesting. If your a person that does not like to read, then do not take this class. You must keep up with the reading in order to make an A. This class was work, but is very easy to make an A. She even drops your lowest test grade. All grades in the class are over tests.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2008-10-20

Comments:1305 - She is a good professor, but extremely hard. The tests are all about lectures and readings. ALWAYS READ THE BOOK. You never know what she is going to ask. There are 4 tests and a final. The tests are 50 questions mutiple choice. You don't just have to know vocabulary, you need to know how to apply them, etc. She knows what she is talking about but just gives an overview of the chapter when really her tests are very detailed. I don't reccomend taking her, but there are worse professors. Take Riley.   - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2008-03-06

Comments:Intro Psych - This was my most difficult class of that semester. It probably took up more study-time than all my other classes combined, because there is a huge amount of reading, and a lot of small facts and information that you must remember for the tests. I learned a lot in this class, and Rowatt has some good lectures. Her class is all powerpoint slides, and the slides are all available on BlackBoard. I reccomend reading the chapters thoroughly and paying close attention to the vocabulary.  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2008-02-14

Comments:1305 - she regurgitates what's in the book and always references her twins for everything. she bored me to sleep most of the time. however, her TA was really helpful and always on top of her stuff.  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2008-01-23

Comments:1305 - This class made me dislike Tuesday and Thursday. I know that she tried to make the lectures interesting, but I always slept in class. She pretty much just reads from slides and has them all on Blackboard. She never covers all the info on her lectures, so read the book to know everything for the test. There aren't any quizzes, just 4 tests and cumulative final, and she doesn't makes the tests too tricky either. The book is huge and we covered nearly every chapter, so be prepared for 50 or more pages of reading. It would've been more interesting if we actually did things in class instead of just listening to her lecture the whole time.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2007-12-30

Comments:Psy 1305 - Dr. Rowatt is a wonderful professor that is passionate about her subject. She made psychology incredibly interesting. Be sure to take notes over the book though, she shows powerpoints, but those powerpoints do not cover all the material needed. She's a very fun lady and very kind and helpful if you take time to get to know her. Can be a little dry at times though, mainly because her voice is soothing...  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2007-12-27

Comments:PSY 3111 - Rowatt is a very nice, very strange lady. she knows her stuff, and she gives a lot of driection for the exams, which is conducive to learning. She lectures on the information to be tested and does not try to trick you on her tests. She gives a lot of direction on the project too, which is helpful. Take her.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2007-05-25

Comments:1305 - this is one of the easiest classes ever! and i learned a lot from it. the tests are pretty much no brainers if you study the text book. i mean you can't get away with just reading the chapters the night before, but if you keep up with the chapters as she lectures its pretty easy. Shes pretty nice and tries to make the class interesting but she does go off on stories about her twin daughters alot. Her lectures are ppts that are posted online and you watch a lot of video clips. no homework just 4 exams (1 will be dropped) and a final and you only need one hour of research participation and if you participate in 4 extra hours, you get 4 pts added to your final grade, which really helps.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2007-05-22

Comments:1305 - Professor Rowatt made this class really really interesting. She's a nice lady and pretty good at explaining things. I would reccommend reading the chapters before she goes over them because that will help you understand her lectures a lot better. If you aren't prepared to do to a lot reading, don't take her class. She has five tests including the final but you get to drop one. I would suggest taking the online quizzes because they're exactly like the test. Also, the SI's are really helpful. You don't have to work that hard in this class and there's also extra credit.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2007-04-02

Comments:Theories of Personality - Dr. Rowatt is awesome! Power point slides are on blackboard and tests come from those and the book. They are essay and multiple choice. The only hassel is the huge paper due at the end of the semester. But she helps you out A LOT with anything and everything you could possibly need.   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2006-12-11

Comments:2405 - i'm pretty sure that she won't be teaching research methods again for a little while, but i can at least comment about her teaching style and testing. she knows her stuff and knows it well - obviously loves her work. the tests were not fun because she pulls things from little side-notes (she openly admits to "liking those overlooked boxes"....after you bomb the first test because you didn't think to look at them), and will quite literally make you read your book cover to cover in order to pull a good grade in her class. she's very easy to get in touch with, wants to help you do your best, but pushes you to try things on your own. great prof - recommended. :)  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2006-12-08

Comments:1305 - She is a nice lady and always talks about her two twins, but for such an interesting subject she has a way of shooting it down a little bit. Her tests are divided into 4 chapters, which you must read in its entirety since she only covers half of the materials in her lectures. She offers extra credit, which is nice, but still, her tests cover too much- so even going to class isn't always helpful. She's an average professor overall.  - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2006-11-03

Comments:4V96 - If you are looking for someone to do research with, I'd recommend Dr. Rowatt. The topic is actually interesting, because you get to read people's stories of rejecting or being rejected in a romantic relationship. I personally find the topic of unrequited love in general cool, so doing research on it from other studies for the paper isn't that bad either. She grades the final paper you do on the subset of the research easily, so as long as you do your part to help with the research over the semester and write a decent paper, you should get an A.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-05-15

Comments:1305 - Dr. Rowatt is a cool professor. She is very nice and easy to talk to. To do well in this class you pretty much have to read the book cover to cover. The material is really easy, but there is a lot of it. She is also very fast when it comes to posting grades. Highly recommended.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2006-05-08

Comments:1305 - I really enjoyed this class, and Dr. Rowatt is really interesting and fun. She reads from powerpoints during class, but definitely adds to it with interesting and memorable examples and stories. She's really nice and the class is pretty easy. There's never any homework, just 4 tests which come from the notes and the reading. The psych book is HUGE but if you at least attempt to keep up, you should do fine. Fun, interesting class and great teacher.  - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2006-04-12

Comments:3310 - excellent professor. very interesting in lecture. social psych is interesting in itself so it wasnt too hard. she is very helpful and offered to proofread our papers if we turned it in a week before class.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2005-12-22

Comments:Theories - Dr. Rowatt is a great professor. I had Theories of Personality, which consisted of a group project/paper and exams. The exams weren't too bad if you took good notes in class and read through the chapters.   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2005-05-24

Comments:1305 - A lot of reading with material that isn't on the tests. Just take good lecture notes...most of them are definitions out of the book. Anything extra or something he really strives on is game for the test. Always ready and willing to help. No homework and no quizzes...Usually drops a test grade. Strongly Recommend  - Grade In Class:C

Date: 2004-05-21

Comments:Psych 1305 - You are looking at 4 tests and a final she does drop your lowest test grade. She gives acouple quizes and the extra credit it time consuming but its a decent class. I found it difficult to get an A though and I studied 10 hours for the final   - Grade In Class:B

Date: 2004-05-16

Comments:1305 - T.Row. is a great prof. Definitely recommend. No hmwk, she does give quizzes, but not very many and they are usually fairly easy. 4 test and the final, but you can do a decent amount of extra credit to help out. Lectures from slides and post slides on BB for studying, but test also cover some material from book, just keep up with reading and study the slides and the class is a breeze. Test are all multiple choice.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2004-05-05

Comments:1305 - Dr.Rowatt is a wonderful teacher. She is really interested in her work, and makes her a great teacher. She's really enthusiastic. She tries to make her lectures as funny and interesting as possible, and she suceeds. Her class is an easy A IF you read the chapters. She tells you which chapters to read for the quizzes, so they are no sweat. Also, she doesn't test over names, and that is a huge difference, cuz there are so many people in psychology. With her, all you have to do is read the chapter thoroughly once, and then review a little before the exam. You don't even need the study guide available. Also, do the extra credit she offers, it is super easy. I would take her class again anyday.   - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2004-01-15

Comments:1305 - Dr. Rowatt is enthusiastic and she gives good examples. Her lectures are good but they only cover a little more than half of what is on the exams. Read all chapters carefully ie: the case-studies and captions because the exams are detailed. If you keep up with the reading then you will do fine in her class.  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2003-12-16

Comments:1305 - Take Dr. Rowatt!! She is so nice, and will really help you out when you need it! I loved this class, she made it so interesting. The quizzes and tests weren't so bad if you keep up with the reading and study your lecture notes. I highly recommend her!!  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2003-12-11

Comments:1305 - Psy1305- She is a great lady. Her class lectures are very interesting, and she is big on participation! I actually enjoyed going to her class. The only drawback is that is a huge workload. You will get your moneys worth out of the book, because you will read it cover to cover. She gives you notice about the quizzes, but the test are VERY hard!   - Grade In Class:B+

Date: 2003-11-21

Comments:Intro to Psychology - she's tough. don't be fooled. no curve, extra credit is so minimal it barely even counts. tests are super hard  - Grade In Class:C+

Date: 2003-11-17

Comments:1305 - This class is way fun! She is hard on her tests, but as long as you go to class and do the study guide you should be fine. Her class times are actually intresting and she shows a lot of videos. She has some quizzes but she announces a day beforehand if she will give them. Take her for Psychology !  - Grade In Class:A

Date: 2003-11-13

Comments:She is a great teacher. Her lectures go right along with the book...even the examples she gives. SI's are offered, and she acts as though she enjoys teaching. Her tests are not bad and she gives does not give POP quizzes. Crazy easy extra credit is offered. Recommended

Comments:Dr. Rowatt covers alot of material through the year. It's really hard to keep up if you don't read. Her tests are really hard, and she's glad when she has more C's and B's than A's.

Comments:4 exams with a final, and only a few quizzes. She is very nice, and teaches great, though sometimes things on the exam are only found in the book. So, keep up with the reading as you go and you should be fine!


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